
I am feeling stupid. I see where I can search for threads that I started (3). I can see on my profile how many comments I have (305). But I have not found the way to list those 305 comments - or at least any comments I might have within a particular thread.

I think I might have given away a few keys within a thread and I'd rather not re-use those keys if true. But the threads I most likely would have used for the give away have thousands of comments. I don't have the time to walk thru several threads like that looking for any comments I might have.

Is there an easy way to display all my comments from any/all threads I have commented in?

2 years ago

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I search this so many time... never ask but if you are stupid i'm with you mate ;)

2 years ago

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There is some good advice in this thread!

2 years ago

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This is perfect, thanks for reply ✔️

2 years ago

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I think there is a feature that allows you to do that on ESGST because I have seen a lot of SG people look for comments by other users really quick. I suggest you try there.

2 years ago

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This 👍 ESGST has a couple of features that can help.

  1. "Comment Searcher" lets you search for comments from specific users within a thread.
  2. "Comment HIstory" keeps track of all your comments and lets you access them from the drop down menu next to your avatar.

Edit: I should add - you can't use #2 retroactively. It only starts tracking your comments from the moment you enable it. :(

View attached image.
2 years ago

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This is not the first time for me to say to you... Thank you!

2 years ago

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Ah! I knew it was ESGST. It's the swiss army knife of SG features :D

2 years ago

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Thank you!

2 years ago

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I don't think you can do that on the site, but there are a couple things you can try.

If google crawled the page where you posted, you can try searching steamgifts through google with your username and maybe another keyword you think you may have used, like the name of the game. If it doesn't show up, that doesn't mean you didn't give the game away though because I don't think google will have crawled every single page. You can start with this and try to add different words to the search:


You could also open your messages and search for some keywords that you think someone may have replied with after they took the key or from someone that may have tried to take the key after it was taken. Try searching for the name of the game or the words key, taken, or used. You could also try "thanks", but you will probably get a lot of results of people saying thanks from the giveaways you created.

Edit: I just realized that you can do a search in your messages for results from giveaways, discussions, or tickets. That means you can click "discussions" and then search for "thanks" and it will filter out all the thanks comments from your giveaways since you are only searching comments from discussions.


2 years ago*

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Thank you!

2 years ago

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Very good! Thank you all! You have some excellent advice!

I am slightly ashamed that I did not think of google in my moment of need! I certainly am aware of google searches using required (i.e. "+" terms) as well as the "site:" keyword. Thanks for helping me shake the fog out of my brain.

I always forget about ESGST because I have been unable to get it to work with my Chrome-based browser (Vivaldi). I do have it installed in Chrome and will give that a try! :)

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Thanks Veebles. I actually had found those settings. :)

I am still experimenting with all those setting to find what I am looking for though.

2 years ago

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thx for the shortcut!
lol, just need to remember to hit the save button after making changes.

2 years ago

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Veebles, my friend! Thanks to your gentle pushing, I am using ESGST by "temporarily" using Chrome instead of my normal browser for SG. :)

I have begun using the Tag feature for threads in the Discussions, but have not yet found the way to filter the threads after placing the tags. For example, I have a tag "Favorites" on several threads, but cannot find how to show all (and only) the threads that have this tag.

I saw a similar issue for giveways several years ago. It was treated as an enhancement request (to be able to filter giveways by tag) and resolved (i.e., added to ESGST).

Can you help? Again! :)

Ah! As long as you have your "Helping Hand" hat on... I am also using the "Show number of unread messages" in a thread option. But when I go into the thread and actually read the new messages... ESGST continues to show those messages as unread until I click on the "Mark all messages read" icon. Do you know if I am missing something (again) or is that is an intended feature or if it is a bug? Again, Thank you!

2 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago*

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Very good. Thank you, sir! :)

2 years ago

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I would like such a feature to be implemented too, just like the inbox of received messages, there should be an outbox that lists all your comments posted, preferably with a search box.

2 years ago

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In your browser, ctrl+f and type in your name or the word you are looking for.
Doesn't help much if you don't know which page your comment is on though.

2 years ago

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Unless you have ESGST or an endless pagination turned on, instead of separate pages.

2 years ago

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I would like to request that feature as well.
ESGST might have it, but I don't want to use it. Also, I feel that some of the features of ESGST allow, or at least make it easy for people to cheat.

2 years ago

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