I loved fringe but found the 4th series a disappointment and couldn't even bring myself to finish the 5th. They had an amazing show and they ruined it IMO.
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Yea, John Noble made the show, much like Robert Carlyle elevated Stargate Universe from so-so to very good IMO.
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Original Stargate series, Star Trek Voyager and Red Dwarf. I'm too lazy to do descriptions.
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Red Dwarf. Sci-fi BritCom, and hilarious.
Battlestar Galactica (2000's version)
And the more obscure Seven Days.
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It used to be Star Trek The Next Generation (original one is CRAP). But that was until I saw Firefly. There's not even a question about it: there's nothing quite like it, before or since. Probably never will be. cause it came from the brilliant mind of a pure genius who's moved on to making high budget super-hero block-busters for Marvel, instead of relying on his own original creations. It was perfectly casted, perfectly acted, excellently written and did something we only saw in cartoons before. It was so ahead of its time, that those narrow minded imbeciles running Fox Network scrapped it after one season, thinking it wouldn't make any money... And it got one of the biggest cult followings of any TV show ever. Which I realize isn't much, given that that Star Trek TOS got an even bigger one and it's total crap, if you ask me.. But even though it only has 15 episodes, they truly are 15 chunks of pure television gold that any sci-fi fan should watch in this life-time. Not to mention the epic conclusion of the story in the movie Serenity. I love Dr. Who and The X-Files too, but Firefly is truly wonderful and unique.
And for all those fans of Battlestar Galactica, can't end this post without telling you what a horrid piece of shit that show is and how stupid you all are for liking it :-p.
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I like most of it, not all of it :D All is well as long as most of the new Cylons are not revealed, then it's an avalanche of bullshit metaphysics and nonsense to which the last season is the sole testament. God, this show could be so good.
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Corny, cheesy...totally ridiculous, complete product of 60s television, just like the Adam West Batman. So, yeah...pretty much crap. As for Battlestar Galactica...that is a shit show for twats. If you're one and it looks like you are, perfect for you. At least Star Trek TOS has the excuse of having come out in the 60s. BSG not even that... The old one...I dunna..never seen it, don't want to. If the new one's so horrible, I need only imagine.
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okay if u dont like series of the 60-70s (i love them better entertaining and exciting as current series)
then its normal that you didnt like TOS :p The old Battlestar from 78 is great like 70s scifimovies (trashy but still entertaining and good FX) not so good as the TOS overall - and the 2nd show/series form the 80s is crap - so u will probably hate it even more ;O but must seen series because oldschool cylons are just epic and John Colicos as Baltar <3 The original BSG has nothing to do with the new series only the names
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More entertaining and exciting than current shows (BTW, that's the correct form you should have built that sentence)? The hell have you been smoking? We live in a golden age of television, with incredible shows, like Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones or House M.D that push the boundaries of what can be done on the small screen, through amazing acting, great storytelling with intriguing and deep character development and high production values... And you compare this to the cheesy garbage from the 60s and 70s? That's downright insulting. You can actually watch those things with a straight face? it's like saying Batman and Robin is better than The Dark Knight. Or Fiffty Shades of Grey is better than Dostoyevsky's The Idiot. Sure, today's television isn't as high on sci-fi, cause most of us prefer a good drama about relatable people, rather than space ships and laser guns, but that doesn't make Star Trek TOS any better? And Firefly proved how you can have a good story in space without ridiculous, over-designed, gross aliens that the captain's ship bangs each episode.
Both the 60s and 70s had a lot of good things, like music for example. Sci-fi television was most certainly not one of those things.
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Golden age...just because the feeling comes up currently is worth all the gold
because of mid 2000 until the end of .... practically only crap was on TV (Movies/Shows/Series all were at best only solid stuff)
and then all these new great series came in one fell swoop .. more a movie as a series. Its still only a handful of really good series
and they exist in every decade. Golden age ... if you ask me - 90s! So you cant argue... or compare. A 70s Show is a 70s show and you have to evaluate it as a one compare with the current stuff. lol compare a SNES Game with a 2015 AAA PC-Game makes sense! now can i say wth of a herb you have smoked ;) "today's television isn't as high on sci-fi" öhmm... nearly everything today has elements of Scifi/Mystery and Fantasy we just dont have Space Opera. I would also prefer good drama but all I see is crime crime crime -.-
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Oh...sci-fi shows there are aplenty, but none of them are very good.They're next to nothing compared to shows like Breaking Bad or House M.D. Unless you count the super-hero shows which keep on getting better and better. But those are in a class of their own. We haven't had a really great sci-fi show since Dollhouse (coincidently also made by Joss Whedon). Even Doctor Who's gotten pretty lame since the "death" of The 10th Doctor.
And of course I can compare them... The really good NES games hold up today very well. Unfortunately, most of the NES and SNES is made of crap. The Planet of the Apes movie (the classic one with Charlton Heston) came up in 1968 and holds up flawlessly even today. It has NO TRACE of the cheese and lameness that Star Trek TOS has. So good sci-fi was possible in those times, just not in television. So yeah, I can judge them quite objectively. Same way Star Trek TNG is far superior to the later Star Trek series that came out. In fact, to me that's the true OG Star Trek series, the only one that counts. It's what TOS should have been from the start. Instead of that cornucopia of campiness we got.
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Farscape is my favorite series, have to start watching it from the beginning though. I had watched random episodes when it was still on broadcast and thought the puppets were too weird. Starting from the beginning though after a couple episodes I didn't even recognize them as puppets, just one more weird alien done without the CGI most series use. Though I have watched and enjoyed all of these mentioned so far (except Lexx, that one... just didn't like it) I like Farscape best for the entire story arc and finishing movie.
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I'd also recommend Continuum as a more recent series. Mostly police work themes but with a very cool sci-fi timetravel backstory and overall story arc.
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Hmm havent heard of red dwarf. Might be another Title in german, but I will look it up.
//edit: Yes. it never was released in germany. Thats why. But since I watch most of the series in english its not a problem.
I will definitely go for Firefly.
I am looking forward to the new X-Files Miniseries(?) and might check out all the old episodes before watching that.
What about Falling skies? I watched 2 Seasons and dont know if its worth to watch the others also.
If any of you havent seen Farscape yet, give it a try. I really fell in love with that series and did not watch the final movie for months because I didnt want it to end :)
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A word of warning : Red Dwarf is an 80's comedy. It has a sci-fi theme but it's mostly comedy with deliberately cheesy sci-fi as a theme.
It's great, but you have to suspend your disbelief until you realise they're making fun of themselves just as much as being serious.
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yep, another really good one:
"Who am I? I am Susan Ivanova. Commander. Daughter of Andrei and Sofie Ivanov. I am the right hand of vengeance, and the boot that is going to kick your sorry ass all the way back to Earth, sweetheart! I am death incarnate, and the last living thing that you are ever going to see. God sent me."
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No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow. What? Look, somebody's got to have some damn perspective around here! Boom. Sooner or later. BOOM!
But as much as I love Ivanova the quote that always makes me feel all squishy inside is one from Delenn.
Why not? Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari Fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else!
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Yeah, some people just don't understand that. There is such things as Sci-Fi Mystery Action Thriller.
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Probably Firefly, although I loved Star Trek TNG as a kid. Battlestar Gallactica was great, Stargate Universe criminally underated, I liked Enterprise as well and can I highly recommend Dollhouse to anyone who hasn't seen it. My most recent favourite was Almost human, cannot believe it was cancelled, not quite Firefly level or criminality but not far off.
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regarding Farscape, I remembered liking it and watched some on Netflix and after the second season it felt too different from the first two. I'll probably go back and watch some more on netflix at some point but I lost interest.
as far as other stuff as many others have said Firefly is great. I also watched Battlestar Galactica when it aired starting with the last few seasons and really enjoyed it.
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Fringe and Star Trek D:
Also loved the first series of Stargate D:
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yes Warehouse 13 is a pretty good series too, very much enjoyed it and thought it had a lot of parallels to Fringe and X-Files in terms of what they were dealing with, but with more lighthearted comedy segments.
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Original Star Trek with the new digital effects, Babylon 5, Red Dwarf, LEXX, old Doctor Who, Firefly, earlier X-Files, BBC Hitchhiker's Guide mini-series, Farscape, Jupiter Moon, and Buck Rodgers just because Erin Grey looked so good in those skin tight outfits. ;)
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Almost Human was great,still cant believe they cancelled it
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Agreed it was very good, would have liked to see more. Along similar lines but less futuristic I also enjoyed watching Intelligence, but which was also cancelled.
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340 Comments - Last post 56 minutes ago by RePlayBe
I recently finished watching Farscape which is quite AWESOME!
It was cancelled after Season 4 with a cliffhanger and a year later they made a 3h Movie to end the Story.
I also loved watching Stargate Universe. Only that one, i really didnt like the other Stargate-Series'.
But that one was also cancelled after Season 2.
Tell me about your favorite SiFi-TV-Series.
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