Did anyone here buy the Humble Pathfinder Bundle, but not use the codes? A friend of mine wants to have access to Pathfinder Society, but it requires you have the PDFs with your name/code watermarked.

I have been able to play with him, since you are allowed to bring one friend with you while part of Pathfinder Society, but he recently moved to a different city, and as such has lost access to his characters and campaigns. If anyone here has them AND HASN'T REDEEMED THE CODES, he'd be happy to buy them from you.

Thanks! And here's your GA.

8 years ago*

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I have not, but wanted to let you know you need another '/' in your bump link

8 years ago

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Thanks! Fixed :)

8 years ago

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bump :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thank you, marpenorj.

No, it seems that I missed that one too.

8 years ago

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Tis a sad day

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Also, I have found a website that is a great "Complete Offers" redeem points for gift card sites. I personally have redeemed over $85.00 in Steam Wallet Keys thus far and am building my Steam Wallet up for the upcoming Steam Summer Sale. Click my referral link below and sign up through this link

The "referral" program gets you 20% of my point earnings and I get 25% of your point earning - yes, it is sort of like a pyramid type of referral program, but I have referred four of my friends that complete offers daily and it usually nets me 200+ points per day [depending on how many offers they complete]. Once you signed up with my "Referral" link make sure you post your "Referral" link on Facebook, Forums, Youtube Videos, Twitter, etc. I usually aim for 500 points a day [Which equals a $5.00 Steam Wallet Gift Card] - which would net you 125 Points per day from my alone. The more people you refer - the more points you get. Just check it out people. I just want to spread the word about this website because it's amazing way to get free Steam Wallet Gift Cards [They also offer G2A, Amazon, Paypal, Direct Bank Deposit, Major Retailer, and several other Gift Cards along with physical gifts at all sorts of different dollar amounts.

8 years ago

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Bye waves

8 years ago

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I wonder if these people decide not to read the rules, read the rules but ignore them, believe there are no content rules, or if they just don't care

8 years ago

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I'm sorry, I redeemed my bundle. But could your friend get by with just a few of the books? The e-books don't cost too much.

8 years ago

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He has, but you are only allowed to bring in the books that you currently own, and in order to use the characters/playstyle he's grown accustomed to, it'd require spending a good bit.

8 years ago

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Ah, unfortunate. I've only played private games. I wasn't aware of all the rules for official play.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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