Do you think humble bundle will comeback with best bundles (AAA Indie...) or IGN killed it ?
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Except T3 pretty much yes. Or do you mean the exact combination of games?
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Hmm... I bought T3 of the old one as well. But if I remember correctly Mania was already down to ~ 5€ recently so it's not that bad,
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Wait, what...
the typical Fortnite player can read? :D
And before anybody accuses me of that. I've actually given the game a chance before deciding it's garbage. I've played roughly a dozen matches with 2 buddies.
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The perfect day for some cool bundle and they... didn't make any? Oooookay.
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Vacation? Ah, for their billions of dollars. They pretty much visit every country in the world for that money in their "x-mas trip".
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You are trolling, right? I pretty doubt they even care for x-mas. Only thing they care for are their wallets.
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There's nothing wrong with me. Don't know You.
You are obviously looking back from the truth that they don't care about people. Big companies never care about anything but money. Even about their own workers. They are just suckers that was hired to be slaves. Regardless if You want to admit that truth, this remains truth anyway.
Also Christmas? People are not even believing in God. So WHAT Christmas? Christmas is a day, that christians will celebrate. And people who are cash lovers are not christians. It's something that is against christianity.
Sorry to wake You up fro Your beautiful naive dream. But I hate daydreamers.
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Are You intentionally changing what I said or what? Cause this is boring. Talking with people who exist just to argue.
Also, leave Your future comments for Yourself. I won't read what You would say. Cause if You don't listen to interlocutor, it's already futile to conversate with You.
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I forgot to not read this. But I say one more thing: People who take conversation as war and tell about winning and defeating... they are defeated. Conversation is not a battle, if You treat it like this, it's You who lost. I never started fighting. So I cannot be neither winner nor a loser.
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Cry my a river.
You are probably third person that I blocked. Not because of differences of the opinions, as You excused cause it was convenient for You to whimper. I did it because You are toxic person, who doesn't intend to conversate as someone who has the manners. You are just vulgar troll of the Internet. This is the reason I blacklisted You, and You crying over the fact I did, only proves it. You never intended to talk on cultural level, so I just ignored You. Also You assault me even now. Saying about maturity and other imagined invectives You have. And believe me. I am both physically and mentally way older than You. You are ordinary boorish troll that have to prove others wrong to feel good for winning the conversation. And You try to lecture me? Grow up, kid. Then try to pretend to be adult.
Also You are just stupid. I never said anything about workers to work on holidays. But You are not too smart to understand simple words, right? You know that they can remotely set a giveaway even in a far distant future? They can set now the date of the giveaway that will be available in ten thousand years. Technology. We all living in 2018, but this guy lives in 1018.
So much venom in one person words... unbelievable how toxic can You be. And try to flip truth around, because You think that passing Your behaviour to me does anything. No, You are plainly trying to give me Your own personality traits.
And please, stop this insulting comments. Otherwise I will just report You for harassing me. I have enough trolls that try to pretend being smarter, cooler and generally better than others. You are not. And Your comments just have proven that.
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Big companies never care about anything but money.
You obviously can't mean Humble as itself, but either Ziff Davis or j2 Global. You should have mentioned their names though, otherwise it's irritating. Intended or not.
People are not even believing in God.
There are still plenty people believing in (a) god. Not me though. But we both can think of religion in each own way.
Christmas is a day, that christians will celebrate. And people who are cash lovers are not christians.
You noticed that the capitalism side of Christmas has become bigger and bigger in the last decades? How does that match? Would you like to prohibit "cash lovers" celebrating Christmas, although it's positive for the economics in general (just a question, not an assumption)?
How to differ these from people, who still believe in the Christian god and also spend much money for their gifts or are working at a global player? And what if there are just a few human beings, who don't believe in any god, but are reminded of altrusim and charity within this season? Of couse it would be better, if they thought about it throughout the year, but it's still better than nothing.
If you're writing this due to your personal experience, I'm wishing you to find a (better) job. I'm definitely not a lover of captialism, globalism and slavery. But you look like you're only seeing black or white. And that's dangerous.
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People who are in charge of company. Don't care who it exactly is. Otherwise it wouldn't be as it is. And don't tell me Humble Bundle is so good and fantastic. Cause it's not. Humble? I would call it Greedy Bundle instead.
Not in a god. In The God. And Christmas, as the name says is a special day for Christians. Only people who are one of them should celebrate that day. Otherwise they are hypocrites, that only leech what they can. It's like stealing the homeless bread because You want it too. Is it right? No, You are not homeless. So if some people are not Christians, they should never celebrate the Christmas. Period.
People celebrate Christmas for one... two reasons. They want to eat as much as they can and they want to be gifted. That's the truth.
Also altruism doesn't exist in the world. Maybe one person in a million is an altruist, but not more.
I'm just seeing truth. Neither black or white. It's like saying, that being pro or against death punishment is just seeing only black and white. It's not. I've seen many points of view of many cases in my life. Some of them I experienced more, some I could experience less. But that doesn't have to do with anything. I am the most objective person in the world. At least I try to be objective, not like people who doesn't care about objectiveness at all.
But big companies are bad guys. That's undeniable truth. They not only steal as many money, as they can (people doesn't really have a choice... they can either live poor life or die instead - but this is not a choice) and treat their workers as slaves. Also not having family in high position of a company makes You not being important. Not matter how hard You work. Cause first come family and friends, then come others. Don't tell me it's otherwise. People without competence get the highest positions. Why? Because they had family that make them that position. Of course there are exceptions. But most of hardworkers doesn't have a chance being seen. And lazybutts that are relatives of e.g. high position bosses, have easier way to the top. And I've seen this many times. From many different companies. Not necessarily by myself. But I have a family to. Big big family. And all of them have something to say. Do they lie? I pretty doubt. That's just the truth, many people experienced. So don't tell me I'm seeing just black & white cause it's not true.
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A company has one main goal: gaining profits. If it doesn't gain profits in mid-term, not only the effort of its founder isn't paid off, the employees can't get wage increases (and may quit to get a better job), research and development can't be funded, it can't expand. Since usually every company has its competitors, this stagnation would mean regression. Sooner or later the company will cease to exist, with the founder and the employees losing their jobs. Now if it would be that easy, effortless and riskless to build a company, everyone would do it. Big companies started as small companies once as well.
Of course there is greed and egoism. Both are part of human's nature. You can see this behaviour in the streets as well as in the management floors, it's just a different scale. But that doesn't mean that every manager is greedy or egoistic. If a manager doesn't gain expected profits, he's judged as performing bad. And most people try to do well in their job, not because of being greedy, but as an accomplishment.
Regarding the family thing: I know that and experienced it myself. However, caring for your family is something Christianity is teaching as well. If your brother doesn't find a job, but you could offer him one: wouldn't you do it as well? That doesn't mean that you can't demand from him that he's at least trying to do the job well.
There are many means and ways to limit the big companies: unions, employee organisations, employees' rights, social insurance, participation rights, ecological restrictions, antitrust laws, customer boycotts. Support your local companies, only work at companies with employee organisations, join the union and vote for politicians and parties who are working on improvements for the working class.
Not in a god. In The God. And Christmas, as the name says is a special day for Christians.
Yeah, in relation to Christmas there is only one god. However, there are already many differences between the Christian church branches.
Only people who are one of them should celebrate that day.
Well, I see Christians celebrating it in one of the Christian ways (different churches, different rites). And I see non Christian people trying to make other people happy by gifting, but also by spending time together or donating to charities. Does it hurt a Christian, if a non Christian wishes someone else "Happy Christmas!"? Didn't happen to me, when I was younger and Christian.
It's like saying, that being pro or against death punishment is just seeing only black and white.
First off, a bad comparison. But I explain that in the next paragraph. Secondly, even there's room for compromises: the way of the death punishment; which crimes lead to death punishment or not; who decides it (single person, commitee).
Also altruism doesn't exist in the world. Maybe one person in a million is an altruist, but not more.
That's a contradiction in itself. If it doesn't exist, how could one in a million be one? And it's not about a person being altruistic all the time. Nobody is perfect, so nobody will accomplish this. But every altruistic deed might inspire the other person.
And this ("no altruism") as well as "all companies/people in charge are greedy" seem to be black/white to me. People don't behave the same way all the time. There are so many nuances, different backgrounds and situations.
And back to the starting point (Humble):
Humble isn't perfect and it definitely not got better after it was bought. But noone forces you to use their store. And within their bundles they still offer to mix where the money goes (partially with full charity). How many companies do you know that offer something like this?
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Don't excuse greed to gaining profits. IT'S NOT THE SAME AND NEVER WILL. No matter what You would like it to be.
Also don't try to say this bs, that if they have profits lower than 90%, they don't have anything. It's the same bs people who justify high prices of games say. THEY HAVE TO EAT BREAD!!! Yeah, for millions of dollars? Which bread cost that much?
I never said anything about earning money is bad. You literally started saying this bs. Earning money, having profit, selling the product or srvice - good. Being scrooge, greedy hog - bad. You see the difference? Or You don't want to see.
If I own something like McDonald's, not only I would listen to what people and workers want, but also make the prices even 10 times lower. Cause IT'S POSSIBLE TO HAVE HIGH PROFIT, HAVING HIGH STANDARDS AND MAKE LOW PRICES. That's the truth, the big companies don't want to admit. And some people tend to be so blindly naive that it's not possible. For example McDonald's have good off for their products for workers. Like even 3-5 times lower than for other people. And they still earn money for this. The profit is real. Also, in Poland, they did super off for regular people and workers for 25th birthday. And it was even higher super duper off than normal worker's off. And You think they weren't getting profit for this? They were. And all companies work the same. Don't want to believe in truth? Not my business. But truth remains truth, regardless of what people are believing in it.
Name one big company that isn't greedy. I will wait.
Also "everyone is greed" is not an excuse. That's not part of human nature. It's part of human culture. This is something else. Culture is secondary thing. That exist after someone chose it. Nature is primary, which is before someone choice. And people choose to be greedy on their own. You don't chose Your own nature. But You can change it anyway, however it's hard sometimes. This sentence "greed is part of the human nature" is just an excuse of being an evil doer. I rather prefer murderer over greedy scrooge. Cause the first one made less suffering. and for not as many people. Maybe serial murderers can do as many hurt as greedy people, but just regular killer - won't. Especially that regular killers just kill one person and greedy people make hundreds of thousands people suffer. Also being dead means You can't suffer at all. Only Your family can. But suffering because someone is greed is real suffer. You have to bear this for entire life.
But what it has to do with caring about family? Not making bundle (that is remotely made!!!) is not caring about Your family? Stop this bs right this second. They could (and should) prepare the bundle month ago and set it to being alive when the holiday starts. Is it that hard? No. This is so easy. Most of their bundles work like this. I mean ALL their bundles do. Why it's always the same hour? Because it's set to activate on that hour. They could have made the same thin even three thousand years ago and set this to be activated 2 days ago. They were able to do. And they could have been billions light years from the earth and the bundle would still start. So don't make excuse for them that they have families cause this is so stupid.
Big companies can evade the law. And they really do that. I can name plenty of examples in my country of e.g. how shops evaded sunday shopping prohibitions. They made shops making services, absurdal services, just to be excluded from proibition. And it's not the only thing. And they even pay less than they should, cause they are making some malicious things. My mom can work only on weekdays. But she... work every day in a month. Yes, it's not an exaggeration. 7 days a week, every week in a month. And she didn't get what she deserves. Every hours over are written as a bonus, so they don't pay tax for it and they pay less than they should. This is literally illegal. They have three schedules. One is real, one is for accountacy (which is for them to count as she would have no over hours) and also one for if the someone came for control right issues (and here my mom has written only weekdays). They literally pay as less as they can, use her as a object for their greed. And most of companies do that.
Actually Christmas isn't original day for Christians. It was brought after a decades or ages... but nevermind. It's still Christians' day. So only they should celebrate. And also others who were invited to the Christmas. But just celebrating because it's cool? it's hypocricy.
I never said anything about wishing. Also wishes are the worst part of any holiday. The untrue forced wishes should never be done. And that's why I hate wishes. Cause people are forced to wish something to others, even if they don't know what to wish for. Wishes should come from the heart, not being forced by a a holiday. And if You wish someone good, they know You wish them good.
Now You are just making another excuses with that death punishment. Of course, it depends of many thing. But generally speaking, it's the same.
Are You Captain Literal? Or don't You know figurative speech? Cause If You can't take something lightly, it's hard to talk with You, cause You would just nitpick on me.
I never said anything about being perfect. But people are not even close to being a slightly good and they don't even wan't to be good. That's the problem.
I see more colors than any person in the whole world. So don't black and white me, just because I generalised something and You treat everything too literal.
How many companies? They offer not big deals. Mainly they offer what developers give them. It could be any site. If instead of Humble, it was Fanatical who was popular, they would make something like Humble Monthly. They only started it because developers see this is profitting. They are not one to glorify. And You just said I see only black and white. I see more than You think. But just because I criticized them to not make bundle on perfect day, people made a drama over it (yes, people here started the drama, I just said they could make a bundle and this was a perfect day for it and they missed the opportunity), so they started to assault me with their vulgar comments. But that's how people are. They only search for someone to attack. It's everywhere. And here in the Internet it's even worse. Someone say something, most people don't want to understand, so they start attacking.
I only listen to what You say, cause You are not as vulgar as others. You are pretty polite, and that's why I care for what You say. However I don't agree with many things You said, and I don't like some comments You made on me. However I still treat You as a cool person. Cause You one didn't assault me here.
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Mam po prostu więcej doświadczenia i rozumu niż Ty. Proste :) Poza tym chyba nie rozumiesz różnicy między firmą i pracownikiem. W Maku też pracują tylko ludzie, co nie zmienia faktu, że ta firma jest jedną z najgorszych. Telemarketerzy to także ludzie, a nie uwierzę Ci, że z wielką chęcią rozmawiasz z nimi i kupujesz wszystko, co Ci wmówią. Get real.
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Jak się nie ma nic do powiedzenia, to potem jest "szkoda słów" :) Bo wiesz, że mam rację.
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Nie. Przeczytałam wszystkie twoje powyższe wypociny i absolutnie się nie zgadzam. Uważam jednak, że nikomu tutaj nie uda się do ciebie dotrzeć, dlatego też dalsza dyskusja jest zupełnie bezsensowna. Tyle z mojej strony. I, proszę, nie odpisuj już na ten komentarz.
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I was pleasantly surprised when during summer sales, Humble fought it out with Steam with great bundles and Tier 1 bundles. Well its smart not to fight them this time round as from my observation, year end is where the major discounts for most titles. Not all battles can be won and live to fight another day! I guess they shifted their focus to the Monthly during December instead of going head to head, Sensible. :D
Cheerios! Cruse~
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Nothing today, small chance something like Humble microJUMBO Bundle
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I think will be nothing, new year, it's holiday... Chances of good bundle are pretty low.
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I have faith. The Humble "Kick off the New Year" bundle will be an insta-buy for everyone. Nothing but quality.
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GOTY Bundle! (And then they made a bundle with leftover low quality games like before)
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My guess: Steam Winter Sale + New Years Day = No bundle.
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Most of users voted to make a new thread (you can check it on the old thread) so here we go..
a new humble bundle begin in few hours
so what do you excpect any suggestions/guesses say what you want :D
PS : this Thread is bumped every week ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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