So a guy asked for link to a torrent. Wanted to report him but theres no such rule. Why? Dont you think this kind of site needs it?

12 years ago*

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here =D "Urgent priority means things that, as is said, must be dealt with immediately. This means: *piracy (direct links to an Indie Gala gift page, for example) "

12 years ago

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Last time someone kept rambling about piracy the user posted a link to a cracked game and I suspended the dude on sight. Off site, I told him to remove the link if I take off his suspension early and he did. Such rules are non-written and are common sense to not violate so yeah. Piracy links not only hurt developers who don't put up demos for their game but they can also hurt the site where they are posted too.

12 years ago

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Would it be already to post links to trackers, not to the torrent themselves? Like say... a link to the front page of a certain bay...

12 years ago

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Oh noes , piracy is bad mkay ?

Ahoy, me Hearties!

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Yar har, fiddle di dee,

Being a pirate is all right with me,

Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free,

You are a pirate!

12 years ago

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I used to pirate till i met Steam.

12 years ago

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same here
i "blame" TF2

12 years ago

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Yup, same here.

12 years ago

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not a single game leeched since 2007 !

12 years ago

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Do what you want cause a pirate is free.
Most people who pirate weren't going to buy the game anyways. I'm pretty sure that those who pirate to know if a game is worth their money are the minority.

12 years ago

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OP are you stupid ?

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I'm not a pirate!! At least I won't publicly admit being one >:P

12 years ago

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sooo... being a butt pirate counts?

and basicly theres nothing to report he didn't ask you for your activated game cd-key (like some people have asked me)

12 years ago

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What would be even worse is if someone makes a giveaway for a game, and then links the winner to the torrent at the end.
Oh no! I shouldn't be giving people ideas!

12 years ago

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Well, no one gives a crap about people who download torrents. Governments and other animals care about stoping uploaders and torrent trackers. Lot of people first download torrent and later buys the game. They just don't want to be dissapointed in it.

12 years ago

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heck no dude. there are enough rules as it is. there are + for downloading torrents, which is being able to play the game and choosing to buy it in the future, it can help you by preventing you from spending money on a shit game that looks cool at first and turns out to be a total crap game. Also if you do use torrents this way(download to test the game, like it?buy it, dont? delete it) then the company isnt losing anything and everyone wins here. besides if you want to be some hero, trying to stop piracy, adding rules to the site wont stop someone from finding and downloading one anyway. Im not all about turning this site into some warez site but i still think its foolish to report someone over that.

12 years ago

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To all the pro-pirates who commented in this forum:

It doesn't matter if you're for or against piracy. If you share torrent links you're making SteamGifts vulnerable to corporate lawsuits. This website might close down by being accused of "promoting piracy".

That would suck the big one. I like SteamGifts and don't want it to disappear because some people were too blunt to realize that they were not supposed to openly express approval or promote something that is generally considered illegal. Why don't you guys go sniff some cocaine in front of a police station while you're at it?

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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The general discussion in this thread is not about legal but rather illegal torrents.

12 years ago

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I'd much rather be a smart ass than a dumb ass.

Anyway, you simply said "If you share torrent links" without making any distinction for the content of the torrent. As an example, essentially you said "If you drink water, you will die", leaving out the "tainted with lethal amounts of mercury".

12 years ago

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The entirety of this thread is talking about illegal torrents. When I talked about torrents that make SteamGifts "vulnerable to lawsuits", it was assumed that I was referring to the illegal kind when I wrote "To all the pro-pirates who commented in this forum" in the first sentence of my post.

Piracy and legal torrents have no correlation to one another so I fail to see how you made that connection... unless you didn't read my post properly and just felt the urge to discredit it for no apparent reason.

12 years ago

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Piracy and legal torrents have no correlation to one another
They absolutely do when YOU simply sate "torrents" in a sweeping manner and YOU fail to differentiate the two.

Or are you saying that an "illegal" torrent file is magically different than "legal" torrent file.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

12 years ago

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Context matters.
Absolutely. And he provided none.

Sure the topic was about piracy, but when you make a sweeping statement like he did, you need to provide context for your statement unless you're talking about things in general.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

12 years ago

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Guess you need it simplified...

Here's a sample argument: "Rap music that promotes violence and drug use has a negative impact on society."
His sentence If you share torrent links you're making SteamGifts vulnerable to corporate lawsuits. amounts to "Music has a negative impact on society".
Another example, "The overuse of antibiotics is bad because the body builds up a resistance to them". His sentence would be "The use of antibiotics is bad because the body builds up a resistance to them".

Even in topics where the context is understood, because his sentences are sweeping they negate the previous established context.
Rap music isn't all music, so you cannot replace "rap music" with "music", nor does all rap promote violence and/or drug use.
Limited use of antibiotics is not the same as over use, so you cannot simply say "use of antibiotics".
Not all torrents contain 'illegal' content, so you cannot say "If you share torrent links you're making SteamGifts vulnerable to corporate lawsuits."

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

12 years ago

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I guess he just assumed that you weren't a smartass, out of context, word-for-word guy.

12 years ago

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The focus of my original post was not about the kind torrent per se, but rather on the repercussions a lawsuit would have on this site if these torrents were to the promote any form of piracy.

You decided to dissect my post (word for word), extrapolate one sentence from it and isolate it from the general context of this thread (writing an essay on its syntactical flaws) just for the lack of an adjective. You took all this time and effort to discredit a post that was focusing on something else for... the lack of an adjective... seriously?

I could easily edit it to "those torrent links," without specifying what kind of torrent I'm talking about, and the main message would still hold. It's not the best post I ever wrote in my life, true, but I believe that it gets the point across nonetheless.

TL;DR You're making a big fuss over nothing.

12 years ago

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I could easily edit it to "those torrent links," without specifying what kind of torrent I'm talking about, and the main message would still hold.
"those" would have added context and made what you said not a sweeping statement.

But whatever, my original comment was meant jokingly, as you said "smartass", and not meant to be this serious. However my point still stands.

12 years ago

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I like how people justify pirating by saying "I'll buy it later". Then they buy it when it is on extreme sale, and say "See I told you so"

And truthfully I pirated minecraft. Then I bought it later. For more than it would have costed me to buy it at the time I pirated it. It was before I really got on the internet and learned of...well basically everything.

12 years ago

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I like how people justify pirating by saying "I'll buy it later". Then they buy it when it is on extreme sale, and say "See I told you so"
And how is that different than anyone who doesn't buy the game til it's 75% off?

12 years ago

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Because they don't use the product until then. Isn't that obvious?

12 years ago

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I like how he still hasn't responded to this XD

12 years ago

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I like how I have a life...

12 years ago

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I like how i have a life and morals.

12 years ago

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I like how I'm not a douchebag that makes assumptions about people without having any facts or information to even begin to back them up.

I'd argue that lawyers who defend murders aren't without morals, but they ARE lawyers.

12 years ago

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It's a job man. Plus sometimes they actually believe that those people are innocent. Plus you still haven't responded to what I said. Plus^3 that really has nothing to do with this.

12 years ago

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I don't get how that's valid. They still paid and it's not like the developer is getting any less than they would if the person hadn't pirated it. It's like if you borrow a friend's blender until you can buy your own when it goes on sale. And I like how you pull out ad hominem arguments and then think you won because the target took an entire half hour to respond :3

PS: I don't pirate games, and I'm letting you know so you don't ignore my points and start attacking me directly~

12 years ago

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It is because you do not get the product until then. I don't see how no one gets this.

12 years ago

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So you hate anyone who tries the game before they buy it. Man EA must love you.

12 years ago

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...demo. And if their isn't one ether complaign to the dev or watch a video. There are more options than just pirating.

12 years ago

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Well complain to the devs isn't going to work and watching a video dosen't tell you if the controls are crap or if the game is buggy or many many other things you haven't thought of but do keep acting like you're morally superior to everyone else on this site, it's funny.

12 years ago

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Well, he has the right to do so. You can sugarcoat it as much as you want, but it all comes down to one fact: Illegally downloading games/software/music/films/etc is against the law. Publishers are not required to offer you the possibility to "test" games.

If you choose to pirate stuff that is your thing, but acting like you have a right to do that is just ignoring the facts.

12 years ago

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So basiclly you're saying we should bend over, buy a shit game for £39.99 then not have the chance to send it back all because we can't try it first? You are the kind of market EA and companies as shit as them thrive off of.

12 years ago

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You forgot the alternative: Not buying. But yeah, that are your legal options. You can of course acquire said game online, but if you choose to do so, please don't act like it is something better than it is, because it isn't. You're breaking the law. Deal with it.

And for your information: I haven't bought a single EA game since BC2. I can live with missing out on a game I'd love to play, if the other option is to give money to shitty companies.

Edit: The "no chance to try first" argument is rather weak. You can always watch gameplay videos or read reviews. Then there are also friends (some of which may even have the game...) and forums to find further information. In addition a lot of games have a demo/a beta. It's not like there wasn't a possibility.

12 years ago

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"Lot's of games" Maybe in early 2000 but not today. Also as i stated above videos only show you a few things not stuff like the controls or how the game actually feels etc etc. Would you trust most reveiws? Companies like IGN and Gamespot would sell there arses for enough money.

12 years ago

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There are a few sites I check for reviews and yes I trust them. But that's not the point. Even if there was absolutely no way to get information about a game before buying it, it still wouldn't be legal or morally right to pirate it. If you want to do it, that's ok for me. Just don't act like your fighting for better consumer protection or anything.

12 years ago

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In many countries in Europe, where people actually have rights and we don't have as much murders as america, pirating games is not illegal.
Plus, a video won't show you how good it will run in your hardware.

12 years ago

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I'd like some sources for that. And to find out if a game runs on your system you can always check the system requirements. But yeah, that'd be too easy.

Oh and I live in Europe and I'm actually glad that pirating stuff is illegal here.

12 years ago

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Actually, the UK has a higher murder rate per capita.

12 years ago

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Actually if you learn the style of a commentator, TotalBiscuit for example, you can learn on how the game controls. How do you know asking the devs things will not work? It has before,Dark Souls, even if it was a shitty port, is a great example of this.

12 years ago

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That was a petition not one person writing asking for a demo. Also you fail to realise diffrent people like diffrent things what may seem bad to Biscuit may be fine to someone else and if there's no demo good luck finding out.

12 years ago

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I said learn the style considered good by a commentator or any commentators. No matter what piracy is only a good idea if a game is not available in your reigon. Even then it should only be done if the same price of money gets donaited to a charity by the said person, however this will likely not happen. Besides, most people want a demo, if you are literately the only person to ask for said demo, then I would be suprised. Besides, do your research on a game, don't just buy it for shits and giggles unless that is the point of the game.

12 years ago

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Well at this point i'd just be repeating myself you believe what you want to believe. It was certainly nice to have a somewhat civil debate for once.

12 years ago

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I guess so, but your points were really:
I wanna try a game before I buy it. (Demo's and video's)
You wouldn't know the controls (Depending on the genera, it's not that hard to learn)
Devs hate customers and don't listen to them (BS)
Reviews suck (IGN, Gamespot, Gameinformer, etc. fall here truthfully, but independent and most youtubers don't fall here)

You still don't have to buy the game when it comes out. You could wait for a sale or not buy it. There are 2, maybe 3 resons to pirate and your aren't any of them.

12 years ago

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Ok..its not legal,its not moral,but as long as you pirate for yourself and you enjoy the game and no one know this....who do you hurt(considering you would never buy that game of course)..

I dont pirate anymore,because I buy only games that are worth the money and I fell good to thank to the dev for the awesome product and legit products have better multiplayer,updates...

12 years ago

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Morality is subjective, thus your "it's not moral" argument isn't really all that valid.

"It's not legal" neither was black people sitting in the front of the bus or Irish children attending school or question the Muburak regime. When the laws are fucked, it's the people's duty to disobey it.

No one gets hurt when you download a game, you're not stealing it from anybody, no one is losing a copy because you downloaded it. The developers are missing out on a nickle or two per download, unless they were paid beforehand, which many large companies do nowadays. So the only companies that are getting hurt are the ones that are raking in the dough off a product they forced onto the market before it was finished. Oh no.

12 years ago

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@Tyrfaust Its true what are you saying but there are a lot of closed-minded who cannot understand this and blame piracy for every loss they have...(Ubisoft)-I couldnt reply to your post so I wrote here..

12 years ago

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And what's the difference between trying a demo and wait for a sale and downloading a game, play some minutes and then wait for a sale?

12 years ago

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There are hardly any demos being released anymore.
I pirate and don't even give a fuck.
I pirate anything and everything I want to spite you self-righteous fucks. I'm going to pirate Borderlands 2, 4 times when it comes out. I'm gonna pirate every game I have pirated, delete it and pirate it again cause I can

12 years ago

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I pirate games to use them as a demo, I try not to beat the game because that's really the point of torrenting a game. I pirated Dark Souls, played it for a handful of hours (around 10 or so) then decided it wasn't for me and deleted it. Same with Ghost Recon Future Soldier, download, play a bit, realize it's not something I want to waste my money on and thus I saved myself $60 on a shite game.

Why is it that so few games have demos nowadays and yet more companies complain about CCCOACFAC ("Pirating")? Of course people are going to pirate your game if it's the only way they can personally see if they will enjoy it!

12 years ago

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There should be a rule against calling file sharing "piracy". Calling it such only perpetuates propaganda and makes it more difficult to educated people so that they can realize the need to abolish copyright laws.

Also, not all torrents are illegal.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

12 years ago

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I prefer "Copying Copyrighted Copies Onto A Computer From Another Computer" Or CCCOACFAC for short.

12 years ago

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I think that's kinda a given? It'll illegal so does it need to be stated?

12 years ago

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Given the current climate, I'd imagine the last thing Steamgifts would want to do is to allow themselves to get onto the RIAA's radar.

A couple of torrent links aren't going to raise any eyebrows, but from little acorns grow big lawsuits.

12 years ago

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Anyone else having problems even following this thread because their minds rebel against the term 'piracy'? (as opposed to 'copying' or 'copyright infingement' 'sharing' etc... etc...)

12 years ago

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Dunno whats wrong on sitting in front of my computer wearing a pirate hat and using an eye patch aye!?!

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Emil.