Lots of navigation and exploring and puzzle solving but not much combat. I think a lot of people will not be happy about that. You don't play a Star Wars game for the climbing, sliding, wall running, and rope swinging. You play Star Wars for the cool lightsaber and force action. If most of the game is similar to what this gameplay shows, that will make a lot of people disappointed.
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this might be the first game i ever buy on origin.
wait, what? no bloody way!
i'll stick with jedi academy & jedi outcast.
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Its single player and doesn't have anybtype of microtransactions
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You can sell character skins, weapon skins, "time savers" (using Ubisoft terms) etc. So fact game is not MP does not mean it will not have microtransations.
Or that they will not add them after game is released, like may developers do nowadays. Reviewers and first buyers get game without shop where you can spend real cash, and then they open shop.
I'd really want it to be otherwise, as I really want to play in newish game that is more open than Force Unleashed, and would allow me to cut enemies in half with a lightsaber. But I will remain skeptical till they actually release it, and then watch if they add any microtransactions instead of some DLC packs.
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EA said the game wouldn't get any type of microtransactions or dlcs, you only pay for the game and nothing more( they may add deluxe conten DLC and pre-order content DLC since those are common nowadays)
If they decide to not keep their word and add microtransactions they would loose their reputation since the no microtransactions was one of main sell points of the game since day ome
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Bethesda also said they will have only cosmeticmicrotranzactions in their newest game, and here we are. With game that cost $60 on release, and now people need to pay extra $100 yearly for ability to play on private servers.
This new SW game does look nice. But if they do not meet sales goal they will push developer to add some form of monetization for people that already bought this game.
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You can sell character skins, weapon skins, "time savers" (using Ubisoft terms) etc. So fact game is not MP does not mean it will not have microtransations.
You've listed three types of completely optional microtransactions, though. These are the least invasive, and can typically be completely ignored when playing a game. For instance, I played the two most recent Assassin's Creed games without spending a penny beyond buying the game itself.
I don't see why those types of MTs would bother anyone.
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As someone who is sick of all the open world crap we get nowadays, I very much hope for a linear experience.
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Deus Ex games are also linear, but give you many different options and routes at one location. This feels much more like a corridor shooter. Nothing wrong with that Doom was like this, and that was great, but in a Star Wars game I expected a bit bigger environments and levels. The combat system is very Dark Souls esque too, so it could've worked great with a bigger areas.
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When people keep buying EA games despite EA's history, EA keeps doing the same things they do, since it's obvious that they earn money that way.
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Even if there are no microtransactions in this game, it would be the exception, not the norm. There's also pre-order stuff anyway, and I wouldn't be surprised to see DLC soon after release no matter if they're saying otherwise.
If for some reason EA changes its ways and they stop using the bad practices they've used for quite a long time, not just in this game, but in any following releases they do, then I'll consider them trustable again. Just not at this moment, and no matter how this game looks before it's actually out.
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Personally not too impressed by what I've seen. The level design seems a bit uninspired and uninteresting to explore. And the gameplay and animations seem janky and unsatisfying.
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Oh wow, this video got me from being mildly curious to absolutely uninterested. This looks insanely dull, uninspired and uneventful. Like seriously, why would I want to run on vines and do 3rd grade platforming challenges? The combat looks interesting, but I'm also 100% certain that it won't be too difficult and that you'll win simply by being a little careful.
Maybe I'm in the minority here, but the fun thing about Star Wars in the general world and the possibilities of the stories (like politics, etc.) instead of some very specific levels. Seeing grassy hills and ice caves isn't why Star Wars is cool. It's everything else around it.
Well, I guess we'll see what it is in the end, but I personally didn't think this would just be a shoddy version of Tomb Raider.
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Star Wars the Force Unleashed 1 and 2 are 99% combat. Both games had intense combat with a lot of force powers and both received mixed reviews from fans and critics. A few years ago when an untitled EA game was canceled fans were complaining that they want a story driven Star Wars game instead of action games like Battlefront. Now people are complaining that Fallen order lacks action.
Conclusion, Star Wars fans can not be pleased and making Star Wars toys, games, media and all sorts of entertainment equals to financial disaster. The safest bet would be Clone Wars content, although both Star Wars the Clone Wars Republic Heroes and Lego Star Wars 3 the Clone wars flopped.
Even George Lucas who is now being praised, was a victim of the fans' "love" for 15 years.
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29,691 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by MyrXIII
New Gameplay
It's like a video game smoothie taking great ingredients from a lot of other games, with Star Wars flavoring and whip cream on top.
Two problems though.
1.) EA. How much have they been yanking the chains of the Respawn devs and interfering with the project. The pre-order bonuses are pure cringe as usual. Four cosmetics locked behind pre-ordering. The best one is the color orange for your lightsaber. Lmao. Also the deluxe edition has two more cosmetics locked behind that.
2.) Disney. The House of Mouse has issued marching orders of "no dismemberment of human characters." A small issue, but considering you will be using a lightsaber for the whole game, this can be an issue to some people. You can dismember non-human characters.
In our current drought of Star Wars games, this is a small ray of hope. Please be good!
EA Should Lose The Star Wars License
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