I agree and yes I knew from the start they half-assed it but I didn't think they were actually going to burn us this bad, I am really hoping if I hold out until release that the internet shit storm will get them to do something about this, but probably not.
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My boy (the one I gifted) had it on XBOX and obviously it must have been good because he wants it on PC so I am still deciding. But thank you for your recommendation.
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Yes, the 30 fps lock, and resolution lock is the same on consoles. Te game still looks and runs fantastically on console, so on PC it will run as great as it does on console. Just because the PC version isn't better than the console doesn't mean anybody should be getting upset. I find that ridiculous, actually, the amount of entitlement some people feel.
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I wouldn't call it entitlement. More like people were hoping for a great game to come out better than the previous version since it's gonna make plenty of cash if it does. Which makes sense since all they had to really do was port it over and rake in the money.
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I think you have some misunderstanding how software development goes. Technically you are correct in that if something runs well on platform X, it should run better on platform Y if Y is better than X. Reality might be a whole another story. If developer is not experienced, it isn't that hard to produce inefficient code that might very well run worse on a better platform.
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Going to wait a little bit but seriously thinking that's the course of action.
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+1 on cancel. Horrible ports don't deserve your money. Borrow your friends copy on Console or go play it at his house or something.
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I also bought Binary Domain pre-order, guess what? Awesome game and it was broke day one until Monday patch but a little cfg edit let you play, do I regret it, nope. So point away, point away man. And I knew they didn't give a fuck about PC in regards to Dark Souls but I got a friend a copy so I am still on the fence.
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Nah my good friend wants it regardless so he keeps his, me on the other hand I don't know yet.
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I figure in time something can be done about any problems but who knows this early in.
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So you pre-order a game full price with no clue and then after you read an article you change completely your mind and want a refund ....
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That's pretty good advice. You might want to consider reading up on things before you buy them next time.
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Don't use up your comment quota all at once here.
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So like all the people who pre-order games blindly you spend money full price for a product you know almost nothing about yet because it isn't even released to the press for a demo.
Then you read an article and decide that the game will be total crap and you should "keep your head down in shame" again without having even seen the game.
In the future I suggest you wait for a release and try a demo so that you won't "feel sick". And maybe then the companies will stop will all that pre-order crap.
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Wow still can't read what I posted, either of you, I knew before hand but this latest news is something different because it is confirmed, I guess. And what part of I bought 1 for my friend don't you understand and I got one for me for $30
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No you are being a troll. I am just pointing out pre-ordering is lame.
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I did remove the lock with 30fps locked games in the past with Nvidiainspector.
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It's funny that a lot native english speakers makes the mistake of writing something like would of/could of/...
that's FALSE, it's would've/could've,.. do you feel bad now that I'm teaching you your own language :P
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He is just mad that I bought Dark Souls and he didn't so he had to correct your spelling. JK
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The reason for that is the "'ve" has a similar sound to "of" when spoken aloud.
But given that half the people on the internet can't even spell "you" properly, resorting to "u"'s, let alone get your/you're (or their/there) right, I think we need to pick our battles.
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If it looks like a fun game to play, keep it. Yes, 30FPS and resolution lock absolutely suck both from a technical and an aesthetic point of view, but unless you're only in it for the eye candy, it should not greatly diminish the enjoyment you can get out of the game.
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This seems to be the case. And I still have time to decide if it's a no go. Interested to see what's currently being said since this latest announcement (which is still old news for the most part).
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Console ports are sometimes just a little messed up, sometimes a lot messed up, and sometimes improved. We already know this one isn't improved, but we don't know if it will work as well as the Xbox version yet or not. Will it require you to use an Xbox controller? If not, will it still flash xbox control icons to tell you what to do instead of the keyboard you're using? Will it crash constantly? Will it run really slow?
Since you won't know the answer to any of these questions (and some other possible PC flaws), I would recommend never preordering a port.
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And this is true but not always. And TBH I don't mind preordering games as most tend to be ok, they might have a few hitches release day and preorder or not that isnt going to change any day one issues so.
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I do not have an issue with GFWL. Never had a problem so far.
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Well, look at it this way. Maybe the next Souls game with be co-developed along the ps3 and xbox versions and released optimized for PCs, all thanks to you and your friend buying the game :)
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Man I wish, maybe they can add my name to those who helped kickstarter their next game, like they are going to make a next game after this possible fail. JK
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Probably is going to be somewhere a fix like this 30fps Unlocker
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Yeah I read that article and your post the day it was out and the countless others, nothing new there but the fact that now it seems to be confirmed is the issue, I'll give it some time before I decide one way or another. But it still sucks.
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Good to hear. Maybe I will consider it an Indie title as far as graphics and any new features go, wait that's insulting Indie games, my mistake.
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Ok so it's going along with pretty much everything I read, the game is decent and we know it's a port and not to expect much from them as they stated. Once again I'll wait till the last minute, GMG should't have a problem refunding me if that's what I decide to do.
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This is why you never preorder, ever. Lesson learned.
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nope preordered borderlands 2... no regrets yet... :D
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I know same here, 4 pack. And guess what? Will it suck, who gives a fuck it's Borderlands! Kind of how I feel about all preorders, at least for me. NFS Most Wanted, Medal of Honor and IDK but possibly some others soon. I keep doing it and most of the time I don't regret it but sometimes I get MAD. JK
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This news has been around for MONTHS now.
Also, boo shitty sites that force you to look at an ad before you view the content.
And to inform you a bit more about it, the game is UNOPTIMIZED FOR PC. It will be a direct console port, most likely including all the spots with the sluggish FPS slowdowns from the console version.
“In terms of the PC version, the quick answer is no, [we won't be fixing the frame rate problems]. Because we wanted to get the PC version out as soon as possible,”
“It’s more strictly a port from the console version. We haven’t been able to step up into doing any specific optimisation for PC.”
“To be completely honest, we’re having a tough time doing it due to our lack of experience and knowledge in terms of porting to PC.”
By the way... 1024x720 is some weird non-standard aspect ratio of 64:45. Adding 48px height (1024x768) would give you the "traditional" TV aspect ratio of 4:3.
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Yes the link has an ad but I just click skip it and it only happens every 8hrs or so but they were the first to post today's news about Dark Souls from the sites I view, IDK about any others that did it earlier, so I can't say. And yes I know all about what has been said before, nothing new here other than possibly fact now. Wait and see, I ain't mad about it, money down the drain everyday on other RL stuff, so?
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And yes I know all about what has been said before, nothing new here other than possibly fact now.
It was fact 2 months ago when the developer said it. Admittedly, this article goes into the HOW aspect, but it's been known.
Wait and see, I ain't mad about it, money down the drain everyday on other RL stuff, so?
You should be. If enough people who pre-ordered the game cancelled, it'd send a pretty clear message. Unfortunately, most people say they SHOULD cancel or pass on buying and not enough ACTUALLY cancel or skip buying. I can't, and don't, blame you... or anyone else for that matter, I have a friend who is constantly guilty of this. It would be like blaming a single molecule of water for your drowning.
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About that 1024x720, man I didn't even see that and no one has said anything about it on Destructiod, that's funny.
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Here's sort of a "visual representation" of it: http://i.imgur.com/uTr5l.png
Sorry bout the colors, I just used the basics.
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Been saying this would be a shitty port since it was announced. I'd ask for a refund asap.
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And guess what? I woke up this morning and had a msg from a friend saying he wants me to buy him Dark Souls, so I did using Steam. I gifted it to him and decided to go buy a copy for myself, which I did on GMG using the discount code to get it for $30. I then made my coffee and started my morning online news reading and saw the article HERE. I feel sick, I knew it was going to be bad, but not this bad. Should I say fuck it and get my money back, not worried about my purchase for a friend, but me, that's a different story. I have never played Dark Souls nor even watched a video so I can only go by the reviews I have read and comments made everywhere. Do I refund or keep my head down in shame?
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