Infamous Vlad....
gratz on your baby girl. great isn't it?
don't worry, in a year or so you will get free time again
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JK, you´ll have a little more free time. But then when youre getting used to that you´ll be discussing a possible second child ;)
My kids are 3 and (almost) 6. Gaming time is limited to the evenings, and then max 2 hours. I'm not complaining, its great. But no long gaming sessions for me.
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I think it's clear that the guy was a non native english speaker with 'what wrong with you' - someone forgot the is. Pleasantries are often lost in translation.
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Obviously I'm not going to make excuses for other people's actions - how could I? That said, I have had some people win one of my GA's and wait 7 days to mark as received. I didn't contact the guy because honestly that just seems like too much work.
In an ever increasing online society - where people have cell phones and internet access 24/7 - is it REALLY to much to ask for people to accept their wins within a 3 day period? Take yourself from this situation and honestly answer that question.
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it doesnt no matter how busy u are... "cough over 300 wins "cough".. and despite my part time job and long gaming times on my ipad i still check social media ( like steamgifts discussions ) itleast 5 times every 3 hours or so. considering lazy person takes 7 days to activate one game is like having a pregnant mother waiting for 9 months for the child...
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I don't understand the 300 wins cough portion of your post since no one discussing this has over 300 wins?
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actually u still can if your computer is turned on with ASF, just pm yourself the code using in alt from mobile. problem solved...
and still there are rarely any people that dont use pc/laptop straight for days. so i dont get it when people wait too long
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But my computer isn't turned on when I'm not using it, that would be a waste of money. And you said it yourself:
There are rarely any people that don't use pc/Laptop straight for days.
scratch the adverbs and you answered your own questions:
There are rarely any people that don't use pc/Laptop straight for days. Period.
PS That's 300 sent gifts, not wins by the way ;)
And almost all of them were before my daughters birth, so I don't get how this affects the fact that I've been very busy and had no Access to a PC the last few days.
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You might want to re-read my post, cause that's the whole point I'm making here: People have reasons. We were at the hospital and I was with them the whole time. Yes, I had my cell phone with me, but there are 2 problems:
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Well either way, congrats on the new child :) Best wishes to you and your family
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You're getting back at someone for giving you something for free by being nasty?? Something is wrong with this situation..
No matter the circumstances, yours or theirs, none of you knew each others'. Is it that unreasonable from the other party to expect someone to activate their win fairly early? On top of that you're expecting them to ask "please"? Come on..surely you can see you're asking a bit much here. It's not like they cussed at you or were mean. It was a neutral phrase, maybe less friendly than you'd expect but you're only thinking of your position here and your "whys". You're saying the main point is reasons. Why only yours then? Maybe they also had reasons to be in a hurry. Maybe they had to go away for some time. Who knows..
The point is that a simple "I was very busy" (even prefaced with a "Sorry") would solve the case but you escalated it by angering them more because you were expecting another way of response..and you're in a good mood because of your happy situation. Why "punish" then? And you're wondering why they blacklisted you? I'm expecting people would blacklist for much less.. eg. for what I just said, let alone for making them angry after they tried to do something good..
Think about it..
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What's so nasty about my behavior?
I legitimately didn't see my win until I came home from the hospital, and by then I already found that mail. Saying "Sorry, I was very busy" is what I usually do in these situations, but not if I received such a Message. Implying something is "wrong" me is not neutral at all, and I am in no way obliged to activate the game within 3 days.
And yes, if you want something from me, I expect at least a tiny bit of decency and politeness, no matter if English is not your first language (it isn't mine either). A simple "Hello" instead of "what is wrong with you" would have been enough.
The only reason why you would need your feedback immediately is for leveling up. This guy is Level 7 something, not even Close to Level 8, so why would he care so much about the CV for a cheap Bundle game? If he had to go away for some time, why would he even need the feedback at all? There's no reasoning behind that. this is not the first time something like this happens to me, and the reason was always impatience. Some Users even bother support with this stuff...
On the other hand, there are hundreds of reasons why it might take some time to activate a game.
Also, I'm not wondering at all. I know exactly why he blacklisted me. I just think it's a stupid reason, because how am I supposed to communicate with him? But that's okay, it's his right to do so.
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The "nasty" part is that you wanted to punish him/her for not giving you the proper (by your standards) reply. A person gave you a gift, you're taking your time (your own reasons which they don't know; no matter the truth, it's what you type that matters; we're talking avatars really, no need to prove something), they reply in a certain manner (agreed not in the kindest way but not much rude either. "what's wrong with you" is nowdays just slang for some people, it means nothing really and you're acting as if they wanted to insult you. Bit much isn't it?) and because you don't understand/know their issue/hurry you assume something that in your view isn't worth/makes no sense and you conclude that they're in the wrong..
I am saying that you're looking at it onesided-ly, and in this case you're doubly on the positive, game.. yet you're hung up on a phrase on the internet, you miss the bigger picture.. and in the end you punish them even though you're on top of the positive side..
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I understand your point. The thing is, this was not meant as a punishment, but as a lesson. I'm not angry or anything, I'm way past that point. Maybe a bit annoyed, if anything. I just wanted to make him think a little bit. By creating a Giveaway you agree to the rules, and they clearly state a 7 day activating period. Sadly, the lesson didn't come through because he blacklisted me before I could communicate with him. So I made this thread, mostly to let people know about my Situation. I thought it would be a good idea to add this (imo) humorous anecdote and honestly thank him for the game, because I couldn't do it the way I usually do it. (yes, I really meant that part. I'm thankful for the gift.) I might have not chosen the most diplomatic approach, and I might have overreacted a bit about the lack of politeness, but my intentions were good.
My point still remains: Patience gets you a long way.
If you really want to convince me, please name just one good reason (other than Leveling up or maintaining an in group ratio to not get kicked, because I checked those options) why anyone would need the feedback so bad that they can't wait a few days. You say I am assuming, but there actually are no other reasons. Prove me wrong and I will bow my head in shame.
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Patience is indeed good to have, that I agree. I wasn't trying to give the other party more or less right, just the benefit of doubt, but you opened the thread so any thoughts/advice goes your way. Had it been the other person talking, I'd have thrown a "there's a nicer way to respond"-reply their way. I can't say I've given much thought as to what a good reason could consist off, but that's the thing, it could be anything that's insignificant to you but serious for them. Your trash, their treasure, Miami Vice and all that.. vice versa
And more importantly.. is that game any good? Stop feeding the baby every 5 hours and tell us!!
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Just a question clarifying perspective here. You would have been showing up on steamgifts as offline for those three days, right? It's not some scenario where you're still logging on steamgifts at the end of the day entering giveaways while never using any of that time relaying a common courtesy note that activation might take a few days?
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Hey buddy, I hope you and your family are doing good and no worries about SG as real life comes first. ^^
And forget about Vladimir, SG is somewhat like the real world you have mostly good people here and a few very much less so. :3
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Thanks a lot :) I'm not angry at Vladimir, I actually think it's kind of funny. Obviously I didn't make this clear enough in my post and started another Drama :/ But whatever, thanks again for the Kind words and I hope you're having a great week, too :)
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Thank you, besides the gastroscopy Friday morning everything is peachy here. :-)
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I guess it's never to late to congratulate you and your girlfriend on your newborn daughter! Sorry to hear what happened with this "Vlad" though but real life always comes first and technically you haven't broke any rules so yeah.
I'm happy for you bud, congrats again :)
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So, as some of you might have noticed, I haven't been very active lately. I only entered Giveaways, but didn't create (m)any. Also, not much posting on the forums. That is, of course, for a reason. But first, let me tell you a little story:
A few days ago, I won a game from some random guy on here. We'll call him Vladimir. 3 days later, there's a lovely E-Mail from my new friend Vlad in my Inbox, reading: "what wrong with you? take your prize game name removed and mark as received". That's all. No "hello", no "please", no nothing.
The nice guy that I am, I decide to not answer him or mark received until the 7 days are over and then casually thank him for his patience. That'll teach him! Been trying to do this now, but guess what: He blacklisted me. This is so awesome, thanks dude!
So now the only way to thank my friend Vladimir for giving me gud game is by creating this discussion.
Now to answer your question about what is wrong with me: Nothing is, thanks, I couldn't be better actually. It's just that I am currently taking care of my girlfriend and our new born daughter, and that takes quite some time and effort, you know... I'll be back at creating GAs as soon as I find some time, I have quite a lot of 'em games sittin' around waiting to be given away.
So, what's our lesson we learn from this? Patience is a virtue, people have reasons, and the thing you are talking to over the internet (well in most cases at least) is a human being, just like you. Also, read the damn FAQ already, you're friggin Level 7 and a member of one of the most recognized groups on SG.
Now, last but not least:
What's this?
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