Yeah, I need 75 dollars within 8 days to fund this kickstarter project. Any suggestions. I'm open to contests, competitions, giveaways, raffle, etc. So yeah start listing stuff and thank you.

P.S.I'm pretty sure I'm not breaking the rules by posting this but if I am, I will gladly close this thread.

1 decade ago*

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First off, you will survive if you can't get the money in time, just as you would if you never saw this Kickstarter in the first place. Not only is it something you can do without, the time limit is probably artificial. Most Kickstarters end and are then continued using PayPal or something, allowing those who missed the deadline to contribute. Not only that, you can usually pledge one dollar before it ends and then increase your pledge at a later date. People looking for funding aren't likely to turn down additional money just because "the deadline has passed." There is no need to panic. Honest.

Now, about the money thing. There are mainly two (non-illegal) ways to get that kind of money in a short amount of time.

1) Work for it.
2) Trade for it.

You could borrow it, but that's not really "getting money," it's "taking money away from what you'll get, later." You don't need that kind of headache when you're this young. That leaves the working or trading for it.

To earn quick money, hire yourself out to do odd jobs. Make posters advertising yourself ("Will Do Odd Jobs for Cash") and include a way for people to contact you. Put the posters up where people can see them. (You can ask store owners to show them in their window for a short while.) Also, talk to everyone in your neighborhood and see if they have anything they want done that they're willing to pay for. You won't make a lot of money per job, but if you do 15 small jobs, that's maybe $75 right there. Your advantage is that you are young. People are sympathetic to young guys looking to work for some cash, so they will want to help you out. People are unsympathetic to young guys looking for a handout.

Another way to make that kind of money in a week is by trading. You'll have to focus on one-day turn-around sales, though, due to your "limited" time frame. If a guy can start with a paperclip and trade his way up to a five-bedroom house, you can make $75 in a week. You will need something to start with (capital), and you will need to be good at trading. Basically, you want to sell what you have to someone who is willing to pay a bit more than it is worth. You then sell what you gained from the transaction to someone else, and so on.

I hope I've said something useful to you.

1 decade ago

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You're quite sagacious.

1 decade ago

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Best comment yet. Thank you for the advice, might consider that tradiing thing.

1 decade ago

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I forgot to mention that a good trader focuses on finding "the right buyer." There is always someone willing to buy what you have to sell for the price you want. It's just a matter of finding him or her.

1 decade ago

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+1 for seriousness in this super troll posting

1 decade ago

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Prostitution works ..

1 decade ago

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Prostitution; selling things you own; asking parents/friend for a quick loan. Or go to the club, learn how to steal wallets(pretty easy since people are mostly drunk there), and hit about ~5 clubs from different towns, you'll most likely get more than $75 tho.

1 decade ago

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make your own pr0n site

1 decade ago

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I heard street pharmacists gets a lot of money and requires little to no education.

1 decade ago

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Become a Pharmaceutical Entrepreneur

1 decade ago

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Hmmm you guys left some very interesting suggestions. Although I probably won't use any of your suggestions and probably won't get the money in time, it was funny to read some of your comments. ;D

1 decade ago

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Hmmm you guys left some very interesting suggestions. Although I probably won't use any of your suggestions and probably won't get the money in time, but it was funny to read some of your comments. ;D

1 decade ago

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Work, that usually solves it.
Seriously, if you're that desperate, you should be working your ass off for it already.

I'd say mine litecoin, but you'd be using your parents money to pay electricity either way, so.....ask them for money? Or

1 decade ago

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When I was younger I would just do a lot of house/yard work, usually I got thrown a 20 or so for various things, that works unless your family is broke, then it doesn't.

1 decade ago

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Kickstarter itself is where people go to fund projects. So at least ask nicely from your friends instead of asking for 'ways to make money'.

1 decade ago

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Do you live in rural areas.....MUSHROOMMMMM!!!!

(Don't do it, people come after you with shottys, friend almost died stealing the magic ones..)

1 decade ago

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It's not possible unless you ask your parents or something like that.
Oh boy, isn't money beautiful.

1 decade ago

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FOREX, beg your mum, beg your grandparents, steal.

1 decade ago

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Just walk around and see if anyone needs any odd jobs done for some money? Wash cars, dig holes, walk dogs, whatever.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Rob a bank
Rob an old lady
Sell your organs
Rob a bank
Sell your house
Ask the president
Rob a bank

1 decade ago

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lost my job :(

1 decade ago

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Any corner will do.

1 decade ago

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Get a job, Al.

1 decade ago

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Make a Kickstarter to fund the money you want to put in Kickstarter to fund the other project :P

1 decade ago

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Online Poker.. surprisingly some have made more then $1000 playing this stuff in days. Most i've ever won was $5 lol but then again I play the very small bets.

1 decade ago

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This is still open?

Look, OP, I'm pretty sure that if there was a way to make money quick, people would most likely keep it to themselves unless it's one of those referral services. Asking here won't help much lolz...XD

1 decade ago

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Hmm you got 2 days left, fastest way to make that money is to buy 100 Humble Weekly Bundle non-bta.Sell each for 1 TF2 key.Sell each key for 1.8$ Paypal.Buy some beer with 5$ to celebrate that great trading success.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by icametokill2o9.