big and small text

write this

# hello

to get this



also if you add only one "#" you'll get bigger text, H1. add two to get H2, and three, like "###" to get a smaller H3 (H stands for heading)

2 weeks ago*

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2 weeks ago

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But I know you already know this, icaio... Hmmmmmmmmm.

View attached image.
2 weeks ago

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copyin and pastin doesnt work!!1

edit: added you on Steam, hope you don't mind. feel very free to decline, if so :D

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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Agree with Almostn33t, this is very hmm indeed. 🤔

2 weeks ago

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First, you must decide your destination, pay for the tickets and go for it. Or you can do like this pidgey

View attached image.
2 weeks ago

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I swear every post and comment from icaio never fails to suprise me by pure confusion yet enjoyment.

2 weeks ago

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thanks and a ton. workin' as intended i should add...
but, really, this was an "innocent" way to get a template for building carts.

new (and old) users can use it to join us in Community train (or inspiring them to build their own train). we also do it, usually, along the train, inside the train ...and it's also more fun, but adding a template withsome intructions won't hurt ;)

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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my day is ruined, now

thank you !!1

edit: oh. the huge playlist he has

2 weeks ago*

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A few weeks ago I had a fairly long train of HOGS and it took me like 2.5 hours to create - can't even imagine why I used to do over a 100 long carts! I might be getting old and wish I could find that train creator app

2 weeks ago

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ESGST has tools helping train creation, maybe that could speed it up? :)

2 weeks ago

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I use it regularly, it's really useful ! Particularly on the automatic previous/next links for each cart

2 weeks ago

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My answer will depend on if you happen to be a railroad engineer who may have overexaggerated on their resume, or if you are interested in making giveaways that are linked together...

As Almostn33t said though, I'm sure you're aware of the latter icaio. So here is a link for the former (in case you are actually stuck in the middle of nowhere trying to figure out how to couple carriages): Railway Coupling

Jokes aside thanks for all of your giveaways and your contributions to the community icaio! <3

2 weeks ago

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updated with bigger text HowTo. sort of.

have that mandatory, 100% CV free gib rite here: <-- mobile friendly link!!1

1 week ago

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