crap, valve marketing director writes a letter to sg...
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My guess is that Steamgifts would become kinda empty witch few giveaways and thousands of entrants:)
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Your opinion is not even worth a penny if you don't provide reason.
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I'm new but I have noticed a lot of the games being bought are sold as keys by a 3rd party (not steam). If you take those keys and activate them yourself the game goes to your library and can't be gifted...another example is someone buying a bundle where they already own a game or two in it, then giving away those extra keys...what would they do if keys were banned? Just let them be a waste?
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+P-51 Mustang
@discussion; too long, didn't read.
Answer is no, obviously. Why do you think that all keys should be banned while only few could be considered as exploited? You say, let's ban all the games that could be bought at discounts at services like GMG?
What solution do I see in this situation: let's create a separate list of games that could have been received from exploitable source and let users give only one copy per user away. I mean, completely disable them from creating second giveaway with the same, 'possibly exploited' game. It would be a bit unjust for people giving away Steam gifts but at least it is some basic solution.
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How about we ban stupid useless threads first, then work on other issues.
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If u don't like keys that's easy : Don't buzz an don't enter . lool , +1 for no
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seriously. this is an incredibly stupid idea. Penguins with rocket-skates sound so much better.
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Not banning people, only the usage of keys. And yes, I thought about it quite well.
We cannot verify the source of a key or if a stolen credit card was used etc. There is no way. With the contributor status it has become too much of a risk, because people will do anything for that stupid contributor thing.
A key purchased with a stolen CC from GamersGate can be as illegit as one from badkeystore.fuck etc.
We need a clean steamgifts, where nobody has to fear to get banned because of a gift.
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Inventory gifts are just as dangerous as any; someone could chargeback and poof, they're gone.
This guy is thinking in a straight line without considering all the bumps in his arguments.
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They are still gone, but you are safe because Steam can see that it was a gift to you.
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Worse things that can happen is they revoke the key/game from your library just like steam gifts.
Your logic is flawed.
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Actually, I've read more than a few occasions where someone had their account locked because of a gift they recieved. lokonopa perma-banned a user just before loko left SG for causing that to happen.
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Dude you're getting games for free in the first place,so why are you bitching about the possibility of getting a rare bad key?
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A real life example. I can't verify you are actually the one that created your Steam account, therefore we should have you banned from Steam for buying a fraudulent account and then thrown in jail for violating laws regarding unlawful computer access.
Or, you know we can assume that unless we have a reason to doubt the legitimacy of something we can accept it, sort of like the whole reason the US legal code was invented.
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The problem is that people won't obey the rules as they currently do. It just will not be effective.
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The problem is, that they are not enforced enough.
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"but that would put a lot of work onto your support team, which are only volunteers"
Could you give up?
You've started contradicting yourself :D
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There is a difference between "enforcing rules" and "checking each key giveaway for proof of purchase".
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Yes, enforcing rules takes way more effort because you'd have to contact the person to get their story first as most cases are too vague to ensure a proper judgement.
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I'd just rotate the banhammer.. The world is ending anyway..:D
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So people that are already trying to manipulate the system won't, for example, continue to manipulate the new system by pretending that a giveaway isn't a key?
These people already exploit the system. If they lie and act like they're giving away a tradeable copy, then offer the winner a key, probably 90% of those winners would take the key and never complain. Because then they get a free game.
And even if this winner [i]did[/i] report the lie, as you say... things are not enforced enough as it is. This won't reduce the workload.
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I don't know I think that the best way to keep children from going hungry would be to feed other children to them. After all there is a steady replenishing of the pool.
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You've officially won this debate - with style, nonetheless.
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Mitt Romney, Queen of the Ocean, signs this petition.
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That is true, but steam support can verify that you got the game as a gift and also see that maybe the offender comes from a different country, rendering you innocent. In that case they just remove the gift.
But if you activate a fraudulent key on your account, things might go different.
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Nope. If the key is fraudulent, steam will just remove it and nothing more.
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There have been cases where people got suspended on the official forums, that bought bad keys from keystores.
In case of Dirt 3, it was simply too widespread since a lot of keys got stolen and many didn't even know that and bought them. Thats why I say, you cannot verify the source of it. And I say it is a big problem for sg.
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Lol. No, its not a big problem for SG. Show me one single SG user that was suspended for activating a key he won. Show me 1! You cannot say its a big problem without facts or evidence.
Those people got suspended because THEY USED VPN TO ACTIVATE THE KEYS
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Why are you concerned so much about someone stealing a cc and using it to give you a game? The worst that will happen is that steam will remove the game from your account. And besides, I really doubt that someone is going to steal a cc number and use it to give away games on steamgifts.
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I would not mind getting rid of contributor status :). I really don't care about the value itself.
But then everyone hides in groups again, because of the bad bad leechers.
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Back when it was first introduced I argued that the epeen score would become more important than the giving away of games. First it was the controversy over "bundled" games, with people complaining that their epeen was less impressive because people were giving away "too many games too cheaply" (as if taking advantage of 90% discounts on Steam were somehow morally superior). Now it's keys incentivizing people to exploit the system, so we should ban that too - nevermind that plenty of sites, like Amazon, GMG, GOG, and most indie bundles, can be legitimate providers of Steam keys?
I'm beginning to think we should just ban giveaways entirely. That'll end all sorts of fake, exploited, and scam giveaways!
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You know that in a steam gift you cannot tell if a stolen credit card was used?duh.
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I made a suggestion like 6 months ago to verify gifts through the inventory via steam-xml, but that was flamed down as well. We need either one. If a gift is validated through the inventory, display a small icon on the giveaway, like a green hook. But nobody wants that either.
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It's not solution to solved for your wish, If owner not send to winner? If gift revoke? If owner trade and giveaway still going?
And for many key will not use and lost forever.
In my opinion Steamgift growing like this because people trust each other.
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If I win a contest and get a key... I really couldn't care less if it was stolen as long as the game is never taken away from me. If that was a serious problem, I would consider OP's idea. Seeing as how it is not, I don't think it's rational to ban all keys.
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If you disallow keys, SteamGifts will end...
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Not really. There are still sales where you can pile up on cheap games if you wanna give them away. I give away that I have extra, as it was originally intended for this site when it was still a closed community.
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Why not close your steamgifts account and stick to playblink.. thats pretty much the system ur asking for. For a lot of ppl the cheapest way to get games is getting the key form from other sellers. And jst as much risk as people doing charge backs on steamgifts any way, and then steam doesnt even tell you that a game has been removed or why.
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I just came out of a support back-and-forth trying to figure out if I have been chargebacked upon, and they kept replying either with a reference to a history overview, which I mentioned I checked, or by saying my account has not been hijacked, which I was aware of.
But a few times I've had wonderful support responses. It's like they got monkeys working there, with a couple of geniuses keeping them at it while picking up some of the slack.
(lol unrelated but idc)
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Person, if you are complaining about something so minimal, please just do us a favour and quite this site while you are young and untouched.
Furthermore, I see that you gave away shadowgrounds....was that not a key?
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I am providing constructive feedback. If you don't like that, you are free to leave the discussion. I don't need your stamp of approval.
And no, it was not a key. None of my games was, except the DLC for SkyDrift.
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You're not very constructive about it at all.
You mention there being certain cons, without doing the research that renders them to be almost nonexistant (fraudulent keys only cause bans in the rarest of cases) and you don't consider that any means of acquiring a game from someone else is risky anywho, on top of the fact that you don't mention the benefits of the opposite case and why they're not worth it.
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I think you're overstating the threat of stolen credit cards with regard to contributor status. I won't claim to completely understand the criminal mindset, but somehow I doubt the train of thought goes: "What should I do with the money I just stole? I know, I'll give away games on Steamgifts! And then maybe, just maybe, some day I'll win a contributor giveaway that I couldn't have entered otherwise." There are far more efficient ways to rob people.
Which is not to say that people don't exploit keys, but that the exploited keys tend to be free ones for specific games, which makes it a lot easier for the staff to handle the problem (i.e. zeroing out the contrib value of an exploited game and/or adding it to the exploited key list and removing all the giveaways) and doesn't require such a drastic solution with so many unpleasant side effects.
The other problem is that banning keys is virtually unenforceable. Unless you go with some sort of hard-coded inventory check, which opens up more problems with regard to user privacy and administrative work coding it, how are you going to prevent it from happening? You think the average giveaway winner is going to say "well, thanks for the game, but since this is a key I'm afraid I'm going to have to report your Steamgifts account."? Somehow, I suspect they'd happily look the other way and enjoy their new game.
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There have been cases of keygened keys given away here on this site for "A valley without Wind" and other games.
And that is quite a problem, because it makes the community as a whole look bad too. Not to mention the risk of the person that activates those keys. Even if it is a small risk, it is still one.
The least thing we need, is a verficiation if it is in the inventory of the contributor or not. That way you know if it is a key or not. And a filter for all giveaways that are not verified.
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I'm not saying there haven't been exploited keys on Steamgifts. I'm saying that the exploited keys tend to all come from one or two games at a time due to a specific exploit (Dirt 3, Dead Island, AVWW, Dark Messiah, etc) and can be handled by adding it to the exploited key list and banning giveaways of those specific games, rather than a blanket banning of all key giveaways.
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Problems exist but they are addressed as they come up. Most keys are not stolen. There are legitimate reasons for allowing keys as well.
The use of stolen cc also seems extremely unlikely. This would be much more likely to be TRADEABLE steam items not cd-keys. Thus it would make much more sense to disallow tradable items if cc fraud is a concern.
Also given that even game revokations no longer result in steam suspensions of the account, the impact of even a theoretical cd-key exploit would be to have the game revoked and that's it. An inconvenience but not catastrophic.
I think it's simply a better policy to deal with the exploited keys as they appear. Not to throw out the baby with the bath water and disallow all keys. The issues exist as you indicate, but not to the point of being unmanagable.
Yes stuff like MW3 and Valley of the wind were exploited. So were Eets and AI War and Dead Island and others. The site hasn't collapsed because of it. User impact was pretty minimal even if the games got revoked.
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Everytime I do a key giveaway, I send the key along with a screenshot of the order or IGN page. That way, if the winner has any trouble, they have everything they need to verify that the gift is theirs.
However, I think this wouldn't work as a rule because of the amount of people that simply dont read FAQs and complaining babies. Instead I do think there should be a disclaimer in the giveaways where either the gifter says that its a key or a SG message with a link to the list of games with exploited keys.
TL;DR - Take key giveaways with a grain of salt.
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Gifts have a much more risk than keys....Valve will a exploited/stolen key remove from your account...and that was it, when you traded a game which was stolen/scammed or bought with an faked/stolen credit card...THEN you can get serious problems...first thing would be a trade ban...
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Steam will not ban you because you activated a bad key.
So your whole point is a non-existant issue. They only ban if you use freaking VPN to activate the keys.
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Was to many keys especially now a days with many bundles free keys etc, its just so hard to monitor.
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Just how many giveaways were for stolen keys in the past week? Month? Year? Never heard of such an incident.
Sounds to me like you just want steam only gifts like playblink. The current system in place seem to be working fine. Stop trying to out fox faux news, IE fear mongering and flame baiting. You make it sound like there is this huge underground community that gathers every full moon, buys game keys via stolen credit cards and then gifts them on steamgifts just to get a few extra internet dollar points. Maybe this happens, but forgive me if I dont trust you on your word alone...
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copy for you from my support section
Please disallow keys at all, except for developer giveaways. Only valid Steamgifts should be allowed in the future.
My reasons:
In the past there has been to much drama surrounding exploited giveaways. Also, with the appearance of keygenerators that are able to generate valid Steamkeys (A Valley without Wind), this is just too much of a risk to take in the future.
You could make it proof of purchase only, but that would put a lot of work onto your support team, which are only volunteers. All this combined, leads only to one solution: disallow keys, no matter the source.
Yes, it will hurt legit users, it always does. But it is the only way of keeping clean in the future.
We cannot verify the source of a key or if a stolen credit card was used etc. There is no way. With the contributor status it has become too much of a risk, because people will do anything for that stupid contributor thing.
A key purchased with a stolen CC from GamersGate can be as illegit as one from badkeystore.fuck etc.
Update 2:
Regarding buying steam gifts with stolen credit cards:
That is true, but steam support can verify that you got the game as a gift and also see that maybe the offender comes from a different country, rendering you innocent. In that case they just remove the gift.
But if you activate a fraudulent key on your account, things might go different.
I made a suggestion like 6 months ago to verify gifts through the inventory via steam-xml, but that was flamed down as well. We need either one. If a gift is validated through the inventory, display a small icon on the giveaway, like a green hook. But nobody wants that either.
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