Which would you vote for?
I don't like popcorn so what's a good alternative for it?
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Did you check Vermin Supreme? He's a bit different ;-)
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I gotta vote for Eminem, because he's gonna rap, rap, rap'em all! :D
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Has he been relevant in the past decade besides call of duty commercials?
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With politics? Nope. Am I relevant with American politics? Nope again. :P
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I just googled Amumu and it's a mummy in LOL? Meeehhh. :P
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I imagine some people voted for candidates no longer in the race (Rubio, Carson...). For that matter, some may have voted for Kasich.
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For Sanders, of course (although a woman as your president would be cool as well). Unfortunately whoever I've voted for since I turned 18, I got Putin, Putin and Putin once again.
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yeah, I meant "how's that possible?", 'cause I can't imagine it happening :)
I think you're romanticizing USSR a bit: free education is not USSR exclusive (my country has it), "strong science" - yeah, they put a lot of effort in that, but at the same time they've banned research in aeras that were not ideologically coherent with communism, "culture was thriving" again a lot of censorship in arts and treating art as extension of ideology "government was less prone to corruption" as far as I'm concerned, corruption was very common back then.
"I consider USSR's failure to create a properly working communistic society the biggest and most tragic failure in human history." - true, too many people died trying to achieve something almost impossible :(
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because the bad ones didn't go anywhere
idk, noone have sent me to gulag for opposing government yet
Free education is a thing that every country should have, not just few especially bright ones.
I agree, but in pratice it all depends on individual country situation and how big is government focus on education. E.g. if country has free education, but schools and universities are massively underpaid, then just free education is not enough. Another thing (not really on topic) is I think that e.g. in my country higher education should be less accessible (of course I don't mean "paid", but candidates should be more scrutinized) , 'cause right now everyone goes to uni just because they can.
And is there really a difference if a research is banned because of ideology or because no one cares, no one sees any ways to get rich thanks to it, thus no one will pay for it?
Yes, there is. If something is banned because ideology you cannot discuss with it, in other example you have possibility to convince people that it's worth to invest in your research. There are many places where you can try to acquire necessary funds, wheras if something is banned because of ideology that's basically end of the road unless you finance it yourself and conduct research in secret.
Why is that a country with ideological censorship still made iconic movies, literature and music while a "free" country didn't do anything worthwhile in more than 20 years?
Ouch, you actually hit soft spot here, because that's how I feel about my country's culture (many of my favorite literary works come from the period when censorship was common). I guess artists were more creative to bypass censorship. And generally censorship caused the opposite effect of its purpose, 'cause naturally people were more interested in banned stuff. I always loved to hear my mom's stories about getting banned books (or generally books, 'cause it was not always easy to get even accepted books) xD It made reading books sound metal xDD But I'm offtoping bit here
But then again, I'm not sure that we haven't done anything worthwhile during "free" period. I think it's rather that we've done so much stuff (and it's gaussian curve here - most of it is mediocre), that the worthwhile books/movies/music often don't get enough visibility.
Corruption is common everywhere, dear friend, always was, Union's system encouraged it less, but wasn't safe from it either, and strong ideology - always was one of the best tools to fight it, but it fails too in the end, always.
Of course corruption is common everywhere, but I disagree that Union's system encouraged it less. With system that have arbitrary distributed goods, there is huge temptation for people who want more of something to resort to bribes. And with the rise of beaurocracy in later period corruption was getting bigger and bigger.
Only wise tyrants can shift that stagnant balance and unite nations to build a future that can be worth looking forward to.
Sadly tyrants are rarely wise, and even if they are the next person in line usually manages to fuck everything up, so it's still "chaotic whirpool" in the end.
I'm very pessimistic about all possible political systems, 'cause for them to work efficiently for better future it would require people to be wise and put nations good over their own personal interest (or to nation's good be in their personal interest), and people like that are too rare to form working government.
Gee, thinking of politics makes me sad.
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Step 1. Make gulag theme park
Step 2. ???
Step 3. Profit!
Step 4. Run with money before Disneyland knows what's up
Joking aside, I think they just became smarter, letting the harmless puppies yap all they want and getting rid of bigger dogs who might pose a threat by less public outrage inducing means.
They go after harmless puppies too, and results are often hilarious :D Just let me recap our three last presidencies: police went after some homeless drunk guy after he badmouthed our now late president (I don't remember how this ended), some guy made a website against our next president and had to go to court because of that (charges got dropped in the end), and during current presidency prosecutor and police went after 17-year old guy who shared (not made!) video on facebook, that was basically video from Polish Independence Day played backwards and jokingly capped that president was drunk and stealing flowers laid under monument (this time at least president reacted somewhat properly to entire thing).
But generally you're right. Whether it's worse or better I'm not really sure.
Discussion about the worth of a research works like you described mostly on paper, I'm just agreeing with modern and former scientists I know IRL.
This is sadly true, but I just see banning research for ideological reasons as far worse idea than current system. What if the banned research will prove to be useful in the future? You can't just easily unban it if it's against ideology.
Anyway, thanks for a pleasant debate, hope we'll get back to it at some point, that's enough sadness for now :)
Thank you too :)
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Is there even another option...?
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I think people should vote for me. I have all of the qualifications for being the President
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You need some campaign promises such making more ga's for your daily posts, giving awat unbundled daily or banning puzzles.
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I don't really know anyone's shiz yet XP I'm waiting till a week before the main election (missed the primaries here as I was in the middle of moving back to my home state) to research them all so I don't have to worry about keeping up with all the drama this year. Political drama is fun to watch, but I just don't have time this year XD
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Not an USA citizen so can't vote, but as a foreign observer from a country that has taken a lot of bombs from aur "allies" with stars and stripes (btw my grandfather got almost killed from a bomb when he was young). The same "allies" who helped us to write our anti-fascist constitution, the "costituzione più bella del mondo" (most beautiful constitution in the world), as them scumbags rapers partigians with kind and rainbow-ish heart like to say. Well to me they look the same pretty much. Different fingers from the same hand (and who says that Sanders is a socialist must be the same that clicks banners like enlarge penis wow +++30cm ggwpez on pornhub, sorry).
Who quotes Benito Mussolini got my attention. Even if he represent exactly, and I say exactly (EXACTLY), the opposite for what the fascism has fight for. He is... interesting. Probably not the man but he's interesting.
runs away
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I was going to post this very long thing I did on Facebook while back, educating people about Bernie Sanders, but realized it was waaaaay too long, and would stretch the hell out of this page.
So I screenshotted it and uploaded it to Imgur instead! Clicky
Enjoy this wallpaper-esque picture I found.
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The problem with making healthcare available as a right, is that if it isn't coupled with cost controls, prices are going to skyrocket.
Just look at student loans: because the government pretty much guarantees to loan every student the money to pay for tuition, but there are no caps on how much a college can charge, prices have skyrocketed. Students are not paying out of pocket, so they didn't price compare, they would look at the university's ranking, and its amenities, and would just take out a student loan to cover the costs, because that's what people do. In the meantime, amenities at universities have become much more upscale, because it attracts students, who are not price conscious.
Fast-forward a few decades, and student loans are the worst impediment to a young person's quality of life, and the fastest growing sector of debt.
In the U.S. a similar disconnect exists between the patient, who receives the medical care, the doctor, who provides it, and the insurance companies who pay for it. Add in a government guarantee, and prices will rise even faster than they have already.
Countries that have enacted universal healthcare (in one way or another) all include cost controls, including maximum wages for physicians. That goes against the american way, not to mention the big-money interests that will give out very generous campaign contributions to every senator/congressman opposed to this measure (not to mention the advertising blitz against those who support the measure).
So, yeah, there's no way his plan will (a) actually get passed, and (b) result in the savings he's proposed.
On a separate note, trying to eliminate tax havens is near-impossible, because of the way international trade operates. The U.S. cannot tax companies that are not in the U.S. for activities that do not take place within the U.S.
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That goes against the american way, not to mention the big-money interests
The fact that these two things have become one and the same is the root of the problem. You can't run the government like a business because it isn't a business on a very fundamental level.
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I never said they're the same.
The american way, is freedom from government interference, in this case, regarding doctors' abilities to set their own wages/fees.
It happens to coincide with the big-money interest of the pharmaceutical companies to charge as much as they want.
(not to mention hospital staff and administrators, technology providers, medical supply manufacturers, and more)
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The problem is, the situation is very complex, and ya can't just waive a magic wand and rearrange an entire industry that touches everyone in so many different ways. The issues are far more complex than pointing a finger at the bad guy and going - it's his fault.
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Certainly, I agree. But, just because a thing is complex and without a simple solution doesn't mean we shouldn't talk about what is wrong.
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I was just wondering so I decided to make this poll, as for me?
Yea.. but um.. answer the poll maybe put a comment or bump the thread.
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