Woke up, had breakfast with the family, had my morning coffe, changed the diaper on my baby girl, took out the trash, turned on the computer, logged on to see that I won a game, yaaay! Okay, let's open the link and thank the creator.

"You do not have permission to view this giveaway, since you have been blacklisted by the giveaway creator." :D

I have been blacklisted half a day after I won, so I'm guessing he stated that "whoever wins have to activate the game within an hour" or some other such requirement, I don't know because now I can't even open the giveaway now :D
I tend to read most of the giveaway texts I enter, but I may have missed this one, it is just a bit strange to me, that people feel the need to rush so much recently with the ban. Created a poll out of curiosity.

2 hours ago

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Do you read every giveaway description?

View Results
Most of them
Maybe half of them

Some blacklist winners, so someone else wins the next one.

2 hours ago

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Wow. Did not think of that. Interesting, but understandable.

2 hours ago

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There are so many reasons for blacklists, no need to worry about being blacklisted.

2 hours ago

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Yeah, I get it but it seems a bit aggressive doing it before the winner has had a chance to say thanks.

22 minutes ago

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…to say they have issues with their win.

15 minutes ago

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I hadn't even thought of that. I guess your only option then would be trying to contact them directly on Steam, or just wait and mark Not Received.

5 minutes ago

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what a stupid reason

2 hours ago

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You can open giveaway and read description in incognito/logout mode! There is no description ;I

2 hours ago

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Don't worry about it, you don't have to understand. Just move on and enjoy your win :)

2 hours ago

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Opened the GA there were no description. Don't worry about it. Sometimes people blacklist each other for no reason, sometimes they just want to do while they have power to do it. Online places like this always showing the people's real thoughs. Because there no consequences that affecting them. I have only one person in my blacklist who have won one of my giveaways and didn't activate it for couple of days. He continued to enter giveaways but still didn't activate it. Finally when he did he vanished without even a thanks. I blacklisted him cause i understand he was using bot with some proof after all.

1 hour ago

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Because there no consequences that affecting them.

True, there is no consequences affecting them IF the blacklisted user makes no giveaways for years, or only makes GAs the blacklisting user cannot enter, or only gifts trash games.

12 minutes ago

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1 hour ago

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That's the best answer to this question.

47 minutes ago

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I extremely rarely read descriptions, mostly because I'm sick and tired of seeing youtube sub promotions, curator links, group recruitment, shampoo sellers and whatever the f else. If it results in a mistake I make it is what it is, I'll own up to it and say I'm sorry. In general I read the descriptions of GA's where I'm whitelisted, and some very specific games/packages/groups in case I'm required to play or I can't enter for the dlc, etc. But I've made mistakes and people have been nice and understanding in general with a few exceptions.

I only blacklisted people who BL me first to make sure they don't change their mind or it wont matter if they do and a few people who caused me trouble by doing a hit and run with my key or extremely rarely those I found mentally lacking in some discussion that I felt like I wanted to avoid the possibility of an awkward interaction. Oh and some abusers.

1 hour ago*

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Bad win-to-giveaway ratio, doesn't play their wins, makes an unnecessary thread discussing the behaviour of a specific user.

1 hour ago

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What you’re doing is actually breaking rules.
Refresh yourself with the phrase calling out.
Basically when you single out a person you have a gripe with and make it public, it’s calling out.
In other words, remove the link, there is no need to know who the person is when you’re just complaining trying to get clarification.

1 hour ago

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Speaking of descriptions.. I recently made a test about descriptions.

I made a giveaway on some random "mystery bundle" game I got - but I also made invite only GA on another one.
Now while the game is def not interesting to many I did get over 1.3k entries for it.

All I did was put the link "code" (without direct link) to description and said "Super "secret" next GA to people who read descriptions: CoDe/"

Public GA: 1 393 entries
"secret" GA: 9 entries + 5 comments (I asked them to comment if they own it)

So based on that alone, 1% people did read the description and bothered to enter/comment (might be more who simply opened next one, saw its "some boring game" and closed tab - plus many more who simply missed the thing. So I wouldnt go calling out people who entered first one "automated ones" or anything)

1 hour ago*

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You start the thread with an assumption. As mentioned before, some people simply blacklist their winners because they want to have each of their giveaways have a different winner.

I also don't understand the general issue people have with blacklists. It simply means: "I don't like you." for whatever reason. Do you tell each person you dislike why you dislike them? Or ask anyone disliking you? No. Why is it more of an issue online? You don't lose anything.

47 minutes ago

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It does not mean ‘i don’t like you’, it’s a pure speculation. It does mean ‘i decided to prevent you from entering my giveaways in the future’. It’s a technical thing. Does anyone who place lelel restriction sign in disliking all people currently below the level? Or does anyone with a whitelist GA dislike the entire world except a few buddies?

18 minutes ago

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My personal opinion is that it seems like the giveaway giver just wants you to not be able to participate in their other giveaways in the future after winning and it seems like they do that to everyone who wins their giveaway. I just joined sg for 1 week and I was also blacklisted after winning :>

27 minutes ago

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