There are other vaccines entering stage 3 trials which are required before approval.
The Russian vaccine apparently has yet to get to stage 3 trials, so really this just seems like it's going to be a big experiment on the public. It's a gamble, and with peoples' lives. It could turn out to be really effective, or not work terribly well, or actually kill more people than it saves.
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It seems somewhat common for new vaccines, whether being made in the US or not, to have some sort of trial in developing countries that need it most.
On paper, that seems great to let the people who might need it most try it, but there's a fascinating moral/ethical rabbit hole that we could go down: Is it ethical to run a medical trial in countries that are essentially captive audiences because of lack of medical care and such? What legal exceptions are granted to them relative to other countries where there are different citizen rights & laws?
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I think the argument that testing occurs in developing countries because they have more need for treatment is disingenuous for commercially developed pharmaceutical products. The development programme wouldn't have even begun unless there was a large enough paying market to justify the business case. If it's morally grey, it's a very dark and murky grey. It's also a pretty bad idea to risk eroding public confidence in vaccination programmes. Last year's devastating measles outbreak in Samoa was caused after the public lost faith in the system after two babies died the previous year due to nurses accidentally mixing vaccine powder with expired anaesthetic instead of the correct diluent.
Then then are the similarly terrible consequences of vaccination programmes being used as a cover for espionage.
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"sputnik" - is a "sattelite" on russian. Maybe thay want burn all heavy sick regions with atomic fire and left atomic dust only, as they love to say?)
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New "Platsebo" from 2C corp may cure Covid-19.
<Upbeat music>
Please take as directed.
If you cannot afford Platsebo, ask your RNC member, as additional funding is available to select groups.
<Sad music>
Mild side effects of Platsebo may include:
Skin rash or dermatitis
Dry mouth
Suicidal thoughts
Abnormal heart rhythms
Internal bleeding
External bleeding
Compulsive lying
Orange skin
Short term memory loss
Delusions of grandeur
Numbness in male extremities
<Imperial March Music>
In some cases (99%) more serious side effects may occur.
These side effects include:
Continuous Explosive Diarrhea (CED)
Cannibalistic Tendencies
Anti-Vaxer Brain
Uwe Boll Syndrome
Xenovirus Takis-A & B
Leezle Pon
Legacy Virus
Mutated Space Cooties -A
And the highly contagious cross species version of Hawaiian Cat Flu
If you experience any side effects, keep taking Platsebo and start licking you local Politicians.
Platsebo, brought to you from 2C Corp.
<Loud EDM>
2C corp is not responsible for any damages that may occur from taking their products. Any likeness between Platsebo and a cure is purely coincidental. 2C corp is not related to any other corp real or fictional and any likeness is just in your imagination. For the love of your god, do not actually take Platsebo if you're rich. You know what we mean. Wink Wink Nudge Nudge
<Quiet Peaceful Music>
"Platsebo for a new tomorrow, today."
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they FOUND vaccine, after hacking into the worlds health organizations and stealing data.
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If vaccine made from stolen data, where is the vaccine from other countries?
USA >170 000 total deaths!
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FUN FACT, the amount of corona whistle blowing doctors in Russia that tossed them self out a window from high up is at least 3
USA is f F-ed tho and none of the new information shared by our government can be trusted. you think the economy is bad now, wait until so many people are dead that we don't need new shit cause we can just sell it to eachother from dead relatives stuff.
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Nice that you think its FUN.
We don't discuss economics etc. If you claim that Russian scientists received data from hackers and based on this data presented the vaccine, why scientists who own this data doesn't have vaccine yet?
You don't trust your government but you trust your media?
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I have friends who work as nurses and doctors in several countries in Europe (specifically the UK, France and Spain) and they all reported the opposite was true. A lot of patients who died from complications due to Covid19 but had pre-existing health conditions that aggravated the symptoms of Covid, had CoD listed as "heart failure", "cancer related death" etc.
I don't think it was for the purpose of deception exactly but more because those causes were clear and easy to establish without post mortem.
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Well you don't catch it because of the cold and temperatures being very high in most of the world didn't and still don"t prevent from going strong.
I'm not a scientist so i'm not debating the science behind it really, just saying it's an abuse of language that can be misconstrued as meaning it's harmless.
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Unless you are exposed to extreme circumstances, like extreme temperatures, poisoning in form of food adulterants, toxic food prepared on non-stick pans, toxic air and contaminated water, environment laden with pathogens, there is no need for any vaccine for a (cold) virus. In general people have enough WBCs to ward them off. Viruses/ bacteria invade your body only when your body immunity is compromised.
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You should be happy. The "elite" are the test subjects.
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I think u really need to live in a dictatorship country like Russia for awhile. Maybe u understand the difference.
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That's not matter where I live now, I'm originally Iranian and I understand what a pure kind of dictatorship is, Islamic regime in Iran is much worse than a normal dictatorship, it's a totalitarian regime. Putin supports Mullas in Iran, Al-Asad the dictator of Syria who killed over 0.5 milion innocent people in Syria, Maduro the dictator of Venezuela, Kim Jung-un the dictator of North korea and many other FUCKING dictator regimes. Dictators support eachothers and they don't change until people change them. And about USA, it's really the country of "FREEDOM" and democracy.
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Whataboutism, so familiar! Oh, russian propaganda.
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Dude, I really can't convince you that you can't understand what "West" is.
But you maybe know who Putin is:
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Putins Russia = Lite Soviet Union.
Lies in everything, hatred of the West, humiliation of their own people.
Let the government officials of the regime and the adepts of the "zeroed" constitution test the pseudo-vaccine on themselves.
Those who lived in Russia do not laugh in the circus.
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It's really not his fault that he can't understand the meaning of "Brainwashing". This is the result of understanding in Russia:
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Killing and incapacitation by poisoning is a long-standing practice of KGB/FSK/FSB. There was the murder of Shchekochikhin, there was the poisoning of Politkovskaya, which she survived, but years later was then shot to dead near her house, there were the poisoning of Vladimir Kara-Murza Jr. because of which he had to leave Russia. Nothing new, typical Pu-Russia.
Since the days of the Comintern, the Kremlin has been using "useful idiots" in the West and in the East, fools who think that "Russia Today", "sPUtnik", is the media, not propaganda agencies, to undermine foreign political systems and economies.
["Lenin called them "useful idiots," those people living in liberal democracies who by giving moral and material support to a totalitarian ideology in effect were braiding the rope that would hang them. Why people who enjoyed freedom and prosperity worked passionately to destroy both is a fascinating question, one still with us today. Now the useful idiots can be found in the chorus of appeasement, reflexive anti-Americanism, and sentimental idealism trying to inhibit the necessary responses to another freedom-hating ideology, radical Islam."] from Wiki
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gotta love this community, you crack a joke and they start master-debating over dumb shit.
in soviet russia the joke laughs at you.
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If you're looking for a professional opinion, listen for what Dr. John Campbell had to say on the matter (whom you all should be following anyway).
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This was announced on the news the other day and I didn't get excited.
One source:
Russia tested this vaccine on 38 patients and skipped stage 3 of trials that would then give the vaccine to a much larger number to determine if it's safe.
A couple of other vaccines in development have reached that stage 3 and each have 30,000 volunteers for the final stage.
Russia calling the vaccine Sputnik is a dig at the west. "We got a satellite into space first, now we have the first vaccine." Um... yeah, whatever. That's a really terrible reason to put a vaccine out early. They could cause more deaths than the virus itself.
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I didn't read the source I linked, honestly. Was just pointing out to the OP that this has been around for a few days. On an actual news station I watched, it said 38. I think it may have been ABC news. The link to the video came up on my Google News feed and watched on the day it was announced.
But you're right, figures can vary drastically when news first breaks because they all want to be the first to get the news out there. They don't always recheck their figures. A problem with clickbait media. Eventually it settles down and becomes closer to truth.
I still think the Russians have jumped the gun announcing success before they've even gotten the results from the phase 3. Don't get me wrong, I hope they are successful and it would save so many lives. I just don't like that they're treating it like a race. "Sputnik" is a weird choice of name really.
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Kanye officially declared Nuance fictional in his 2032 presidential run.
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True, he was in the news like 15 years ago then disappeared off the radar, popped back up again 10 years ago, etc etc.
But that same sentiment goes for other situations too, I'm assuming you don't follow Dutch politics closely...? And if you do, even local people can't spel most of the names correctly :P
If any "hate" is justified depends on your information gathering. A local person might be stuck in a state media echo-chamber, while a foreigner gets both sides of the story. It all depends on where you get your info and how much time you want to spend on fact-checking.
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Nah, that's Belarus, not Russia. Vodka, bathhouse and field work, according to Lukashenko.
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Worst thing is, vaccination will be compulsory for some categories of population like doctors or teachers. Basically, according to Russian press, it hasn't been properly tested, we don't know if it actually helps, but we do know that side effects are "frequent" and "very frequent", and some of the test subjects still experience them 30 days after the vaccination. So no, it's a bit too early to celebrate,
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yeah, have heard a lot of conspiracy theories on (covid) vaccines in the US which I tend to think are mostly a load of shite... but I do agree with the sentiment that making an untested or even just a new vaccine mandatory is unethical. there have been drugs that have undergone testing for years or even decades and then still eventually ended up being tied to various issues ranging from liver problems to cancer. i'm definitely not against vaccines but untested is untested.
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I don't care if it's from Russia or anywhere else, I just hope it really works and can end this :) but IMO in best case scenario it's gonna take at least 2 years from now or even more!
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People want shortcuts, least-effort attempts, and won't wear a mask unless it says Nike, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, or has their favourite Pokemon or Anime character on it...
Self sacrifice and taking responsibility are not in their vocabulary.
Demonstrating is more important than saving grandma, having secret parties in the woods or on the beach are more important than saving cousin Linda who has asthma. Don't even get me started on the people that NEED to go on holiday.
Anyyyway. :P
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I don't like shortcuts, I even wore masks long before covid19, mostly because of air pollution, but yeah sadly most people after a while will get tired of that and wanna live like before :)
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Well, a working vaccine, with minimal or inconsequential side effects, would be the first step in solving this crisis.
Of course it would require the same people who are not taking any precaution right now to get vaccinated so it's not going to be in the baf even when a reliable vaccine is available.
It won't come from Russia though.
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lol this is ironic. vitamins would probably do a better job than a vaccine. vaccination against covid is almost pointless... protection lasts like +- 15 days. Doesn't even work on people with a fucked immune system cause it's designed to activate that system. If it doesn't work, it can't be activated... Big pharma, big scam. Again...
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I think Putin is the real virus (more dangerous than Covid-19) for russia and the other dictatorship countries. A real vaccine is a russia without Putin as a lifetime president.
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Too bad Yeltsin died, but bald fuck Gorbachov is still alive. Please go get the guy and find some place on Earth to found a country with him in command and go live here with all the other sheep blindly parotting "Putin bad" from TV. I think in a year you will understand.
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But 99% agreed to the vaccine once the FSB showed up at their homes.
So they just needed that new pamphlet that came out, and was hand delivered to their families, during the night, while they were sleeping.
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