As many of you probably already know because they've been giving away a free uPlay game every month Ubisoft is celebrating their 30th Anniversary this year.
In celebration pretty much everything they've ever done is on sale on Playstation Network with rather steep discounts.

The sale has been already running for a week but since nobody posted about it yet I thought this would be a great (and quite rare) opportunity for you multi-platform gamers here on SG to complete a few game collections or get some Seasons passes you skipped because they never get a decent discount.

The sale apparently does have regional pricing so the deals might not be exaclty the same for everyone.
If you want to know more Playstation.Blog did a thorough post about it including a list of everything that is on sale.

I've been waiting for the Far Cry 4 Season Pass to go on sale for a year (and was quite annoyed at one point the Gold Edition was just ~ 2 € more than the Season Pass because Ubisoft Season Passes and DLC [like Bethesda] rarely go on sale while the Complete Editions do every now and then) so I'm quite psyched about this sale.

I haven't checked out everything yet but here are the things I've found so far that I'll probably get:

  • Assassin's Creed Chronicles – Trilogy (9,99€)
  • Assassin's Creed Syndicate - Season Pass (11,99€)
  • Far Cry 4 Season Pass (9,99€)

The chart below is for general highlights. I will add those as I find them or other people point them out.

Game Discount Price (€)
Assassin's Creed Chronicles – Trilogy - 60% 9,99€
Assassin's Creed Triple Pack: Black Flag, Unity, Syndicate -60% 39,99€

I'd appreciate it very much if we could leave all the console hate, PC Masterrace bullshit and "I'll buy it when it's 1$" out of this thread ;)

8 years ago*

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