Yeah, I need 75 dollars within 8 days to fund this kickstarter project. Any suggestions. I'm open to contests, competitions, giveaways, raffle, etc. So yeah start listing stuff and thank you.

P.S.I'm pretty sure I'm not breaking the rules by posting this but if I am, I will gladly close this thread.

1 decade ago*

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Work like one full day at Mcdonalds :3

1 decade ago

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Assuming an 8hr full shift without break, since to my knowledge Mcd's does not pay for a lunch break, OP would need to be paid 9.4 dollars an hr. This is before tax, with tax, OP would need to be paid around 11 dollars an hr. Very unlikely that Mcd's would pay anything but the minimum wage, at least in the States. You would also have to factor in that most jobs like Mcd's pay bi-weekly, so it would take at least 14 days to receive any funds.

Yes, I know you were joking.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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illegal stuff.

1 decade ago

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go around your neighborhood offering to rake leafs from peoples yards for 20 bucks for a normal size yard and a little more for large yards. if you got 1-2 yards a day for a week you would be far past the goal. its not hard work its just time consuming.

1 decade ago

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sell your organs

1 decade ago

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ill buy ur boobies for 10$ each (as long as they nice and big (。・◡・。) oh and no man boobies

1 decade ago

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find a site that gives free money < best solution evar

1 decade ago

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Rob the Four Stores, look I know Vlad is nuts, but he's got some good jobs down the line. This is good start, so stay frosty until things heat up.

1 decade ago

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Maybe he shagged his sister or something.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Where I live people working an easy part time job, like your neighbourhood cvs, usually earn $4 an hour. 8 hours a day will get you $32, considering lunch and other stuff, still I guess you'll be able to save $10 each day. I rather think the problem is 'will you get paid each week and not each month?'

I see you mentioned you're too young to get a job. If you can't make your parents, family, friends, uncle, aunt or somebody to help you, learning to give up on stuff could be a lesson too.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Go do online surveys all day and all night if you're that desperate and SO convinced that you can't get a job. Maybe after 75 hours of survey taking you'll have 75 bucks. Who knows.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Ask your parents for $75.

1 decade ago

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If it was that easy to get money without going to work everyone could be rich.

1 decade ago

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rob a dog pound

p.s. i hope you get bit.

1 decade ago

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Photographers pay well for nude pics.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 decade ago

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"It's impossible to get money if you're still in school"

If that isn't the biggest load of bull ever....I knew plenty people including myself that did school and work...even in High School.

1 decade ago

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Sell crack cocaine

1 decade ago

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Have you ever played a little game called Grand Theft Auto?

1 decade ago

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Sell your steam account.

1 decade ago

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PS. I think you won't get that. PS. I know I can Edit.

1 decade ago

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Prostitute yourself. It's easy, just put up an ad on CL and jerk someone off for $38 a pop.

1 decade ago

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e-wh0ring? why not!

1 decade ago

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When I was young I bought lots of consoles and games funded by babysitting and either mowing lawns in the summer or shoveling driveways in the winter. If you really want to make money it isnt hard to find work to do.

1 decade ago

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HAHAHAHAHA, comments are crazy helpful.

1 decade ago

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mow lawns, rake leaves, babysit, etc. if you really want to make money though learn to DJ :P (500$ for 2 hrs of changing music, applying reverb, and transitioning songs)

1 decade ago

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Start giving blowjobs

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by icametokill2o9.