And guess what? I woke up this morning and had a msg from a friend saying he wants me to buy him Dark Souls, so I did using Steam. I gifted it to him and decided to go buy a copy for myself, which I did on GMG using the discount code to get it for $30. I then made my coffee and started my morning online news reading and saw the article HERE. I feel sick, I knew it was going to be bad, but not this bad. Should I say fuck it and get my money back, not worried about my purchase for a friend, but me, that's a different story. I have never played Dark Souls nor even watched a video so I can only go by the reviews I have read and comments made everywhere. Do I refund or keep my head down in shame?

1 decade ago*

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Just played it, and I don't really see a problem yet, as far as graphics go, it's ok not horrible and I am running at 1080p. Check my latest screenshots. Game control is good, a little loose but I am using a controller. Sounds aren't bad. IDK about the rest of it as I need to play more, but also this guy made some changes to the game, so expect someone to make cfg or ini files and stuff.
So far so good. Not unhappy with my preorder.

1 decade ago

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Played a bit, and it looked god awful to me. Dunno if you had AA/motion blur on...I should've turned it off..but it looked like a big blurry upscaled mess. Going to try the resolution fix.

1 decade ago

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I agree it isn't great but not as bad as I thought it would be. My screenshots look like shit but that's the game so. But seeing it in motion it wasn't bad.

1 decade ago

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WOW that fix made a world of difference.....the game still lacks any trace of AF, but the resolution fix makes it tolerable to look at. Now just have to wait for the framerate fix! And to think this modder did this in 23 minutes....Namco really should've outsourced to someone more knowledgeable about PCs devs

1 decade ago

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yo i heard grpahic cards have programs that allow to force AF easily. probably just rumors.

1 decade ago

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Tried forcing it in NVCP, didn't help much. It's always better for the game to actually support it, rather than injecting "artifical" vid options...but it is indeed a direct port from a console with minimal change(before adding the resolution fix that is)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Nice screen.

1 decade ago

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Dat 2560x1600 goodness, looking god. I'm sure you've applied the res fix, correct? It'd have looked awful if you hadn't haha.

1 decade ago

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Jesus christ O-O

1 decade ago

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I heard you need more games in your library before you start talking about graphics cards and AF.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by BrainFlush.