actually a very good work of art, this. holds a lot of truth and holds up a mirror to reality, in a way that also provides amusement.
actually, the single best thing about that image is the emoticons in the fake-Starbucks logo. nice, absurd touch, if you think about it.
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mindless copying of original images is what Hollywood remakes are known for-) GITS (1995) was new epoch for anime, new technologies (incl. 3D) to advance to the West, new topics and ideas (used in Matrix and blahblah), but more importantly it's still acute talented original piece, and it's right to hate its greedy mutilated descendants.
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I'd say that having no idea of the games would probably improve the movie
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You seem to have gotten some attention.
I'll steal some of that to add: I like Blackhat, and i still have no idea what was wrong with it
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+1. My mom and I both liked Blackhat, and then I looked it up out of curiosity and went WTF.
I also go WTF every single time I look up Waterworld--I do it every so often out of disbelief--because it's one of my favorite movies and has been since I was a little kid, and I genuinely can't understand why people don't like it.
Incidentally, while I haven't watched Assassin's Creed, my mom has and she said she liked it. And I think she saw one of the Resident Evil movies and liked it too. And worst of all, she thought The Last Airbender wasn't bad. I was tempted to hogtie her and make her watch the series, but she'd probably end up hating it and I don't think I could deal with a double betrayal. :P
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I liked it too. :)
Liked Assassin's Creed as well.
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well that's a bummer, i like to talk about bad movies, but Assassin's Creed ain't got much going on, good or bad. Its a thing that exists :I
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Yes, exactly. Bad movies can be entertaining, AC the movie was just... not much. If you don't know the games you miss (absentmindedly) half the plot and if you know the games you miss (longingly) half the plot.
Solo was a bad movie that I enjoyed immensely, just watched it a few days ago.
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Never watched it, just the first person scene on youtube. The movie itself seems pretty shitty though.
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Which of the 2 Hitman movies do you refer to ?
The one from 2007 was ok-ish, apart from Tim Olyphant looking far too young for the part. The 2015 film though...
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It makes the 2007 version look like a masterpiece. Fascinating.
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IKR? FWIW, I actually kind of enjoyed the 2007 one as well. Hardly a masterpiece, but let's face it: almost every video-game-based movie has been pretty bad. At least the Lara Croft movies had Angelina Jolie running around in them in her prime. And, they never pretended to be anything other than dumb, over-the-top adventure fun, which is what kind of made them work. Almost everything else has been pretty terrible.
I won't even watch the DOOM movie. I was an original purchaser of DOOM I, and I just can't sully that life-changing experience with a crappy movie. 😁
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It seems like some people aren't getting that it's a joke :P
Reminds me of when I met someone and they told me the first Kingsman movie sucked and reminded them to much of Austin Powers. So much of that was offensive to me xD
I did see the Assassins Creed movie in theaters though. I didn't expect much, but they could have at least made it mindless fun. It actually left me pretty bored though.
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I suffer from this all the time lol but it's not surprising, books are a medium that can extent way past what is feasible for a movie. I think the only movie based on a book that I thought was actually good (even being familiar with the book) was "the name of the rose" and even then, it was missing the best "scene" from the book: the dream.
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That's true, I suppose the good thing is sometimes it draws people to actually go read the books after seeing the movie. I remember or could be mis-remembering one good movie adaption was The Black Stallion that I read and watched in my teens.
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I'm a passionate book reader and I don't always care whether a movie adaptation is good, unless it literally butchers the original. I see them as different mediums.
I see them as different mediums, and an opportunity to come across content you'd otherwise miss. I mean, we can't read everything. :-) And sometimes movies can bring in new readers, which is always a win. :-) For example, the Handmaiden, I don't think I'd ever invest the time to add the novel in my reading list, but I did watch and like the movie.
HOWEVER, I kinda judge people who have the attitude "don't read the book, watch the movie. it's the same and you can claim you've read the book" and don't read at all, ever.
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^^^ Yep, that last part. ;)
I honestly think that there are good book adaptations that make me love the book even more, and that appreciating each medium for what it is (and not what it is not) has a lot of value. For instance, I really enjoyed the Lord of the Rings movies. A lot of people didn't. Peter Jackson took liberties, but I think that most (but not all) of them were to try to make something so epic fit into a 3-hour time frame. I think that the movies turned out about as well as we could have hoped. But, the books still hold a superior space because they are open to my mind's interpretation of the incredible fantasy world outlined there, not to mention being able to provide inner dialog and the like that almost never works in a movie format.
But yeah, people that don't read...I just have a hard time connecting. Are they just not curious? Lazy? Not sure, and maybe I'm being unfair, but I have to intentionally stop myself from judging non-readers to give them a chance to prove to me that they have other redeeming qualities. 😂😏
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just because someone is a pleb doesn't mean they are necessarily a bad person. it just means you cannot rely on their movie or game taste being good. like if in the future he says "this movie/game was awesome!" then you probably need a second opinion.
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One of the people I love the most just adores bad horror movies. Though I do as well, so... :D Knowing objective quality, but still owning up to one's own tastes is a very important trait in my opinion. Miracleofsound Gavin also said that he like the AC games because they are amazing historical city sightseeing games with some story, while he knows that they aren't really the best games out there - and he is a really awesome person in general. :)
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you might also want to add that there's little actual history in the cities depicted lol
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lol such a pity you weren't recording that reaction on your phone, you would have won the interwebs :p
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He asked what I was doing for the weekend, I said "Not much, I'll try to finish Assassin's Creed IV" (honest answer, I was kinda busy and truth came out instead of office non-answers) he said "What is it?" I said it's a game, he said "Ah, I've seen the movie, I loved it" and the conversation went downhill from there. :-)
I only liked (OK, loved) Medal of Honor, I can't get into any other shooter since then.
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I think it missed a spark or two, it felt a bit flat, not bad really, just boring. It's true I can't judge it as just a movie, especially since I watched it after essentially playing from ACI up to ACIII in less than a year (yep, I was a bit late).
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The main problem I've got with this movie is the sheer number of truly awesome actors either playing horribly or just being furniture. I actually wish the cast had been replaced with generic nonames, I wouldn't have bothered to watch it then.
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Could be worse.
He could've been the single fan of Street Fighter: The legend of Chun-li
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We have a new guy at work.
He stated he loved Assassin's Creed..............................
The movie.
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