It would appear that last week's bundles got me over the 4k mark and I was deemed by Gaben to be an Ambassador of Amassment.

The rate at which my library is going is quite alarming. Only 6 months ago I had 3000 games, and 9 months before that I had only 2000.

The hoarder collector in me is, of course, very happy to see that number grow. I'm also a bit saddened by the idea that I will probably never play at least half of them in my lifetime. I do play the ones I'm really interested in though, the rest is mostly random bundle fodder anyway.

You're probably just here for the celeratory giveaway anyway.

View attached image.
8 years ago*

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What's your title?

View Results
One-Stop Shopper (1+ games)
Select Collector (5+ games)
Adept Accumulator (10+ games)
Sharp-Eyed Stockpiler (25+ games)
Collection Agent (50+ games)
Power Player (100+ games)
Game Mechanic (250+ games)
Director of Acquisitions (500+ games)
Game Industry Guardian (1k+ games)
Gaming God (2k+ games)
Accrual Expert (3k+ games)
Ambassador of Amassment (4k+ games)
Digital Deity (5k+ games)
Collection King (6k+ games)

Congratz to you

8 years ago

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Game Mechanic

lol, sure :3

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Ouch, that one really hurts to see. I guess everything's all lubricated now though.

8 years ago

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I want those shooess (#=

8 years ago

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I'm so close to 4000!

8 years ago

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I don´t have so much games for a nearly 11 years old account....but this graph is shows me a trend I never expected one and a half year ago.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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how do you find the time to play them?

8 years ago

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I'm only an Accrual Expert, congratz on getting 2k games in the last 9 months and reaching 4k games!

View attached image.
8 years ago

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I will make time to play every single win i have won here on SG, with varying order of course, but there are a number of title on my account from after i registered on the site (SG V1), and consequently forgot about it for months. Those "trash" titles and bundle leftovers will likely never be played, and many are hidden from my library.

8 years ago

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I shall stride to get this badgee. However, I've been only concentrating on hoarding gamess that I have intentions on playing someday. Soo I thinks that slows my collection progression (@=

Ironically, I can't even see myself playing 4k games. I still have unopened consoles games that I never got around too. Thannk YOU PC gaming Lol

EDIT: Andd congrats, btw (=

8 years ago*

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I am sitting at 998 games with 2 gifts coming in 7 days.. so it's my first 1k mark...

8 years ago

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I saw your profile now and you have 1K games. Congratulations :)

8 years ago

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thank u..

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

8 years ago

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Hah! That's so cute!

8 years ago

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+1 New profile pic? :3

8 years ago

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That adorable! I wish my cats did that!

8 years ago

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Maybe show them this gif and see what they think? :3

8 years ago

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Although I'm not there yet, I feel your uncertain pain and confusion/glee at 3K+.
Thankfully/unfortunately, my current budget has kept me in check pretty well and I'm planning on making 2016 the year of hopefully not buying any games (XCOM2 and the new Deus Ex are the only exceptions because... well, I have to play those!). I don't know how far I'll get with that, but... gotta try. Get back to those days where you anticipated a game for years before ever even playing it, and then played it for at least a year after it was out. Too many games these days, and many of them mediocre to average. But also many of them good... makes the problem a very strange one.

8 years ago

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Congrats! That's quite a rate of growth for your steam library I don't anticipate ever reaching such an amount of games, but that's fine by me. :)

8 years ago

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Is it really that alarming? You're actually slowing down. It took you 3 months to go from 2000 to 3000, then six to get to 4000. At this rate, it'll take you another year to get to 5000!
I very much suggest you don't, I'm pretty sure steam doesn't have 5000 good games.

8 years ago

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Actually, it's nine months to go from 2000 to 3000 and six to go from 3000 to 4000. I expect to be back with another thread like this in 4 months if things continue to speed up like that.

8 years ago

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Congratulations man! That's a heck of a lot of games! Good luck battling through them! Haha :D

8 years ago

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Very impressive, does seem to get easier to amass games the more you have though, dunno why.

8 years ago

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I'm a bit confused about it myself. it's true that there are more and more bundles coming out but it's become quite rare for me to find a bundle where I don't already own at least a couple games already. I've been skipping many bundles for the simple reason that there weren't a single game in them I didn't already own.

8 years ago

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Director of Acuqusitions; though I mainly aim for games I will play sooner or later.

8 years ago

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The amount of shovelware is what is alarming!
I blame steam 100%. Zero checks and balances, as steam don't care about quality nor consumer rights, as money rules all.

8 years ago

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"Accrual Expert" here, but at the rate I'm going I'll probably be promoted in the next few months ;-)

Congrats Zomby !

8 years ago

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Yay for bundle junk! =P

My collection has been rising pretty slowly for a while now as I rarely buy any bundles anymore (having no money sucks).

I'm inching my way to 1000. =P

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Game Mechanic, closing in on Director of Acquisitions.

8 years ago

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I can't believe there isn't any Digital Deity around :/

8 years ago

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We've apparently got 4 Collection Kings though

8 years ago

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And 2 people with less than 5 games that I don't know how created an account here...

8 years ago

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What?? O.O

Who are you? Show yourselves!!

I bet cg's real account is one of them. #conspiracies

8 years ago

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Sometimes I look at my account and think of all the games I'll never get to play. It's kind of sad...

I congratulate you on your empire! Good thing you're undead; you can play them forever! :D

8 years ago

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Now we just need game companies to stop releasing new games until I'm done with those.

8 years ago

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Congrats on the milestone and thanks for the giveaway!

8 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Zomby.