I wanted to create this useless topic, because it's midnight and i just wasted 72 minutes struggling with stupid uplay. I wanted to play a game again, which I of course legally bought, so I reinstalled it. I tried to launch it (allready connected to uplay) but surprisingly it doesn't work. Keep it cool, re-launch in admin mode. Got to reconnect, enter the serial key. "This key is already in use". Okay. Let me retype this. "your account has been temporarily banned, please contact Ubisoft for..." Wait what ? I got banned activating MY legit serial key on MY account ?
Contact support : "dear Ubisoft, please remind me of pirating your game next time, so I might actually play it."
TDLR : Uplay sucks.

12 years ago*

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Gotto love DRM that punishes the people who actually purchase games :')

12 years ago

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plasmasword, are you an idiot ? Because from what you can read here it seems so. So this is the only question - Why would you activate your game twice in uplay ?

12 years ago

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Somebody hasn't used Uplay...

That service is terrible. He tried reactivating his key because Uplay didn't detect the game that had already been activated on his account.
Read the post next time.

12 years ago

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Yeah, where post says "I wanted to play a game again, which I of course legally bought, so I reinstalled it." and activated it for the second time. Now if you actually used Uplay and know how it works, then you must be an idiot to somehow try activating the same key again on your account.

12 years ago

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This is the exact same thing I was thinking, which makes me doubt it's even so legit in the first place.

12 years ago

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Well, the only way you can activate a game on Uplay is when they prompt you too, so obviously they asked him to unlock the game even though he had in the past.
If you knew how it worked, you'd know that you can only activate a product when it asks you to do so.

12 years ago

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This. It's not like Origin or Steam when it comes to activating games.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Erm, actually it is with the newer versions of Uplay. It lists the games you own, so you can download them directly.

If you own the game in uplay, but it's not showing there, it might be a uplay game that uses steam for example. Or maybe associated it with another uplay account at the time. Plenty of options, but if he used the key directly in uplay with the same account, it should have already been in uplay available for download.

12 years ago

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Oh really? It's been several months since I activated a U-play key so it must have changed, whoops :S

Such a strange DRM though. There are compatible Steam versions, yet there are no Steam keys available.

12 years ago

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I used Uplay a week ago.
They link you to a downloader. You download the game either from Uplay or the downloader, then when you choose to run the game, that is when you must unlock it.
There is still no option to activate a product the same way as Origin or Steam, believe me, I searched everywhere.

It is one of the reasons I find Uplay disorganised. I have no problem with using Steam or Origin, but I cannot stand Uplay.

12 years ago

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At least Uplay is compatible with Steam, rather than Origin and EA's stubbornness to accept defeat.

12 years ago

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True, but it would be much nicer to have Origin be compatible with Steam. Unless Uplay sorts itself out.

12 years ago

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Aren't Origin and Uplay joining forces? At least Steam will be kept clean I guess!

12 years ago

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Yeah, they are, and hopefully it will, lol.

12 years ago

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uplay.exe -upc_uplay_id XX - now search harder.

12 years ago

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I found that, but that isn't what I was on about. There is still no CD key redemption system where you just click the option and enter the key.

12 years ago

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Once you download them, that is when it prompts you to unlock the game with your key.
There is still no option on Uplay to activate a key. You download the product, it binds itself with Uplay, then you enter the key. So no, it does not work like Steam or Origin.

12 years ago

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The most ironic thing is that I bought it retail on amazon. So I actually have the cd, but can't play the game because of a stupid drm. And yes, it asked me to activate it again, even if it's already binded to my account. The game is in my game list, but I can't access it without entering my serial (which is activated on this same account..).

12 years ago

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Of course they suck, troll companies gonna troll.

12 years ago

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I also doesn't like uplay. I must wait more time to game load...Loading uplay...update...logging...launch.

12 years ago

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Yeah, I know that feeling, My brother and me stopped playing splinter cell: conviction after the problems we had (deleted savegames, uplay crashes and being unable to join the match).

12 years ago

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Haha that's the game in question, I never even managed to play it online. Let's hope I'll be able to play solo again at least.

12 years ago

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I have been trying for the past 3 days to play MP on Conviction. Complete waste of money.
I was also uninformed about needing Uplay. I knew I needed a Ubisoft account, but you'd think they'd tell you that you need to install a third party DRM. Should be illegal.

12 years ago

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Yeah, I've never even used Uplay but, even before Uplay, Ubisoft has had a record of being very shitty. If I can help it, I never even play their games anymore, there's just usually too much added bullshit with DRM and stuff.

So, yes, I agree, Ubisoft sucks, and I hate them too.

12 years ago

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Still can't launch Anno 2070 because of this crap

12 years ago

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trolling so obviously, ANNO2070 DRM is been put out for years.

12 years ago

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I have steam version and it needs uplay launcher to play it, hm, to not be able to play it maybe

12 years ago

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I was lucky when activated my Assassins Creed 3 on Uplay without problems, seems there were A LOT of problems some time before I did it :D, but yes Uplay sucks.

12 years ago

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I hate to be rude, but it serves you right for owning a uplay game. Sane gamers have been sounding warnings about DRM for years.

12 years ago

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Do you think your 442 Steam games are DRM free?

12 years ago

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People fail to understand that Steam is a form of DRM hidden in extras to make it more appealing. Please, uninstall Steam and run your games.

12 years ago

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Of course Steam has DRM. I choose to live with it because Steam provides useful features and its DRM has only ever prevented me from playing once, and is generally the DRM with the fewest reported problems. It also has offline mode, as buggy as it is. And there's always the hope that Valve will one day become sensible and drop the DRM part of Steam.

You are, however, right in pointing out that I didn't mention Steam is the only barely tolerable (though still deserving protest) form of DRM. Compare Ubisoft's track record of hurting their customers purely out of spite.

12 years ago

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Well, unless Steam goes under, steam will never remove its DRM aspect of the client. However, it is certainly none intrusive and polished compared to other DRM clients Ive used.

12 years ago

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Out of spite? Any links to such stories? :0

12 years ago

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Although this does not prove his statement, they do believe 95% of PC gamers are pirates.
More sources:

12 years ago

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Well, GOG is much better than Steam...

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I wouldn't say much better but yeah, DRM free and they handle bundles better

12 years ago

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each time I lauch farcry 3 it strucks me how much this uplay shit is bad :o

12 years ago

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I hate the uplay drm, but I like ubisoft's games

12 years ago

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^this sums it up nicely

12 years ago

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Pretty sure that applies to all levels of DRM, even steam.

12 years ago

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Nothing about Uplay makes sense, anyway. They make you download the game outside of the system, even though it is supposed to be a game manager. Somehow the system can patch your game, though. Oh yeah, but of course if you want to add some of the DLC you have to do it outside of the system again, at least for some of the stuff.

Then they market games that don't even work within Uplay. Ghost Recon Online is all over the place in Uplay, yet doesn't actually use Uplay. I downloaded it around Christmas and it ended up not being able to use it in Uplay, at all. Then, they had an ad linking to some Christmas stuff they were doing, so I clicked on it and it brought me to the British version of it, even though I live in NY and have no connections to GB, at all. I wrote them three separate tickets asking why nothing is working for me, until one of them pointed out that I was trying to use the British site. The client still links me there and there is no way for me to change it.

The worst thing. They don't run their own store, Digital River does. They can't do anything for you, at all. They say we have no power and Digital River isn't going to help you. I have asked all sorts of normal store related questions and every time they are like sorry, we don't run the store, but we provide tech support for it. Ok... So you help people with a store that you have no control over whatsoever. This reminds me of the BBB for some reason. Completely powerless, but still exist for no apparent reason.

So yeah, add me to the I wish Uplay would go away club because it is absolutely horrible. The only halfway decent feature it has is that you can earn extra stuff for playing games through it. That is kind of cool, though most of the stuff should have been in the game in the first place.

12 years ago

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Uplay ddoes suck alot. Make playing LOOD of awful @_@

12 years ago

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Is it me or ppl are "insert_random_word_for_opposite_of_smart" ? They will bash uplay for a whole week here and then go buy next Ubisoft game when its released?

These ppl are the crying guy from EA in a Nutshel - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-LE0ycgkBQ

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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me too i'm avoiding all their games from uplay they really brought me only pain...

12 years ago

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uplay is like a twitter client with a shitload of advertisements and sometimes you can start a game with it.

12 years ago

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And where did you purchase this so-called 'legal' key from???
ps: That's a O not a 0 in your key generator you blind wombat!

12 years ago

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Why do you assume that his key is not legit?
I have had troubles with Uplay and its key redemption in the past, and I have never pirated a game or used a key gen.

12 years ago

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It says the key is already in use... means one of two things, it's been used illegally by someone else - in which case go inform the company you purchased from (not us) to get it blacklisted and a new one, or it's not a legal key (complain to others, not the company). Fair enough to be temporary banned for trying to reuse used keys again and again without reading.

12 years ago

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I recently bought a key from a legit site, I tried it 3 times (changing the O to 0, etc), and ended up being temp banned. Turned out they blacklisted my card and revoked the key. Then Ubisoft told me they weren't on their list.
Also, this guy is saying he already activated the game, but was prompted to do it again.
Maybe there was an error with Uplay, or maybe he is illegally trying to attain the game, either way, you (and everyone else) have no right to call him out. Innocent until proven guilty.

12 years ago

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Think of it as Uplays equivalent to Steam's lockout. Have you ever tried tossing in a key, that you already tied to your account on steam, you will get "this key has already been used...". Same thing. Not everyone is a filthy pirate, you would have understood op wasn't if you, ironically, read the post.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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... I don't see what people's problems are with uPlay, I've not had a problem with uPlay. I'll grant you that it isn't very well built, but I've used worse (looking at you GFWL... )

I also don't see the problem with Origin, but then again, I only ever used it for about 1 hour when BF 1942 was free. Wasn't a fan of bf 1942, uninstalled it and Origin.

As for your problem, looks like you are going to need to send of a few sharp, but polite e-mails.

12 years ago

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meh Uplay is fine

12 years ago

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Uplay is okay for me. I don't like that to start AC3/AC2/FC3, I have to open another program, but it gives some benefits I guess. Like some of those "rewards" they give, with Uplay points you get from playing the game itself. Recently, for some reason, all the "rewards" for AC3 turned to 0 points ea for me. I clicked Redeem on all of them...lolz Running around in Ezio's costume in America...


12 years ago

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Make a shortcut to the game exe and add this to target: -uplay steam mode

I don't know how to properly format with these weird shits. Use underscore between the above words (_)

12 years ago

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code formatting -> ``

12 years ago

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Reminds me of Far Cry 3 took me 2 days and 3 complete downloads of the game to get it running through Steam.

Fuck Uplay indeed, even with GFWL I 'only' had to waste 3 hours before I got Bioshock 2 running :p

12 years ago

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If you own the game with a steam installer, it will only work via Steam and not directly in uplay. This is kind of sucky, but I guess it works.

12 years ago

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Uplay is a spectacularly clunky piece of corpulent bloatware, and universally awful.

I just loaded it up to remind myself which games I owned on there, and idly checked out the "shop" page. What an unmitigated pile of mouldering dog-eggs. Check out the screenshot. The entire Store page is plastered with inviting "ADD TO CART" buttons, but nowhere on the entire sorry Space-shuttle-crash of a screen is there one single fornicating price.

Yes, I have learnt to hate Uplay with a smouldering passion. Its only good feature is that it doesn't contemptuously treat my private files like public library books, with an EULA asserting its right to circulate them amongst as many of its "third party" mates as it sees fit, unlike certain other distribution platforms I could name...

12 years ago

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I hate Valve. They want all my money.

12 years ago

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I don't have any games that require Uplay (only the first two AssCreeds come to mind, and both of them are non-Steam), and if I have, then I haven't started them once since Uplay launched, so there was no need for me to download and install the client. Reading the horror stories in this thread, I hope it stays that way.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by plasmasword.