What do you feel about this decision?
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where is the option "i would prefer if the game was full price"? because i really dislike the notion that multiplayer games have to be f2p. did you guys all forget how negative f2p can be for the gameplay? either they implement gambling elements into the game (crates + cases), or they try to get you to pay for progress by creating a grindfest. there are a few exceptions, but in general i really don't like the idea of f2p, and it makes me a sad panda that lately everyone seems to think a few bucks for a premium multiplayer experience is too much, and it should all be "free".
i'm speaking generally here. not necessarily saying Evolve is a premium multiplayer experience.
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I think players have become a bit cynical after DLCs, season passes, and whatnot are trending for publishers.
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Unfortunately unless you're EA, multiplayer games are BTX motherboards -- nobody buys them because nobody else has bought them. http://store.steampowered.com/app/346970/ for example has very positive reviews, a dev committed to his game, but less than 10 daily players. This is the indie side of things.
Then on the "AAA" side, you have awful shit like Evolve with its 100 players average in June. Unfortunately enough gullible fools buy this stuff at launch to somewhat sustain the business model.
In this view the really boring looking TF2 clone Overwatch should be your favourite game, it costs a whole lot of money and there's actually people playing it.
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They are now so greedy!!!
You pay a game's full price then you have to pay for dlc and then you have to pay for season pass...So i rather play a f2p with things to buy than paying a game's full price then having to pay for dlc and/or season pass,to really have the full game.Just like payday,black desert online and many other games that's not f2p but you still have to pay many times to have everything in the game.
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Were you the one? I mentioned it in an another thread started earlier about how I saw a giveaway for this game 2 days back during the steam sale and how the people involved in it are going to be pissed. Damn, it sucks man.
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I played the beta and enjoyed it enough, but only bothered to actually pick the game up recently when it was on sale for £5, mainly due to the ridiculous amount of DLC for it. Curious to know what F2P elements they're going to use to pay for it all. I doubt it's going to make a huge difference to the player base though unless they make all the season pass(es) content included in it or something, because F2P or not, there's hardly any content without it.
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The thing I don't understand is why they waited for the steam sale to end before announcing this. People will feel cheated now when they learn that the game they bought on discount, is now going F2P just days after the sale.
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Main difference is that Battleborn is a good game actually opposite of what evolve is.
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I wouldn't say Evolve is a bad game either, at least from what gameplay my friend was streaming.
But both game started out pretty bad. Evolve got negative publicity due to the sheer amount of DLC upon release and Battleborn being launched very close to Overwatch release date and not being marketed enough.
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I bought this on the first day it was available, expecting it to be a fun twist on Left 4 Dead.
Stopped playing the moment the slew of DLCs started dropping, and haven't returned. Bullshit nickel and diming of customers, after selling the game at full price.
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got it back then, when it was on price error in the Indonesian steam store (still ROW then and months before release)
for 4 TF2 also 2 other copies which i traded for ~ 12 TF2 each so no "rigrets"
6/10 game anyway - that little content when it released for the whopping price tag of 60$ ...
as people used to say, thats the EVOLUTION of DLC-robbery - now look where it got them > F2P "peasantry" X-D
this will definitely bring the game back to life as it looks good and plays nice, at least for 10-20 hours
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Pre-order and two season passes. Give me my money back. Meh. ;(
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if they released Evolve F2P, can i still activate the Monster Pack Expansion? (key)
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It's not an MMO. It's an Asymmetric PvP game where one player who controls the Monster Fights against a team of hunters controlled by other players. I won it on here and it's actually pretty fun (at least the Tutorial makes it look fun, did not find any players when I tried though)
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A $60 AAA game that charges you for dozens of skins and for new classes should only be a F2P business model, this was a disgrace for Turtle Rock.
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There is plenty of players actually. Takes 5-15 seconds to find the other people and you are ready to go.
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That's right the game is finally going free to play. (Which it should have been from the beginning IMO)
Current owners get 'Founder Status' and the game launches as a f2p beta on Steam on 7th July. Do you guys think this can bring it back to life and bring in new players? What was broken when you played the game? What do you expect to be fixed before you pick the up game in the beta?
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