12 years ago*

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I would say Bad Rats, but that would be the game of the century. Bad Rats: GOTC pls.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

12 years ago

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I'm thinking Dishonored...although I haven't finished it yet, I absolutely love it

12 years ago

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DotA 2!

12 years ago

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saints row, dota, binding of isaac, tf2, fallout, skryim, garrysmod

12 years ago

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  1. Black Ops 2
  2. Ace of Spades
  3. Dota 2
  4. Torchlight 2
  5. Worms Revo
  6. Borderlands 2

The Last 4 will count as equal.

Fallout 3
Fallout New Vegas
Killing Floor
Zombie Driver HD

12 years ago

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  • Walking Dead
  • FTL
  • Hotline Miami
  • Binary Domain
  • Xenoblade
  • Dark Souls
  • Spec Ops
  • Tribes Ascend
  • Torhclight 2
  • Rhythm Heaven Fever

I dont know really, its not in order. My favorite would be dark souls, walking dead, or hotline miami though.

oh yeah, and xcom is super high up. I aint putting it there because I pirated it so I only played it for 3-4 hrs.

sleepy dags goes in there somewhere, I dunno where

12 years ago

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  1. Borderlands 2
  2. The Walking Dead
  3. Tropico 4
  4. Spec Ops The Line
  5. Hotline Miami
  6. Batman AC
  7. Sleeping Dogs
  8. ME3

Wanted to play but didn't get around to: Dishonored, XCOM, KoA: Reckoning, FC3, Halo 4

Currently playing and liking alot: RAGE, Might & Magic Clash of Heroes //
Biggest disappointments: ACIII (by far) and LIMBO

12 years ago

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My top games:

  1. Civilization V
  2. Saints Row 3
  3. Quantum Conundrum
  4. Blocks That Matter
  5. Bastion
  6. Tropico 4
  7. Doom 3: BFG Edition
  8. To The Moon
  9. Mc Pixel
  10. GTA 4

My worst games:

  1. Secret of the Magic Crystals
  2. Bad Rats
  3. Ironclads (all of them)
  4. Ironclads (yeah again all of them)
  5. Revelations 2012
12 years ago

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Penny Arcade: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3; Shank 2; Torchlight 2 and somehow CS:GO

12 years ago

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  1. The Witcher 2
  2. Walking Dead
  3. Dishonored
  4. Saints Row: The Third
  5. Sleeping Dogs
12 years ago

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  1. Awesomenauts.
  2. Counter-strike: Global offensive.
  3. Natural selection 2.
  4. Borderlands 2
  5. Mark of the Ninja.
  6. Castle Crashers.
  7. FTL: Faster Than Light.
  8. Minecraft.
  9. Counter-strike 1.6.
  10. Torchlight II.


  1. Black ops 2.
  2. Black ops 2 Zombies.
  3. Don't starve.
  4. Prototype.
  5. Arma II / DayZ.
  6. Overlord.
  7. Dead island.
  8. Magicka.
  9. Gotham City Impostors
  10. Aliens vs. Predator
12 years ago

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3.Civilization 5

4.Guild Wars 2

5.The Witcher... yeah i know first game is old, but i played it this year

12 years ago

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Spec Ops The Line,of course I have more games on my top games list of 2012 but Spec Ops The Line is the only game that was absolutely above my expectations.

12 years ago

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  1. Dragon Age Origins
  2. Fallout 3
  3. Killing Floor
  4. Torchlight 2
  5. Oblivion

Most of them are old, but I played this year those.

12 years ago

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1.- To The Moon (The feels ;_;)
2.- Dishonored
3.- Portal 2
4.- Ace of Spades
5.- Train Simulator 2013 (Choo choo motherfucker)

12 years ago

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Mh, lets see:
To the Moon, Waling Dead (No finished but i can tell its awesome), Far Cry 3, Hitman Absolution, Max Payne 3, Hotline Miami

12 years ago

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Borderlands 2, Walking Dead, X-com, Far Cry 3, FTL, Hotline Miami, AirMech, COD: BO2 ( odd but I loved it, and I love me some pissed odd COD fanboy once and a while), Lastly but not least Legend of GrimRock.

Biggest Disappointments: Diablo 3, Guild wars 2, and All Zombies Must die. Super Pile of Crap goes to WAR Z.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Deleted-7275911.