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So, I am new to SteamTrades and I just wanted some pointers on how I should handle myself to safe guard from scammers and people trying to rip me off. I know to always check SteamTrade profiles to make sure they match with the Steam profile. I'm keeping transcripts of all the chats I have with traders including Steam profile ID and SteamTrades profile ID. As for my keys and prices, I keep all that in notepad and an Excel spreadsheet.
Anything else I should do or tips to not getting scammed?
Also, if I do get scammed and I save the transcript plus ID's, can Steam help out with that, or would screenshots be more reputable?

11 years ago*

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  • Ask traders to post in your topic first, and you will add them. Don't accept random requests. This at least can lower the chances of a scammer.
  • Stick to people you recognise if possible, to improve your chances of a safe trade. I frequently trade with SteamGifts regulars or people I know from Backlog Attack, as I know and trust them.
11 years ago

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Sorry, I forgot to mention that in the OP. In my trading post I say to make an offer in the thread first and random adds will be blocked. I do try to trade with people with reputable rep and so far so good. i have had 5 successful trades and all went very smoothly. Hope that doesn't change anytime soon :P Thanks for the help and info!

11 years ago

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trade with tf2 keys and ask for giftable copies

also, always check giftable copies for region restrictions (RUS tag etc)

then you'll be safe :D

11 years ago

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How do I go about checking for region restrictions?

11 years ago

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kinda easy to tell
check this example

11 years ago

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Alright :) thank you for the info!

11 years ago

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If the trade is to good to be true.. IT IS stay away!! Also make sure you check www.steamrep.com if anything looks suspicious. It doesn't always have scammer info but its always good to check.
If something doesn't feel right just walk away better to be safe than sorry.
Also my best suggestion is invest in TF2 keys and trade with Russian traders (they have better prices than US).
Also if you find a trader you like ask him/her if you can keep them on your friends list and right click their name and choose "add nickname" and I put something like Russian Trader or Good prices you get the point.
Good luck with trading and Welcome to steam trades.

11 years ago

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I'm trying to trade for some keys ATM on SteamTrades so i can have a stockpile of them :P also thanks for the tip about the nicknames on Steam! Thanks for all your help :)

11 years ago

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In the FAQ section, there is a list of scammers, block them all. It gonna take you a couple of hours, but worth it :)

11 years ago

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I guess I should get started on that right now :) thanks for the tip!

11 years ago

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you know.. good idea, thanks

11 years ago

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Get enhanced Steam, it will add links on their profile to their steamrep and steamtrades, and shows if a game has been bundled on the store page.

11 years ago

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Is this what you are refering to: Enhanced Steam
Just wanna make sure I'm getting the correct thin and thanks for the help!

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Thank you :) works beautifully

11 years ago

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I'm not a "pro", but I can recommend common sense: Only pick people with a high rep, and offer to trade first. That way they know you're not trying to scam them, and you can be more confident that they won't scam you since they have a high rep.

After a while, your own rep will increase, so you can start trading with people that a have a lower rep, but now you can request that THEY go first and refuse the trade if they don't.

If the trade happens entirely inside a steam trade dialog, then this of course doesn't matter since you can see the items before accepting. But for trades outside the steam trading system (like steam keys of gift links), the above advise should protect you most of the time.

PS: Oh, and don't let people convince you to give more than you take just because they tell you "but you got those from a deal or bundle". They did the same thing anyway ;-) The canonical answer is "well, go get the bundle then." If a deal or bundle has ended, your games are worth MORE than the bundle price, because no one can get them at the cheap price anymore.

11 years ago

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Thanks for reassuring me with that last hint :P I've been telling people this the whole time and still no one cares. They value the game at the bundled price all the time. Thank you for all the tips you gave :)

11 years ago

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If the bundle is fairly recent, there are tons of people with leftovers so people will keep valuing them at the bundle's price for a bit. A bundle key for another bundle key is usually considered a fair trade. Honestly, for some people their stuff is always worth more than yours and they can always tell you about some back alley deal that should reduce the value of your offer.

No matter how many rep anyone have, if you don't feel confident about a trade you can always back out. Just be polite about it.

11 years ago

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That does make sense. I'll remember that for the bundle games I have now so I don't ask for absurd prices for them. Thank you!

11 years ago

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Well I was referring to trades, not sales. You should know that you are not allowed to sell bundle games for money. It's still up to you to ignore that of course. I personally only want to trade for other games, and if the bundle is over by the time I want to trade, I only want to trade for a game of approximately the same value.

11 years ago

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By "asking for absurd price", I wasn't referring to selling them. I meant the value of the game itself. I don't trade complete bundles at all. I buy the bundle once then take the things I wanted and then trade the others for games.

11 years ago

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Pick someone with reps older than 3months (IMO)

There were some fraudsters who got many good rep in less than 1 month then got their game revoked months after

High rep is not everything, also check their reputation age, their profile, steamrep data, etc., until you feel safe to trade with

11 years ago

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Good thinking with the rep age part. I wouldn't want my games to disappear after a short while! Thanks for the tips!

11 years ago

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Know your prices and what games are commonly on sale and in bundles.
Buy games you want from traders for the price your willing to pay, don't let people push prices or games on you, that "good deal" might be a game that drops from a current bundle (ร†rena or interstellar marines) or worse dead island epidemic.
Make sure you are getting what you are paying for, hover over the game in the trade window, it never hurts to be too careful.
Have fun, buy games you want to play and play them, dont get so addicted to trading you don't have time to enjoy the games :p

11 years ago

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That's what the excel sheet is for :) it has the retail price of the game and he price I got the game for.
Example of the first few The equation for the profit box is at the top. gotta love that math :P and the way I have it set up, all I have to do is change the key price and all of the equations update. Works flawlessly so far.

11 years ago

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Any paranoid trader can trash your well kept clean rep page, and no one will care a bit(whatever the number of good trades you made before)

11 years ago

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I am trying to avoid people who are shady and jumpy. So far no incidents. Thanks for the tips!

11 years ago

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The most obvious but sometimes ignored rule: never trade your gift copy for a key

11 years ago

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If it's a game you want for yourself there's nothing wrong with trading it as a key - you'll activate it right away and know if it works. Also, don't re-trade keys; you don't want to risk someone saying the key you gave them has been used when you can't say you're the only one who had access to it...

As a side note; don't go with the "key always goes first" bullshit - games from keys are as good as games from gift copies.

11 years ago

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I actually traded my keys for a couple of gift games with someone. I'm not gonna double cross anyone either, but I do understand how it could end badly. I keep transcripts of each chat including the keys, games, Steam account and steamtraders account, so in the future if a key doesn't work I know who to go talk to. I go with the "if you're the "visiting" trader (not the OP), then you should go first." To make it more clear :P if you visit my thread and make an offer you should go first and if I visit someone else's thread and make an offer then I will go first. Thank you both for the tips!

11 years ago

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Check Steamtrades profile with Steamprofile and Rep. Those basic steps will save you lots of trouble.

11 years ago

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I do this all the time :) thank you for your contribution.

11 years ago

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just bear in mind that steamrep rejected all scam report outside the steam trade windows, so it's kinda useless now

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by MtnDewster.