Is there a script for gathering Groupees unused Steam codes from the new profile pages?

I have a ton of keys in there, and it's a massive pain to click each game, click reveal, copy name to spreadsheet, copy code to spreadsheet, click mark as used, repeat ad infinitum

8 years ago

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I could make a script, but sadly I don't have any games there. So, I don't have access to a page similar to yours required to make this script.

8 years ago

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is there a way to gift you a bundle so you can get a page of keys? or is one bundle not enough to sufficently use ?

8 years ago

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I'm happy to gift a bundle too so we can make this happen

8 years ago

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Yes it would help with support for the reveal button.
For now, I made this:
It will export all unused keys and mark them as used.
Just make sure everything you want is loaded on (scroll down) and it should work fine.

8 years ago

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Yes it would help with support for the reveal button.
For now, I made this:
It will export all unused keys and mark them as used.
Just make sure everything you want is loaded on (scroll down) and it should work fine.

8 years ago

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Wow you work fast :) Already this is speeding up the process hugely :) Only problem I have found so far (and it is just a small one) is if a game is listed with acompanying DLC such as REALMS OF ARKANIA: BLADE OF DESTINY + FOR THE GODS DLC in Buid a Bundle 28, the names and codes are harvested and exported fine but the 'used' button does not get clicked for either. Minor issue, though, nothing major.

Let me know how I can gift you a couple of bundles and I will do it :)

8 years ago

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Can you email them?

8 years ago

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Have just sent four bundles:
Casual Bundle 10
The Mac Bundle
Build a Bundle 28
Build a KISS Mega Bundle 3

One thing, the 'old' profile page of doesn't seem to contain all unused Steam keys, as a more complete list appears on the 'new' profile page - if you could get it to work with that and have the 'reveal' thing done automatically it would be the perfect script :)

Thanks very much for building this script! If you need any more bundles let me know :)

8 years ago

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It seems I had an account with some game on it, which should be sufficient for the most part. I just don't know how the reveal thing works. BTW, can I also use this page? That is probably easier. Does it have pages though?

8 years ago

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yes sorta, endless scrolling really instead. i'm sure that will make things pretty difficult.

8 years ago

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For now, I made this:
It will export all unused keys and mark them as used.
Just make sure everything you want is loaded on (scroll down) and it should work fine.

8 years ago

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oo thanks! you are a gem.

unfortunately i dont have games to test it out on, as ive already went thru the painstaking process once before, and since then i havnt been buying bundles so my page is blank to begin with

but i know it will be greatly appreciated by those who still bundle buy and have to go through that

so still my offer stands incase you need bundles to test things out on later on down the road . . .

good night! and bump before i sleep

8 years ago

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yeah, the more stuff I have on groupees, the more stuff I can support. If you can email bundles:

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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⏷ sounds like one you may want to take on. xD

7 years ago

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is there way to write a script to get all the IG keys from a bundle page fast ?
maybe even to a small csv file with game name, price, steam key, and number of bundled times? like the rachart... just with the key.

i'm sure more people would use it. and yes, i'm lazy :)

7 years ago

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Why import your codes into a spreadsheet in the first place? Why not just go to the site when you need the code? As you said, seems like double work.

7 years ago

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I once owned ~10,000 keys, all bought from many retailers and bundle sites - all using different systems. I found it easier to make sure everything was in a spreadsheet so I know exactly what I have. Plus, when I do giveaways here it is easier to copy 200 keys from a spreadsheet than it is from four different sites.

7 years ago

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Here is some code that is more flexible than my userscript:

$(".profile-item").each(function() { $.ajax({ url: '' + $(this).data("id") + '?user_id=' + $(".fayepub").data("user"), converters: { 'text script': function (text) { return text; } }, success: function (js_code) { var html = eval(js_code.match(/var html \= \$\(.+\)\;/g)[0].slice(13, -2)); $(".product", "<div>" + html + "</div>").each(function() { var name = $(this).find("h3").text(); var key = $(this).find(".code").val(); var used = $(this).find(".usage").prop("checked"); if (key) formatHoweverTheFuckYouWant(name, key, used); }); } }); });

function formatHoweverTheFuckYouWant(name, key, used) {
    console.log(name, key, used);

Edit the formatHoweverTheFuckYouWant function with string name, string key and boolean used as parameters for your preferred format and run the function at groupees.

7 years ago*

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Thank you!

7 years ago

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