I was trying to make a few giveaway with the following games: Tap Heroes, Loot Hero DX and Toadled.
I believe that I can't make giveaways for Tap Heroes and Loot Hero DX because they were already given in some giveaways before, right ?
But what about Toadled ? It wasn't given away yet on any site. Why isn't it on the list of possible games ?

8 years ago

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You're right that games that were given for free at some point in time from bundle sites, Gleam or anywhere else can't be gifted away here.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the list, but Tap Heroes and Loot Hero DX don't seem to be there. :o

8 years ago

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I think that the list isn't updated regularly anymore but if you can't find it in the giveaway list then in most cases it's a free game.

Your two examples I just googled and they were given for free on WGN and GrabFreeGames.

8 years ago

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Toadled is not a free game :)
It costs 0.99 euro on Steam.

8 years ago

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The price on the Steam store doesn't matter when it was given away for free before, in the case of Toadled: here and here.

8 years ago

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Ok, thanks

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Strange, I didn't know about that one.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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So...what do we do about our non-giveawayable games then? I've got 9 spare keys at the moment, all for different games which this site says are unavailable for a giveaway listing. Can't activate them myself as I already own a copy of each of them on steam.
Apologies if the answer is really easy and simple, I am new here (and anything vaguely to do with technology usually just leaves me crying, scared and confused in a corner) so I have zero knowledge on what do do with these. Would suck if I weren't able to actually make any use of them or miss out on gaining any potential points from them.

They are as follows.

Commander - Conquest Of The Americas
Crash Time 2
Earth 2150 - The Moon Project
Gorky 17
Pirates of Black Cove
Septerra Core

8 years ago

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drop them here https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/GldJf/
just make sure you don't put the key directly on your comment,
replace some characters so it's harder to grab them, like: DE??F-MFRR-JD(four)DR-JWS32 --- four=4, ?=C

8 years ago

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You can also trade them on steamtrades

8 years ago

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