What's your title?
Would you mind explaining what you get out of collecting steam titles nowadays?
No sarcasm or whatever intended, i'm honestly curious why people still collect games on steam.
2 years ago or so I could understand that people enjoyed expanding their library when steam still stood for quality more or less but after seeing the amount of games for sale go up from 2000 to roughly 7000 in a short timeframe steam feels more like a dumping ground and I fail to understand what still entices people to collect games.
I mean, bundle games might be cheap but even 1000 trash bundle games start adding up if you're buying BTA bundles to obtain them and I'd much rather have 5 brand spanking new AAA games like fallout 4 then a thousand bundle games i'd never touch even if the devs paid me to play it.
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I don't think Steam ever 'stood for quality'. Bad Rats has been on there since 2009, and I'm sure there's other poorly received games - albeit less infamous - from years before that. There are definitely many more games on Steam now, and it's fair to say there's a lot of bad ones amongst them - including a few which are outright scams - but there's also some truly great games that have been in bundles, and many which - while just 'bundle trash' to some - are games which others respect for various reasons, and are far from being without merit.
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Maybe "stood for quality" was a bad choice of words, what I was aiming at that it was rather hard to get games on steam or at least it was for devs with no notable previous releases and even in some cases devs that had a really popular games still weren't able to get their game on steam.
For example looking back at 3 years ago when I started using steam most midweek sales only had a handful of games on discount most of them being games that you'd recognize by name even if it was a genre you're not interested in, but atm there's hundreds if not thousands of games on sale each week and maybe it's just me but every time I bother to have a look at the list of midweek sales there's maybe 5-10 titles I recognize and have a decent rating while the rest is just plain garbage if you go by their reviews.
You also mention bad rats, which is a great example of what i'm trying to say.
Bad rats was "the worst game on steam" at some point resulting in people giving it away as a joke gift on SG, but steams catalog has gotten so bad at this point that the whole "worst game on steam joke" just kinda became obsolete, you can easily find a dozen unfinished games that make bad rats look like a GOTY in comparison imo.
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It's true that there's a lot of games that hardly anyone recognizes now, and some of them are plain garbage, but many only appeal to a certain subset of the huge Steam audience, and others are just unfortunately ignored. Amongst those games, there's probably a few you'd really enjoy if you were ever given a good reason to try them, and others where you'd think "I don't like this game, but I like this feature and wish they'd use it in a better game." Unfortunately, nobody's really found a good way to bring light to the games that deserve it yet - Steam's integration of reviews and curators have potential, but currently don't really help much at all.
While it's a long time since Bad Rats has been the worst game on Steam (if it ever truly was), I think people will still recognise it not just because of whatever it used to be, but because of what it is. It's got a style and a sense of humour - neither of which is particularly good, but at least it's there - and it's got gameplay which is completely broken for the kind of game it is, but it's not completely devoid of fun either. It's a bad game, but it's got a good feeling to it, like the people who made it were somewhat passionate about making their bad game.
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I feel your pain, fellow collector. Congrats on hitting 4k :).
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a game collector undead, congrats, 4k... ^^^; that is a lot of games.
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Very soon, games are just going to start adding themselves while I sleep.
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Congratz! I recently hit 4k aswell, as you might remember. and i think our libraries grew at nearly the same speed. i was at 3k in april (7 months ago) and at 2k in juli 2014 (9 months before).
interesting, the earliest recording of my profile page is on oct 2013, and i was at 691 games back then. that makes roughly 4.5 games a day. ^^
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There are a few items on Steam that would provide a $100+ account with only one or two games, but it's definitely unlikely. :P
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I'm 50 left from the big 1k. It's crazy to think that in just 3 years I amassed nearly 1000 games =.='
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Getting real close to Director of Acquisitions, It's probably a good thing I don't officially have a job yet, or that would be a lot higher...
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I feel your pain, Bro. Too many games, too little time. P
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It would appear that last week's bundles got me over the 4k mark and I was deemed by Gaben to be an Ambassador of Amassment.
The rate at which my library is going is quite alarming. Only 6 months ago I had 3000 games, and 9 months before that I had only 2000.
hoardercollector in me is, of course, very happy to see that number grow. I'm also a bit saddened by the idea that I will probably never play at least half of them in my lifetime. I do play the ones I'm really interested in though, the rest is mostly random bundle fodder anyway.You're probably just here for the celeratory giveaway anyway.
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