Here is my second puzzle for you jigsaw enthusiasts.

This time the puzzle rewards a lvl 1+ giveaway to Vessel

puzzle and giveaway have ended

I know I've promised more jigsaws as soon as I figured out how to use sgtools, but since I'm incapable to fully understand that tool and am not able to find anyone willing to explain, I'll just continue with non tool protected for now. Who knows, it might be better this way :)

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thanks for the puzzle, dreamchaser!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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solved bump!

8 years ago

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Thanks and bump! :)

8 years ago

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Bump for solved. :3

8 years ago

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Bump for solved! Thanks for the puzzle and the giveaway :)

8 years ago

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Nice jigsaw puzzle! Thanks!:)


8 years ago

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Bump for solved. Thanks for the puzzle and GA!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Now, what kind of question do you have about sgtools?

8 years ago

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It's basic stuff I don't understand - as an example the whole ratio thing is really confusing me.

-Ratio for Real Sent/Won CV
-Minimum Ratio for number of Sent/Won Giveaways
-Minimum Ratio for RAW Sent/Won (Bundle full CV)

I have no clue what I am looking at and/or what those numbers mean.

The custom filters is something I won't even look at until I have figured out the basics.

8 years ago

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Okay, in general, the ratio is always sent/won, so for instance if that fraction is bigger then 1, you sent more then you got, if it's <0.5 you sent less then half of what you won, etc.

Now, the three options you gave are three different ways of looking at what you sent or won.

  • Either you just look at the number of successful giveaways (in your case that would be 8/9~=0.89)
  • or you go by the (raw) value displayed by steamgifts (in your case that would be 106.57/97.44~=1.09)
  • or you take the "real" value, which values all games on the bundle list at only 15%, which is what steamgifts does internally for level calculation (in your case that would be 41.50/88.00~=0.47)

for the last one, there are also limits for the actual numbers, so be able to say stuff like "should have sent at least 50$ to the public" or something.

All have advantages and disadvantages... going too much by real CV might give the feeling of this just being glorified trading but feels "fairest" to most, going by numbers is easy but also easily exploitable, going by raw value also seems pretty skewed by bundled GAs but is an obvious value that people easily get.

Custom filters let you do freaky stuff... The last one I used was

(num_won<=5 || (ratio_real >= 0.2 && (real_sent_region_free/real_sent_cv) > 0.1 && (real_sent_group/real_sent_cv) < 0.9)) && pass_activated_rule && last_multiple_win <= date_modify(date('now'), '-2 years') && !VAC_economy_ban

which looks mean, but broken down it means that i don't want people that did not activate everything or accepted the same gift multiple times in the last two years or are trade banned. Of those people I only accepted those that either had won no more then 5 OR did give at least one $ for every 5$ they won (1/5=0.2) AND at least 10% or their games were region free and not just for groups.

8 years ago

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Oh wow , thank you so much for taking time to write that down so detailed and understandable. I'm starting to understand now. This will bei my guide from now on :)

8 years ago

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Bump for solved!

8 years ago

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