i bought 45000 gems from market
and now they are gone

will i get them back or .... ?

10 years ago*

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Nobody knows, you can thank exploiters.

But then, you wouldn't buy that many games without those exploiters...

10 years ago

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those who exploit should get banned and return our gems :D

10 years ago

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But you have bought gems from exploiters...

10 years ago

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whats the thing with exploiters ?

10 years ago

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They created millions, maybe even billions of gems.

10 years ago

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What are this gems ya'll talking 'bout?

10 years ago

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No clue what will happen. A lot of gems bought were exploited for. Valve need to decide what to do.

10 years ago

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those who exploit should get banned and return our gems :D

10 years ago

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Problem with returning those exploited gems you paid for means the event will still be screwed up and pointless. And what is why Valve need to decide what to do.

10 years ago

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My 697 000 are back... Dunno if I get to use them...

10 years ago

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Looks like the gems are being returned now (they are currently disappearing and reappearing in the inventory).
check your invent

10 years ago

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i just got gems(500k+) wich i bought on market back. no tradeable, no marketable.

valve messed up so hard...
i had no clue about a glitch, saw an opportunity of getting loads of cards and used it, i even sold a lot of them cause i was thinking they will be a lot cheaper in a few days. got around +20$

rollback all market transactions and wallets looks like only choice for valve to solve it

10 years ago

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Those claiming they had no idea they were exploited gems and bought mass amounts for cheap are no better than those that exploited them in the first place.

10 years ago

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I admit when a buy orders for hundreds went through, I should have thought something was wrong...

10 years ago

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i was thinking that people getting rid off tons of useless items. wasnt even care to do some math about it... to be honest i just went crazy about getting cheap cards and badges...

10 years ago

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I assumed valve wanted to crush the cards price to make the market hiperactive, is not the first time they make something weird.
Anyway, haven't they got a shitload of money from that 1 cent on every transaction?
I though the ones loosing money were the people that put orders on items before this mess.

10 years ago

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How, exactly..? o_O

People sell things quite cheep on the market all the time, what made cheep gems any different than cheep cards, considering that useless items like chat emoticons could be crafted into like 100 gems each and there are people on Steam who had hundreds of emoticons sitting in their inventories.

10 years ago

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You had to use 10 backgrounds sold for at least 3 cents each for 1000 gems. That's means sacks of gems are worth at least 30 cents.

When suddenly there's a million of gems for 3 cents, it's obvious it's not from legal source.

10 years ago

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Supply and demand.

When there are thousands for sale, then the price goes down.

We've all watched it happen with cards since the beta.

I can remember selling a regular card for over $2US that would now sell for $.03US.

10 years ago

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Yes, but creating supply also have "costs". Cards cost nothing to create - you just idle game.

Gems cost at least 10 items worth those few cents - that's means only moron will give them away for less than than those items cost.
When hundreds of them are being sold so cheap, it's obvious they aren't legal.

10 years ago

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You can't idle in games you don't own, so cards aren't "technically" free. o_O

Also, you seem to be really over valuing backgrounds ect...

Just because you can't sell them for less than $.01 ($.03 in the market), doesn't mean that they're actually worth that much, otherwise myself and others would have sold those useless backgrounds and emoticons on the market already and trust me, I tried many, many times and they NEVER sold for even the lowest price you can list them for.

So your line of reasoning for your entire argument is completely flawed, sorry.

10 years ago

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You can't sell cards you don't have, and those you can sell you got for free.

As for backgrounds - those that you can't sell are worth shit in gems. You'd need to use so many of them, you'd want to get more than 1 cent for them. Especially knowing you can get boosters for them, which are worth more than 1 cent...

10 years ago

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You completely missed the point of my first sentence... -_-

Cards aren't actually free, since you have to buy a game to be able to idle in it to get cards.

The rest of my reply still stands as well...

10 years ago

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Wait, you buy games to get cards, or you buy games to play them and get cards by accident? (that's why I call them "free")

As for rest - well, I don't know how anyone wouldn't find it suspicious that they can buy gems for 3 cents and change them into boosters worth 10 cents...

10 years ago

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You're still completely missing the point... o_O

Discussing anything with you is like beating my head against a wall, no sense in continuing.

10 years ago

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It didn't show "million of gems for 3 cents" it showed just a few for sale at 3 cents at any given moment even though that wasn't really the case, it did show that millions where sold in the past 24 hours but that's not something you see as a buyer only as a seller.
It's rather normal for the market to crash during a steam event and each and every time people panic, and sell their items for wayyy below their value thinking it's their last chance to sell, how could the guys who take advantage of those situations know this time it was due to an exploit? imo they couldn't.

10 years ago

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Creating one sack of gems cost money.

Most of buyers had at least feel it's not legit for gems to cost less than their production, but they bought thousand of them anyway.

10 years ago

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There's tons of items out there that you wouldn't be able to sell in a million years, just because YOU think that the item is actually worth 3 cents because people simply can't sell them for less doesn't mean other people see it that way as well.
Honestly I find it quite ridiculous that you think thousands of people even took the time to consider this to be due to an exploit and then proceeded to buy them nonetheless when everyone and their mothers know that every sale the steam market freezes and prices drop/increase at ridiculous rates.

10 years ago

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You're partially right. But items that don't sell didn't give lots of gems. One way or another, you had to lose at least 10 cents to create gems.

Nobody would lose 10 cents to create gems you'd sell for one cent. Especially when they could just create a booster worth those 10 cents...

10 years ago

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What makes you say that? Among the stuff I have, the cheapest ones gave more gems.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Disabling formatting in a line doesn't count

And the URL works? I remember Reddit links broken by the lack of underscores, must be a recent change.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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What a mess :S

10 years ago

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While Europe was asleep the rest of the world and Valve made a big mess.
I'm glad I missed it

10 years ago

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Exactly my thoughts. It felt like waking up in a burning forest and it took me a while to understand what happened and realise I am probably lucky.

10 years ago

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Why lucky ? They'll ban exploiters with billions of gems, not the rest of the world people with thousands of gems. How can you compete against them in auctions ? The event isn't even started and we're out.

10 years ago

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pretty high chance they will change/disable auctions now

10 years ago

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It would be cool, but i don't think so.

10 years ago

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Yeah, I had no idea what happened

10 years ago

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Oh man, I just woke up to check the bets on the games I got my eyes on and then I learned of the brazillion gems duped and everything shut down.
I should have known something was fucky when the gems' price dropped like a bass.

10 years ago

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Uaaaan im gonna cry gabe

10 years ago

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If they didnt reset it most of game will be auctioned with high cost of gems.
and they already closed the auction event temporarily.
Also for those who exploited it will be banned.
For those who bought gem on market will be refunded with Email as a Proof. ( I guess)

10 years ago

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Gems? What are you referring to?

10 years ago

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The action event

10 years ago

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What is the action event?

10 years ago

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auction event...there are 15 threads here on steamgifts

10 years ago

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Haven't you visited steam in the last 12h?

10 years ago

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hmmm ... NO
canยดt find anything bout "Gems" on steam

10 years ago

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Check here

10 years ago

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They removed from storefront, but check Romek link.

10 years ago

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Mine have returned, they just can't be used for anything at the moment.

10 years ago

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I seriously hope they do a rollback of the market and wallets. Bought some gems at the beginning of the event and then they became worthless.
It wasn't that much. but still I want my money back.
Punishment for all of them!

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by UBAID.