that's one of the reasons I like it, it's simple to grasp but so much to discover. Factions really feel different so you can try different play styles :)
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I keep hearing that people are loving the game, but they're also saying that the combat system is very boring.
That's a deal breaker for me.
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Well yeah the combat system feels more like watching a cut scene. You can interact with different tactics though (reminds me of rock-paper-scissors) but that's pretty much it.
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The devs are working on an expansion that focuses on combat btw, you might want to check the game again after the expansion is out :)
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Yah, that pretty much describes it. The exploration aspect of it is fun, the building up of your planets is interesting, the tech trees take some getting used to since its not obvious at quick glance what any of the techs do without reading the small print but the combat is the same (just with bigger fleets or tech advancements) every single time. I've heard its improved since I played it during the free weekend but still haven't seen the game at a price I'd be comfortable paying.
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I was planning on trading for it, but then a good friend offered me Dirt Showdown for my keys, so that went out the window.
Combat looks decent but not much concentrated on, which could be a nice change. I do love the soundtrack. :)
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idd it is a nice change, the game is more about exploring and development than combat (for me at least)
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Have to keep my eye out for the next sale then, I'm bored of strategy games concentrating solely on combat. :)
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Distant Worlds (+2 expansions). Best space 4X I have ever seen. At least for management (diplomacy, colonizing, exploration, espionage, ship design, resource management, extensive research, space and land combat, proxy wars!). It's graphics aren't what I would call modern, but the rest makes up for it. There's a steep learning curve but since I'm pretty familiar with this (you hear me paradox? I won!) it wasn't that bad. What a shame it's not so well known as it's price is a nightmare too.
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Thanks I need to check it out! Price is a bit terrifying though :/
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Wonder why this isn't on Steam or sold on GMG.
Epic sad face!
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It's due to their publisher, Matrix Games or something like that. If they sold the game at 1/3 the price there would be tens of thousands people more playing it right now.
Also what I forgot to mention, it has state (player) and private (ai) economy. The private isn't controlled by player but rather it mimics the real one we have. Example: You design great transport and mining ship, conquer a system, private sector buys one of those ships from you (you get profit for that), goes there, starts mining and transporting, getting rich, which means more taxes for state (player) economy. It's in your interest to protect them so that you earn more. They also transport any goods needed for ship production from planet to planet (or base) as needed.
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They should go green light (and lower price to a reasonable level)
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I think i'd rather play Eclipse with its extensive Tech Trees and ship upgrades. The race based Economic, industrial, and science growth is also pretty extensive.
and lets not forget the far-reaching galactic exploration
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I just registered to the forums and devs actually lets the community to vote what's included in future updates or choose between different ship models.
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I have just seen its promo video a couple of days back and it looked awesome. Actually fragile allegiance is still one of my favorite (it runs well in dosbox) however so far i have not bought it. Though i entered to its giveaways. If i am not going to win this game soon i will buy it anyway.
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Fragile Allegiance was awesome :) One of the best games of my childhood. I'm sure you will like Endless Space too :)
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I prefer Sins to Endless Space, but it is a pretty good game. I played it during a free weekend but I haven't played it since then. I did buy it when I saw it on sale at one point so I could play it when I get my new PC put together, though.
I do wish the combat in the game had more to it. =/
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Also curious about it, haven't seen enough to form an impression yet
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I haven't spent a lot of time on it yet, but first impressions are that the beta version seems really good, if still slightly rough around the edges.
This article is fairly recent, and gives a nice summary of the current state of the game.
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All 3 are entirely different games except they contain space ships. Recommend watching a few Let's Play videos.
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I'm playing a custom faction based on Pilgrims right now :) Changed the faction affinity to sophons and tweaked some traits but the main focus is still on trading :) It's an interesting playstyle, quite different from your normal fleet building and war waging.
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Unfortunately I can't answer this as I haven't played Galactic Civilizations. I think GalCiv has more depth and micromanagement to it (more complex, slower pace), game design is older but AI supposedly better. Endless Space is more like the Eclipse board game mentioned above, you make huge decisions in few turns and instead of micromanaging you affect your whole star systems with a click or two.. and it looks prettier too if that matters.
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Played 50+ hours or so, also played with a friend in multiplayer (2vs2, 2vs3) and it was a blast.
We traded all the techs so both of us were in the lead for technology (he did better somehow), and I supplied his economy with some extra dust since he was always running low and I had a few thousands surplus.
He ended up winning with diplomacy just before we wiped out the rest of the galaxy (lol).
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Haven't tried multiplayer yet but I hope one of my friends will grab it at some point :)
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Played when it was on free weekend. Seemed nice until I saw the space battles... Don't get me even started on this, suffice to say it broke the whole game to me.
It seems it really is nearly impossible to make a space 4X game that is as good as the old Master of Orion 2.
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Endless Space might have a chance if devs address few issues and add features (expansion focusing on battle system is already on the way so at least they're listening us). Stardrive has a lot of Master of Orion 2 references and clearly takes its inspiration from there so you might enjoy it? Haven't played it but it looks promising and you can find a nice article few posts above.
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I agree to some extent but it wouldn't hurt to have a more complex option for those who desire more control over the battles (it is pretty random now).
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Also, if you ever get bored of ES and feel the need to command a fleet again, try Star Ruler
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thanks for the suggestion, added to my wishlist :)
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107 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by matsalkoshek
So I didn't have much expectations when I grabbed Endless Space to fix my sudden needs to command a space fleet and uncover new star systems, but guess what: The game is pretty darn good!
I'm only in the beginning and the game isn't as complex as, let's say Sins of Solar Empire, but there's that charm of 90s space games such as Fragile Allegiance and the exploring has been a blast so far. The combat could have more depth to it, but the fact that it doesn't leaves more room to focus in diplomatic, science and expanding your civilization peacefully.
Anyone else playing this game? Have you enjoyed it and what faction do you think is the most interesting one?
No hidden giveaway here sorry, I just haven't seen much discussion on this game and thought it deserved its own topic :)
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