Hello, everyone!


SteamGifts Whitelist
You may or may not be familiar with the SteamGift whitelist feature. To make things more interesting with giveaways I have decided to reserve my whitelist for active members of this group. If you actively visit the forums, group comments, discord, or in-game servers, please send me a message (preferably on discord: Alaeri or in my profile to add you for SG info) so that I may add you to my whitelist. This active member whitelist will be given flash giveaways at random times for high demand / new release games such as Battlefield 1, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Elder Scrolls, The Witcher, Fallout, etc. This is to award the members that actively participate in making this community a more welcoming and enjoyable place to be. It also gives a higher chance of winning with fewer entries. Hopefully everyone will be excited for this :)

The discord channel is not as heavily required to be a certain age, as it accompanies multiple groups to one discord. Not all groups in our network are 21+ So feel free to join no matter the age just keep in mind that there are still rules and guidelines on how to interact with each other in the chat.

A few networks have joined together for a partnership with “The Adult Gamers” to help expand the reach for this new project. The idea is TAGs is interested in creating a network that expands more than just a topic, but rather, an audience. A more mature or “later in life” audience. The preferred age is 21+ but we welcome 20+ as long as the maturity is there. TAGs will become a sort of catalyst for all partners in the network for their more mature and touchy discussions. Such as culture, race, sex, terrorism, etc. The forums will not be the only focus for TAGs however. Once our network is expanded we will have private servers/groups for Ark, Minecraft, CS:GO, GTA, etc.

This means adult players in similar life-stages building communities and interacting in-game. We will have leaders of this community to help maintain these servers and groups. Within game we will hold competitions and events to win Steam game codes/gifts as well as other prizes. Along with multi-group discussion and in-game competitions/events, TAGs will sponsor a few giveaways in other networks as well. Below are a few links to get started if you are 20+ and interested in joining this network or have older friends that are-- please share and spread the word!

For a limited time this group is open to public without invite. An admin or co-owner position is going to open up in a few months depending on activity and ability to manage and participate ^^

The Adult Gamers Community Forums
Introductions & "Ask/Chat-Me Threads
Competitions, Giveaways, Events, & More
Steam Trading & Market Discussion
Gaming Lounge
Anime & Manga Discussion
General Discussion
Ventilation Area & AdviceAbout this Area.
Serious Business & World NewsAbout this Area

8 years ago*

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[ name ] ( url ) without spaces

8 years ago

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Thank you!

8 years ago

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clickbait, hoping to find porn!

8 years ago

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+1 I feel scammed, can I talk to the manager please ?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Hahaha, sorry. No porn there xD

8 years ago

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Does it involve swearing? I always swear - in a friendly way mostly. :P

8 years ago

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No fucking swearing allowed

8 years ago

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It's not encouraged or anything if that's what you mean? We definitely don't allow to use it towards people such as name calling or being disrespectful but it's not prohibited to use words like "This game is fucking awesome." As long as it's not overdone and all. We figure everyone is old enough to know when it's too much. ^^

8 years ago

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That's exactly why I said "in a friendly way". ;)

8 years ago

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Touché xD

8 years ago

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Not to intend creating a discussion here but, just a thought: Are really 20+ people "adults" nowadays?
It's quite clear that adolescence has expanded its boundarys until 25+ at least (may be more xD)

Interesting idea anyway, will take a look at the links, keep on rocking!

8 years ago

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I thought that people are adults when they're over 18 years old. :P

8 years ago

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By law, yes. At least in many countries.
I was thinking about being "mature" or independant (economically if you want)

8 years ago

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Independent? Haha, not in the poor countries. ;P

8 years ago

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In some countries 48 year old people live with their kids... in their parents places, waiting for 78 year old parents to die and kids to go to university so they can once in their life live alone as a couple. Not saying country names but some people will know.

8 years ago

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That is true. I live in one such place. Part of it is culture, people take pride in families being united and parents don't want to part from their kids. But mostly it's because of economic necessity. Most people simply can't afford to buy or even rent a place to live until they've saved up for a couple dozen years, at least. So why waste a perfectly good home?

8 years ago

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I have a friend who´s family has made a bigger family in their parent´s terrain. The terrain is big, so each one of his brothers build a small house there, they married and had kids. And they get along so well as a big family, his parents became grand fathers and they look so happy. Believe me, I envy them in a good way. So It´s not a bad thing when the family is united like you say. I consider them my second family. They treat me so well when I´m there and I believe It´s because theres harmony in their place.

8 years ago*

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That really is different from person to person. Some people are mature and independent when they're 18, others won't reach that point until they're 30. It probably also depends on where you live and how you're raised. And education probably has something to do with it as well.

It's honestly best to stick to the law when referring to "adults" as a term, because it really is defined by the law. One can be an adult but be very immature. The definition (as found on dictionary.com) of adult: "a person who has attained the age of maturity as specified by law."

8 years ago

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Yes that's true but I went a little higher than legally just to get a medium of when people usually mature. Definitely not always the case but it's probably the most reasonable age to assume some maturity.

8 years ago

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Adult? Yes.

Grown up? Probably not.

8 years ago

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Probably not a completely bad thing haha.

8 years ago

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You'd fit right in

8 years ago

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Hmm, I know some people in their 30s that still act like kids.

8 years ago

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Same :P

8 years ago

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My thoughts exactly when I read the thread.

8 years ago

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Just going but the general consensus ^^
Its mainly for maturity than age.... which sometimes doesn't even occur in the 30's haha

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

8 years ago

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In some ways, I totally understand, haha.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Hahah, I can see your point Ignacio. The actual age for the group is 21+ I should probably stay consistent with that. You are definitely right about maybe 20-24 is still not quiet mature enough these days but I didn't want to disregard a lot of people who are in their early 20's and in many ways more adult than people in their 30's haha. For now we look at the quality of discussion and interaction with the community. It's going to require heavy moderating as the group grows I'm sure. ^^

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Thank you!! Hope to see you around ^^

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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I don't currently accept friend requests atm(another reason I made this group xD) but I'll send you an invite so we can chat in the group. ^^ I'm trying to keep my friends list pretty minimum because I rarely have time to play games let alone chat live or keep up. I made a lot of people mad accepting and being too busy so it's easier this way ;3;

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Most of the time I'm on there is for this group now haha. I used to just play ark and rocket league but haven't had time since this plus school ;_; figured I'd make this thread in hopes we get get some pretty active people wanting to help me manage and take some load off xD I need to focus on school more ^^ at least till summer

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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I am 25 and I'm in nursing school^^

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Seeing that you're new around here I would suggest you to use the "Reply" option under comments, that way the person you're talking to receives a notification letting them know about your reply. Otherwise they might never see your comment unless they're actively checking this thread.

8 years ago

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True. I picked up a bit late but thank you ^^

8 years ago

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Your group has OGG partners... Now it is not interesting any more to me ^^

8 years ago

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Haha why is that? They were one of the first groups willing to partner with us and for that I am grateful ^^

That's unfortunate. I'm not staff on OGG or anything but I still appreciate their willingness to help get the word out about TAG. I cant confirm or deny the information provided below as I am new to steam and groups so i wasnt aroynd for that but to assume that we run things the same because we have affiliated seems a bit rash but I understand. Hopefully you or others will come to see that TAG is although partnered with many, ran uniquely and independently.

8 years ago*

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Spammers, mass action gleam.io givaways with crap stuff and an admin with immature behavior. It's all about getting follows and likes and shit.
That was a few month ago and since then I don't like them

8 years ago

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Seems reasonable, hopefully you and others will see we aim for a quality discussion and community. Given we still need help with letting people know about us and OGG was one of the very few big groups willing to help us with 0 membeso and nothing to offer ^^

8 years ago

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D'oh, good that I scrolled here xD

8 years ago

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Why is everyone hating on them? Lol

8 years ago

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That's interesting. Well, TAG will be using steam gifts for their giveaways. Which is why I joined this site ^^

8 years ago

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Ahh good to know, that's a deal breaker there.

8 years ago

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That's unfortunate. I'm not staff on OGG or anything but I still appreciate their willingness to help get the word out about TAG. To assume that we run things the same because we have affiliated seems a bit rash but I understand. Hopefully you or others will come to see that TAG is although partnered with many, ran uniquely and independently.

8 years ago

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It's a deal breaker for me as well. I'm not saying that you, or your group is bad in any way, but why do you need to affiliate with OGG to begin with?

8 years ago

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They are just sending out a message to their members about us and I asked if I could put some of my give ways in their group (use steamgifts) and they said they would. When I asked them I had maybe 30 members and nothing to offer them. They were the only large group willing to help us out for our cause. I don't know how they operate their giveaways but I can't thank them enough for at least being willing to help our cause with nothing to offer them for.

8 years ago

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You are offering something in return. Not directly, but by increasing your member count, they'll be able to count your members to their total number of members, and use that as a way of getting steam keys from developers, and as a way of advertising their groups.
The person who runs OGG is a rather unpleasant person. I've seen him encourage attacks against people he don't like and even people who have tried to be helpful to him but have not given him the answer he wanted to hear. I remember one concrete example where he was really angry because his reviews was not shown as the top reviews for certain games, and people tried to explain to him that steam don't just base which reviews are shown at the top on number of votes, but other things as well (things like age), and he got so angry at everyone who gave him that answer that he started threatening them and called in people from his group to harass them. So you can see why I'm not keen on doing anything that helps his groups, right? And of course, we have the whole harassment of developers and threatening to review bomb them if they don't give him free games.

8 years ago

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This is the truth of it - frankly after that whole thread and group mess I wouldn't want OGG anywhere near a group I set up !

8 years ago

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I think Fnord explained it very well. But yeah, it would put me off entering the group as well (if I was elegible in the first place (I'm 20))...

But why would you need them to get publicity anyway? You can get a lot of people by just being actively recruiting people (for example by placing threads like this). I don't see the need to associate yourselfs with groups like that (of course if you didn't know about this beforehand it's understandable you went with it, but I still don't really get why you need big groups in the first place).

8 years ago

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Yeah after seeing how many people have joined from this thread I realized I didnt need to go to bigger groups. I am very new to steam.. maybe a few months? Im even newer to groups and the inner workings of the community :/ I just really wanted to make something like this for steam because it was the first thing I noticed after switching from console to PC. Seems to be a lot less older people in-game :/ You are eligible and thank you for understanding ^^ At this point OGG and TAG are not associated in terms of staff or how things are done. They haven't posted an announcement about us yet but I would feel kinda rude to be like "I dont want you near my group" when they were SERIOUSLY the ONLY large group willing to help. I asked a lot of groups even those with just 50k members and still none wanted to help expand the community. It seems pretty self expanding now and I guess being new to this I just didnt think anyone would find out about it any other way ^^

8 years ago

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They weren't willing to help anyone but themselves. As others have mentioned all they wanted was your members.

8 years ago

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I'm just confused on how they can use my members if we aren't actually networked together anyway. He stated he didn't really want to expand his network with ours

8 years ago

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That's dumb. This group is cool

8 years ago

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Why do you seem so focused on age out of curiosity? I mean talking about certain subjects with younger people is weird / wrong, but there are "adults" just as bad as immature teens / kids.

8 years ago

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Seems like you answered the question yourself. Because with a minimum age means at the very least no legal or morally wrong situations should occur... such as if an Rx forum discussion is added later. We dont want to have discussions on mature content like that with people underage. Not to mention its just easier to relate to people out of high school. Of course people can lie but we try to weed out the catfish and liars. I can't make it perfect but that's the easiest way to ensure a more mature gaming community. Had I named it the mature gamers lots of underage people would join saying they are mature... which defeats the purpose. I want to build a gaming community that are later in life. The older generations. Or at the very least people that should be more independent and mature with handling topics and discussing like within the community.

8 years ago

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hmmm - assuming that what people write on the internet is true of course - wait, it never is now is it - so how can you prove their ages ?

8 years ago

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& vice versa. Maturity is mostly subject to life experience, some people are exposed to it much earlier than others. 'Maturity' doesn't come just because you're a year older and so on(only physical appearance).

8 years ago

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Yes that is my point. It's not just age it's maturity as well but legally something things have to be a certain age. This just ensures a more universally accepted maturity range. A standard life experience expentancy. ^^ that's why it will be monitored to ensure maturity not just age.

8 years ago

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Hm, the current state of the discord 'group' and the steam group doesn't seem like my sort of thing. I joined the group at least, if anyone feels like they would like to talk or play cooperatively, they can send me a message or something similar.

Seconding the reply from 'jenoer' below. If it remains out of what I enjoy, I'll leave.

8 years ago

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Rome wasn't built in a day xD

8 years ago

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A group made by young adults for young adults calling themselves adults. I'm fucking old.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Haha, well some old timers are very immature :p that's why it's not just about age. ^^

8 years ago

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I propose a new group, "Cranky Bastards". I shall be your leader (not that you'll be happy with my abilities).

8 years ago

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Cranky Bastards is cool xD Id join

8 years ago

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Not to be rude, but all I see in the steam group is:

  • Thousands of "kawaii" emoticons, hearts, ascii art hearts, "lol so funny".., "lmao" ttyl bff4l yolo..
  • Edit: "feel free to add me and we can go to rage mode in csgo to prank ppl ( lmao) jk, i'm not that bad" < These kind of things.
  • People talking about how mature they are (something that only kids do)
  • OGG partners

Meh, I will not feel at home there.

Goodluck though. I hope you can make a group you will be happy with.

8 years ago*

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The only thing "adult" I found about the group when going to read the discussions (because I was genuinely interested) is a post made in the voice of a stuffy old dad that basically says you can't do much of anything or you get a ban... and, get this, you post a link it needs to go through a moderator first.

I've had enough of the sanctimonious group leader being condescending to people thing to last a lifetime.

8 years ago

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If you are talking about the forum rules they were sent to me via a different administration at the time who left the group. I haven't had a chance to edit it but ifor you looked around you'd see we are a fairly relaxed and open community. We also just opened within thelast month. More serious discussion threads are always welcomed but it's a pressing time of the year for a lot of people in college including myself and I haven't got around to it yet. I have not been condescending to anyone. I'm surprised how quickly people here are assuming something negative by this group just from OGG sending out a word about us. FL very unfortunate but either way I hope people at least look around more from time to time to see it grow.

8 years ago

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To be fair, that's a stickied post that says "Group Rules" and it's really overkill in my opinion. If you guys aren't like that, maybe edit that post, then. If you are, that's fine. It's your group. Nobody is forcing anyone else to join.

8 years ago

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This is not accurate lol...

8 years ago

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Hello mind checking the Unofficial SteamGifts Discord server

8 years ago

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I am there, should i say something? I am scared:(

8 years ago

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don't be scare just come and talk with us :)

8 years ago

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Another group by OGG... how many do you guys need? o_O

8 years ago

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This is not OGG. The staff there do not participate in this group at all. They just said they would send a note out to their members to let them know about our group. Like a sponsor of sort. Which hasn't been done yet even.

8 years ago

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Just a word of caution about the OGG, you might want to reconsider being affiliated with them as it might come and bite you in the ass somewhere down the line.

8 years ago

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I was about to say something about this. I was REALLY interested in this group, but then I saw they are "sponsors". Instant turn-off.
Seriously reconsider having any ties to them whatsoever. They have numbers, but the numbers are A) sheep, B) all manner of unsavory people. Also C) SalzStange is NOT to be trusted. Just give this a read. I'm sure you haven't seen it because you just registered here 8 hours ago.

View attached image.
8 years ago*

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Well I removed the sponsor. I dont really know much about what had been going on but my experience with Salz has been really good because he has been really kind and helpful. I removed the sponsor though because he told me they would give us a shout-out for about 2 or so weeks now and haven't heard anything. Which is the same thing another large group did before backing out in the end so no point in me advertising a sponsor that hasn't sponsored us. Especially for all this hate and assumptions on my group without even doing a thing for it :/

8 years ago

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Salz was very kind and helpful to me too at the beginning when he asked me to join the group as a curator...but then later showed his true colors. I don't think people are actually hating on you for it, I just think that after all the crap that happen they want to avoid the OGG entirely. I'm joining now, btw :P

8 years ago

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Haha thank you for joining Nerdhouse and this isn;t OGG so I guess they dont need to avoid it XD

8 years ago

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This is not OGG. The staff there do not participate in this group at all.

Personally i don't care about OGG, one way or the other, but at least have some courtesy.

8 years ago*

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Am I not showing courtesy? I was just stating a fact that people are acting like this is the same group when there is no connection other than a sponsor shout-out ^^;;

8 years ago

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I'm old enough but I'm not mature enough, sorry.


8 years ago

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You said butt

View attached image.
8 years ago

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8 years ago

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lmfao XD 8><><8

8 years ago

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I think I need to create an over 60's group at this rate.

8 years ago

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Haha, yeahhh. ^^

8 years ago

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You're perfect just the way you are. Join us

8 years ago

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I appreciate it but I don't really have time to be active on groups nowadays, sorry.

8 years ago

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I'm 22 but where you know your members ages ? You need prof.
Edit: I'm in. But really you need to know.

8 years ago

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I cant really require proof of age that is a privacy issue. Do porn sites even require proof of age? This isn't a porn site though! LMAO. For now we just try to moderate as well as we can. If we see someone that is known to be underage they are kicked. We do the best we can but it is the internet. Even if I required proof people can fake information or ID's

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Add me, spongebob is an adult right?

8 years ago

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Anything but spongebob

8 years ago

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Im 48, and im a child :)

8 years ago

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Then this is for you ^^

8 years ago

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Good you'll fit in

8 years ago

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It's a little annoying when the first thing someone post is something they are advertising. Group, twitch, youtube etc.

Doesn't help there isn't any kind of giveaway as well. Not even a bundle gibe. But that's just my opinion.

8 years ago

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There is a giveaway now. I apologize for that. When I joined this site I wasn't planning to advertise. I didnt even KNOW there was an advertise section till I saw another advertisement and was like "might as well". I didnt think it would get so many hits either or a giveaway would have been posted already! We just put a sponsor giveaway up. The TAG Official giveaway using steamgifts will be posted once it hits 1K this gives me a chance to know this community and figure out how to do things correctly.

8 years ago

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Nothing against you, since I don't know you, but against the community on this site and is just me venting so you can ignore what is next.

Why do people get upset for people advertising a group on a "Group Recruitment" tag? It is what it is for. That is what these different sections have different tags for. People who don't like it can skip over these tags. So many complain about this stuff when they post things in the proper sections.

Why does everyone need to have a giveaway? It is dumb to expect that in the "Discussion" thread (seperate from the "Giveaway" section) that people need to have a giveaway and that if they don't, they get blacklisted. People are too entitled here expecting there to be a giveaway where one should not be necessary. It is like giving a little extra when paying someone, then getting bitched at because you paid exactly what you should have instead of having extra that once.

8 years ago*

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As I stated in my post, imo it's just wrong to join the site purely to just advertise. That was clearly the intention. I don't think many would be okay if someone joined the site and made a thread advertising their group and was like "Hey I made a steam group for my twitch/youtube! Make sure to join the group! Thanks!" Feels messed up to me they are asking something from a community of people without really having contributing themselves, all that person, in my view, is trying to use/take advantage of that community.
And group recruitment is usually for SteamGIFTs related groups.

8 years ago

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Ah, I see your viewpoint now and your comment as a whole makes more sense. Very understandable. You are definitely not the target of my venting then, but others still are :p

8 years ago

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You say that was clearly the intention but I just stated how it WAS NOT my intention. I joined cause I wanted to enter giveaways. Do not force your opinion on me, please.

8 years ago

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You made this thread an hour after joining the site. Not a month, not a couple weeks, not a week, not a couple days, not a day. An hour. It sure seems like it to me. At the very least, the idea came quickly to you.
". The TAG Official giveaway using steamgifts will be posted once it hits 1K"
You even said you won't even do a giveaway until you get 1k members aka double what the group currently has.

Sure seems like advertising to me.

8 years ago

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As I stated prior, I joined for GIVEAWAYS. I started on orlygifts when I saw a profile that mentioned steamgifts. I came here to enter giveaways and that was all. I saw the forum called "Group Recruitment" SO THEN YES, I proceeded to make a recruitment post. Because, why not? That is what it is for. I checked for any rules on level or membership and saw none so of course I'm going to see if anyone is interested. It's silly not to. The reason I am not doing giveaways until 1K is because I wanted to make sure the group wasn't a bust. I'm not made of money (the reason I even enter giveaways) and this is all going to be out of pocket. There are other members there posting giveaways because we didn't realize how quickly the group would grow from this ad. In all honesty I wasn't expecting anyone to really see this. Maybe 10 or 20 people joining. Had I known I would have had a giveaway up anyway despite not really having the money for it right now. I am saving to buy some games and give them away, sorry that isn't fast enough? The point is I had no intentions of advertising here. Never heard of a site having group recruitments anyway. So regardless how you think I went about this, I would appreciate you NOT assuming you know me or my intentions because so far, they are wrong.

8 years ago

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Went on discord, seen dank #memes channel, felt old, left to look for The Adult Gamers | 31+

8 years ago

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I was sad about that haha. memes aren't for everyone, which is why I separated it from other discussions so people dont have to see it if they dont want to.

8 years ago

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Discord isn't really the focus anyway it's the discussions

8 years ago

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Thanks, but I hate people my age.

8 years ago

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You like underage people? xD

8 years ago

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Or older people but I never implied either.

8 years ago

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Oh well its 21+ so older are included. Atm our average range is usually 24-33

8 years ago

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I´m in thanks for the open invitation Alaeri. I just reach the 3rd floor this September :D

8 years ago

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No problem, and it seems tough leveling up here ;~;

8 years ago

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In Shire you're adult when you're 33, Frodo was 50 when he left for Rivendell.

8 years ago

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Hah, true facts.

8 years ago

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But Kim Kardasian was young when she left the Shire, right?

8 years ago

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And look how successful she was! :O

8 years ago

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All hobbits are pretty famous!

8 years ago

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Good point xD

8 years ago

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Well, since people spreads false rumors about my being a perv:

View attached image.
8 years ago

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LMFAO Damn it, Kim.

8 years ago

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Lemme guess, you're from the USA?

8 years ago

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I.... am... ;-;

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Because of 21+ and not 18+ like the rest of the world :P (didn't mean it in an offensive way)

8 years ago

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Oh that wasn't for legalized adulthood cause it's 18 in America too. I went higher to get more life experience and also maturity us more commonly gained in mid 20's. Most thought process changing occurs at 18 then again at 20 to 21 and again around 25 to 26. I don't mind if some 18 or 19 join as long as maturity is there.

8 years ago

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Except they don't trust you to drink alcohol until you're 21 (at least in Texas, where I know somebody). USA seems like a land that has abandoned logic: At 18, they believe you to be mature enough to consent to sex, get married, have kids, buy guns, and kill people for your country in the military, but not drink beer.

8 years ago

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Hahah you have a point there. Not sure why the alcohol thing is 21. Though I think it should be 21 for everything myself. 18 is still too young ^^

8 years ago

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Yeah, research shows that the brain doesn't typically mature until the mid-20s (http://hrweb.mit.edu/worklife/youngadult/brain.html#beyond), but I don't think many teens or parents would be too happy with mum and dad calling the shots for a decade after the kids reach sexual maturity. We've seen how effective banning something is on stopping teens do it. A complete ban on alcohol until adulthood just makes consuming it a rite of passage and a coveted, illicit thrill before then. The association between alcohol and adulthood generates a very unhealthy, immature attitude towards drinking here in Australia, and other countries that practice the same philosophy, such as Great Britain, Ireland and USA. In the continental European countries that don't have such strict laws or enforcement, such as Germany, consuming alcohol seems to be a more mature affair, incidental to socialising, rather than the focus. The other thing that happens when alcohol prohibition is treated as seriously as it is in USA, is that alcohol becomes as illicit for underage people to use as illicit drugs are for adults, and consequently, youths often find it just as easy to access illicit drugs. I know my Texan friend and her mates use cannabis because they find it easier to get hold of than alcohol.

It's also worth noting that the impulsive risk-taking of youth that most people mature out of is something that we applaud in our leaders when it's successful. Alexander the Great was only 19 when he seized the Macedonian throne in the wake of his father's murder and began his unbeaten campaign of empire building. By 25, he'd also united Greece (by force), conquered Egypt, Persia and Asia, and assumed the titles King of Babylon, King of Asia, King of the Four Quarters of the World. He's one of the most influential people in history and he only lived to 32, so perhaps we dismiss the young at our peril.

8 years ago

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