A few tips to everyone when they create an id on a new site.
1) DO NOT REUSE your password from another site. Create a completely new password. The biggest mistake you can do is reuse your email password
2) If the site asks you to download an exe, get out of there - no questions asked
3) DO NOT USE Internet Explorer OR Flash.
A Note to anyone who has re-used their password already : CHANGE ALL OF YOUR PASSWORDS.
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Pretty sure it is dodgy, clicking one of the game gives:
This is premium offer made by admin of the Games For Dollar Website. To be able to buy this game, you must meet following criteria:
– You must offer 3 or more games (and maximum 1 indie game)
– You didn’t buy any premium offer in last 7 days`*
PS: any idea how to make it a quote or something?
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Note: Quoting, or blockquoting, is currently not possible.
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I don't get the reasoning.
How did you decide the site was dodgy because of this text ?
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Premium offers are meant to get people onboard. You have to sell your games and increase the site's offer to get the premium deals. So far it seems legit. I got Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon from these premium offers and have a few games for sale myself.
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If I remember correctly, the "admin" was here a few days back trying to drum up users....As the old adage goes, "If it seems too good to be true, it probably is." I'd advise you to not give them a single cent of your cash.
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^^ totally this
A bunch of those games there is no way you could charge only a dollar for them without taking a significant loss on it -- unless of course they were bought with stolen credit! The site looks shady as hell, I would avoid advise you to avoid it like the plague.
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You must be talking about the premium offers ?
Isn't that how promotions work ? Offer something for less so that you attract more customers !
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man, this site is completely normal... buy CSGO or something and you will see its ok... and of course, its just cause I need registrations and those criteria there are just cause I don't want one user to buy it all. It costs me money, as somebode mentioned before.
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I think the site is ok, but I prefer to giveaway my games for free, than making money for someone else. From every sale the admin takes 10%..so if you sell a game for 1 Dollar, you can't buy a game for yourself, because you only get 0,90 Dollar from it. So it may be cheaper and better to trade or giveaway games, imo.
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It's full of bundled games minus premium games which you have to meet requirements to buy.
It's basically Tremor Games but you have to pay.
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It's reselling, with the site making a profit from it. Expect the usual shitstorm when a publisher decides to start revoking keys sold here because it's against the TOS/License agreement
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It's a bloody scam m8, stay away from anything remotely dodgy. There are good deals, bargains and then there are TOO good of a deals.
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I purchased Dishonored from that site for 1$.
I had to add 5$ from my PayPal account first ! Note : You cannot add less than 5$ AND you cannot get a refund back to your paypal.
Is the site safe ? I'm hoping it is. The creator looks like a developer who is trying something new.
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Yes, people are always trying out new ways to con other people. This has "TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE" written all over it in bright flashing neon letters. I say enjoy Dishonored while you can, it might not be long. And watch your PayPal account, just in case.
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Am not worried about my PayPal account cuz I never keep more than 5$ in the corresponding account.
"TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE" - Yes ! But aren't almost all promotions always too good to be true ? When Humble Bundle came out, don't you think people had similar reactions ?
Don't get me wrong, I am in no way saying that site is safe BUT I won't say it is unsafe without proof. And right now, I'm hoping it is SAFE.
I am a developer. I know the amount of time, money & pain it takes to make a site. The promotion/premium offers would not be even 5% of the other costs involved - development & hosting.
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I'm a developer too, so don't try to sell me on the idea that getting up a site is some terribly expensive procedure, because I know it's not. If you're building everything from scratch and buying enough hosting up front to serve millions, sure. Or you could grab a template, customize it a bit and throw it on a cloud. Depending on personal circumstances it might be considered expensive, but on a global scale it's really not. This goes double if you do figure out some brilliant way to scam people that gets you $5 from every visitor. :-)
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You are a developer, great !
Maybe you found a way to create a site, purchase a domain, host it and offer maintenance - all under 200$. Great for you. Please share your tips so that I know how to do it too.
All employment contracts state that you are not allowed to have other sources of income. Which means, the loss of income is also part of the cost. Or did you not know this ?
Just because someone is trying something different, doesn't make him a scammer. I'm pretty sure guys like you said that Humble Bundle was a scam when it came out. But its pretty well established now !
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I'm not saying you can easily make a living out of one site. I'm saying it's fairly inexpensive to create a new site. A scammer doesn't worry about declaring income.
I'm not saying this is a scam. I'm saying it looks like a scam to me. We know how Humble Bundle works, and why it can work as it does. This site may have a viable business model too. I just don't see it as having one.
Look, you've spent money on this because you think it's legit. Good for you. I won't because I think it's not. Good for me too. I don't see how we're going to get more out of the argument beyond that. We can simply wait and see who turned out to be right. If it's you, I'll even be happy to admit it at a time and place of your choosing. It's not like I care strongly about this.
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Just 1 questions :
Why do you think the site is a scam ?
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Because it's offering terrific value for money (far more than would ever be reasonable in even a sales deal) and there is no obvious explanation on how it can do this and still turn a profit, which screams either direct scam or pyramid scheme. This is not a limited time promotional deal, it's a permanent dollar store for things that don't usually cost a dollar.
Of course Humble Bundle also offers great prices, but that's PWYW, not "get it for a dollar", and for games that hugely benefit from the sales due to limited circulation (this is obviously excepting promotional AAA deals like the Warner bundle). Humble may look incredible at first sight, but there's actually a business model behind it. We know why it works.
Finally, the site's FAQ isn't even in proper English once you move past the copy-pasted boilerplate. This is obviously not a professional effort and it seems probable this site has no arrangement with any publishers, let alone all of them. That means that even if the site wasn't scamming people deliberately, it's probably still doing something that can't work out in the long run, like laundering illegally obtained keys.
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For point 1 : That's normally what happens when you promote new sites. These will probably be removed when the site makes a profit.
point 2 : You agree with HB now because it has been running for years. When it was relatively new, I'm sure there were discussions such as these.
point 3 : Yes the site can be & is being used to launder games. The admin needs to get a lawyer to check if the admin can be incarcerated for making a profit on illegal sale of bundles.
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my premium offers will not disappear just like that. I want to keep attractive offers on my site.
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Like eBay, the admin is not the one providing the games, beyond the premium offers. It's a way for users to sell their extra games (most will probably come from bundles) for a fixed price. I decided to give it a try, i'm not risking much anyway. ($5 at the most)
I got a premium offer so far. (Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon) and the admin has been helpful. Yes, it does look like a single individual trying out something new. It may or may not work in the long run but I don't personally get the feeling he's trying to scam anyone.
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Keys are send when sellers send them. One seller can send it immediately, second next day. The web is based on Fiverr model. Seller can get money until buyer will confirm a deal. Scams are possible of course, like on every site, but I have tools to minimalize it and there is no problem to refund people, who were scammed.
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Keys will be sent by the user who creates the offer and he chooses when to do so.
The money will be deducted from your account but you can get it back if you do not get the game.
The seller will get 0.9$ after you say that you received the game. 0.1$ is the brokerage charged by the site.
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Hello guys, i am admin of the site... Yeah, I just want to make marketplace for people, who have bunch of useless games and as you can see, there are a lot of people like this. Its not selling and buying, but rather trading. I was thinking about renaming dollars to TRADING POINTS to be on safe side. But anyway my premium deals are not some scam, I already delivered 5 games. Yes, you can meet criteria and add 5 dollars, but game still costs 1 dollar and you will have 4 more dollars for future purchases. I think its good offer. And of course, there is a fee with every deal and 0.1 dollar is going to site. There must be some profitable model. Don't be afraid of the site, I just wanna make good place for trading games, which are in inventories/emails and their owners has no use for them.
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If I SELL a game there for $0,9 of money someone introduced on the site,then I can use it to PURCHASE anything you,your partners or your users decide to sell there. So it's not trading, it's reselling. Although I can't use the money outside your site.
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Unless it's a site like humble bundle or a similar site where the games are discounted some while the money goes to charity, it's most likely fake site or as others mentioned a real site that sells keys they got for free. Any retail site, not counting the outlets will try to sell what they buy enough to cover the costs of buying it from publishers and get profit so that would mean that he/she bought these games at about 20 cents each or freely, which sounds shady to most average pc game players who buy games enough.
Report it to some of the game studios/publishers they have on the site & let them deal with it & move on to something fun.
And just wait for the steam seasonal sales, plenty of cheap games then to buy legitimately & june one is over but next one in november/december should be fun.
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those games are normal games... i didnt recieve it for 20 cents.
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So is steamtrades.com a dodgy site ?
Cuz both of them do the same thing - users post deals for other users - except, here the chances of you being scammed is lower since there is a middleman.
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yeah, its not reselling site, its trading site except nobody can sell their bundle games for overprice like on ebay and other similar webs. everything is set to 1 dollar, or if you want, I will rename it to 1 trading point in next 10 seconds :)
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man wake up, my site doesn't do any illegal things... one user offer his useless redeem key (or whatever, my site is not for some specific area, you can sell boxed game if you want, unless there is a way to deliver it to buyer) and second user get this key (or whatever). i get that idea, when i tried to exchange my batman AA key for Arma 2 key, but i couldn't find any guy, who want Batman for AA. So isn't it easier to offer it, get 1 dollar for trade within my site and than get game you wish?
i can't see any reselling factor.
reselling is for example in brick and mortar PLAY stores, where people go with their used games, sell it there or change it for new game (and pay the difference) and PLAY store offers that game for bigger price to make some profit.
nobody can make profit on my site (except the site with fee for every completed trade) and yeah, i am offering some games for gaining traffic and new registrants under price.
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Agreed that his monetary system needs to be re-evaluated. I pondered over it for hours before I decided to add 5$ to the site.
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ebay is full of humble bundle keys for 5 bucks price per game or something like that...
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This becomes a bundle key reselling site, but with the difference you don't get real money from selling games, ok maybe I will try it later and I will see, looks like good for some games. But for premium offers I will need to have 5$ in your site, when 10% goes to you, so I will have to sell more than 5 games, but still a good game can be better than some bundle games, I will see, for now nothing interesting.
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But there are several examples wherein a dominant website was overtaken by a relatively new one. e.g. Facebook !
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i actually decided to read the terms and conditions, all was fine apart from this:
Sharing of Your Information:
We will not rent or sell your information into third parties outside Games For Dollar without your consent, except as noted below:
basically this means they can share your data (including CC information) to anyone they deem 'trusted'
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any CC related information will be safe of course... TOS are just formal thing. anyway, site doesn't support credit cards
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any CC related information will be safe of course... TOS are just formal thing. anyway, site doesn't support credit cards
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They use PayPal, so they don't get any details of CC !
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I believe so.
I have added 5$ to that site. AND purchased dishonored for 1$
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I bought Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon from there, and have a few games for sale myself. Site doesn't get much traffic yet but the admin seems to want to try something new.
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You must be idiot enough to buy from a site where the Terms of Conditions are made by a kid of 11 years old. Also they do not give any business informations, nothing, no phone, no email, no legal info.
ALSOOOO ---> who the fuck is making a game store using Wordpress?
<link rel='stylesheet' id='cnss_css-css' href='http://www.gamesfordollar.com/wp-content....
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there is an email, its built on wordpress, true, and? mashable is built on wordpress too, and? :) important is the service and its quality and I hope people on our site are happy with the service so far
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What trustful game store is build on a free platform ? None !!
Where is your business registered, its a LTD ? Do you have a proper Privacy Policy not a copy cat from internet?
Your site looks incredible cheap, how do you suppose to offer security on your site for user payment info..
All the payments are going to janhorak2000@gmail.com ? Are you registered as Merchant with PayPal ?
Please explain this:
"6) Warranties
Look mate, you are not the first who is trying to scam some people for a buck, so beat it !
If something looks too good to be true it probably is.
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This point just clarifies, that there can be scammers of course, but we will do everything to make things right. like I said, we have tools for monitoring all activity there and investigate every scam case. if it will happen (and I hope it won't) even refund is possible, but in very rare cases cause we don't want to be scammed by users as well. Don't try to find anything wrong there cause nothing wrong is happening there.
as simple as that
Today we will rename "dollars" to "trading points" and consider to cancel all trading fees to make it even more trustworthy. maybe even users like u start to believe, it can be good project even on wordpress. there are hundered thousands players with a lot of games, which don't have any use for them and some trading place like this is just missing on market and I am filling the hole. All legal stuff are set of course.
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I will wait to see your legal info, I will be watching your site and "business" !
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I think it's a great idea... Bought a game from them, put a few games on trade... I think and hope it can live up to it's potential, but we'll see...
Although, I do think that word "point" is better than "dollar" in this situation... And more or less, looks less shady...
As for the "To good to be true" part... I think, and again, hope, that admin is the guy who wants to make this site work... He will buy some cheaper, but good games and add them as premium offer... Ok, he will give them bellow the price, but that is marketing... Marketing is never free, neither it is cheap...
As for the law part... Well, it is a tricky situation, but it is not much different than SteamTrades... Two sides trading the goods for money/points/etc... The only difference is admin taking the 10% for making it possible through it's website... It's selling the service, not the game... But I'm not lawyer... might be wrong...
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OK, I think I will change it and maybe I will cancel this trade fee. My main goal is to build big and strong community first and I am open to any suggestions.
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There is nothing wrong with 10% market fee... Just wanted to make the point :) It's selling the service, and it's ok... Making some money, and keeping the site going, it's reasonable...
As for the "point" part, I just think it would look better... We're here to share ideas, it really doesn't make much difference, ofcourse...
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Without reading this whole tl:dr above me and just by going on the link itself,I can tell you one simple thing:Most of those games are from bundles(everyone remembers EA ones) where you had to pay AT LEAST 1 dollar for like 5 games x2(steam and origin codes) = 10 games for 1 dollar. So it shouldn't be a scam,but it's sure a insert stars for beep way to make money from charity bundles.
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Hello Guys
I wanted to ask you if this site is safe to buy
I founded today:
Soo please leave a comment and tell me if its a good site , im afraid to buy because when i search this site on google i cant find him
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