I'm that kind of nice
Yeah I shouldn't but reading through forums I find to many reasons to worry about...anything.
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I would avoid AMD, Intel performs better. But then again, what is the purpose of the PC? Gaming?
If you wait for good deals on Slickdeals, you can get a z97/haswell mobo-CPU combo for $200, and add 2xXGB ram sticks for roughly $50. Same for a decent PSu at $50
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I won't argue in that but I don't think you can find a decent build in this price range with an Intel. As for Slickdeals it's more likely they won't ship in my country (Greece) and if they do, it's most likely the shipping will cost more than the discounts. Seasonic is way more than decent and just found it at 45 € .
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Buying an i3 instead of this FX I don't think is a great idea, it has just 2 cores, even if single core is more powerful than the AMD one, still FX 6300 is best for the price, unless you have money for i5, but that's not so cheap(more than half of your budget). Also Intel motherboards tend to cost more and offer less for the price.
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She will buy on more 4GB stick later to make it 8GB.
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The RAM would be fine. Also you need to sacrifice CAS latency for higher RAM speeds.
Are you planning to overclock or sli in future?
If not you could save up a little more on motherboard and later add it to the GPU.
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No OC or SLI-Crossfire things. Yeah I'm about to change the mobo.
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Yes any 97 series will be better for cutting down he cost. Also if you don't mind consider a Asus motherboard.
Use the saved money on more RAM and a better GPU.
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A 990FX chipset mobo is probably going to be completely unnecessary for her. Look for a less expensive 970 chipset board if you're looking to cut some cost and/or spend the difference on another part that she'd get some use of out (more RAM, more storage or upgrade from HDD to SSD if prices allow, add/replace case fans to keep things cool, or just spend the difference on some game she wants).
Edit 1 - since you initially spec'd an ASRock board, here's an alternative of that same brand that will likely suit her usage just as well, but without all the extras that you're paying for on the 990FX chipset board: http://www.amazon.it/dp/B00C9OPYWE/?tag=pcp06-21
Edit 2 - similar 970 chipset mobo from MSI: http://www.amazon.it/dp/B00AQ9CF8K/?tag=pcp06-21
Either of the options linked would free up enough cash in the build to get the 2nd 4GB stick of RAM which would help more than just being more RAM as it would be running in dual channel mode then
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That was my first intentions on the mobo but then she saw the 990 with all that spec lines under it and she was like oh I want this! And since we stayed on budget I didn't argued much. Now your post made me rethink it and I found the ASROCK 970 PRO3 R2.0 at 66 € which is 33 € less and pretty decent. I think I ll manage to make her buy this one and then buy the second ram stick sooner.
EDIT: lol man. I just posted my response, the page refreshed and now I'm saying what you are saying!
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A 2nd 4GB stick of RAM will provide more benefit than an aftermarket HSF, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to pick up later on certainly.
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:D yep
What features of the 990FX chipset does she think she's actually going to use that aren't present in the 970 chipset?
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I hope it's a rhetorical question, because I don't think I have an answer. :P
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maybe I missed sth, but I can't see mention of case, cpu fan or HDD. I guess they'll be 'leftovers' from your old builds for the time being...
that said, I'm not that up-to-date with components, but I wonder: does she really need a 520W PSU?
my setup (i7 3.4GHz, 16GB ram, 2TB HDD, GT 640, DVD, lights and leds) is fed by a 280W PSU and is just fine, so I guess you could do with a less powerful (cheaper) unit too?
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Any parts that are missing are left out because she already has a shitty pc to take those parts.
280W? Seriously? Only the CPU, GPU and some devices on the USB ports would require about ~300W. I really think you should reconsider the PSU you have. It most likely your system is suffocating in this PSU. Put your parts here to see the outcome you get.
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it's a branded (lenovo) pc, came with that PSU. in over 1 year of moderate to intense use it had no problem whatsoever.
the website you pointed me to was very helpful, I had actually looked for something like that in the past as I was a bit skeptical myself at the beginning. I checked and I get a recommended PSU wattage of 239 :)
sounds like I actually have some room for upgrade and fit an SSD too ;)
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The GT640 and Core i7 take less power than a 8800 GT and FX-6300, but even those two only consume 200W together, so you could probably make do with a good 350W PSU easily. Unless you plan to upgrade to more power consuming hardware in the future, that should be enough. Although in your case I think that 520W is perfectly good. Always good to have some breathing room.
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I'm just building it, not paying it. Now make me a sandwich.
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The budget is very strict (300 €) so any part suggestions should be on equal price or lower.
CPU : AMD FX-6300 - 107 €
Motherboard : Current choice: ASROCK 970 PRO3 R2.0 66 € | ( Previous choice: ASROCK 990FX EXTREME3 - 99 €)
RAM : Current Choice: G.SKILL F3-12800CL8D(2X2GB) DDR3 PC3-12800 RIPJAWS 45 € |(Previous Choice: 1x4GB KINGSTONDDR3 1866MHZ HYPERX FURY BLACK SERIES - 40 €) (Will be expanded to 2x4GB later)
PSU : SEASONIC S12II-520 BRONZE 520W - 45 €
Previous Total : 291 €
Current Total: 265 €.
PCPartpicker link for the parts Just the parts, not where I buy them.
GPU will be bought later on, for now she stays with my old 8800GT.
My biggest concern is the CPU compatibility with the 1866 RAM. Even though it supposed to be ok, I ve read on some forums that some people had issues and the RAM went underclocked at 1600 and they recommend to better get a 1600 RAM with lower Cas Latency. Others say that their set up works fine.
Any feedback,suggestion,question is welcomed. Thank you.
EDIT: Updated PSU price from 62 to 45.
EDIT 2: Updated MOBO and RAM after reading your comment and rechecking the previous choices. I think current setup is final.
EDIT 3: The parts are ordered. Thanks everyone for you time and help.
If any of the people who already commented (8-1-2015 13:28) see a Steam Friend request from me in the near future it most likely will be a shitty private giveaway to even your efforts.
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