Where do you go to trap for claps?
Next stop: time to get Borderlands: The Handsome Collection for free
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I'm a bit confused, as the Season Pass seems to lack most of the DLCs according to this comment
The Handsome Collection is not identical with the Season Pass, so I wonder if this (good) deal is really a complete edition.
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The Handsome Collection includes everything from 2 and TPS. The season pass of 2 includes the story expansions, characters, first level cap bump, and a couple small things. It’s missing the second level cap bump, skins, and headhunter packs
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As I mentioned on that comment you linked the Season pass is basically all DLC from 2013. All of that is included in the Handsome Collection. The "Season Pass" store listing isn't going to show up as "owned" on the store page but you'll have it all.
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The Handsome Collection in key form should include all DLCs for Borderlands, Borderlands 2, and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, as well as all three base games, though GMG may perhaps be listing a version which does not include the first game.
The Handsome Collection in key form should include all DLCs for Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, as well as both base games.
If it was my comments in the OP that threw you off, allow me to clarify that aspect:
The Season Pass (for both Borderlands 2 and Pre-Sequel) isn't configured as a package on Steam, meaning that on Steam you can acquire both the Season Pass and the DLCs within it [thus wastefully doubling up on the same content]. The Handsome Collection on steam does NOT contain The Season Pass, but it DOES contain all the DLCs within the Season Pass.
As such, you do obtain full content (but you can't post a giveaway for anything including The Season Pass, as that DLC does not actually activate, despite the winner receiving equivalent content, and the site does require exact apps to be activated). Meanwhile, the key form of The Handsome Collection DOES seem to have the season pass DLCs included, meaning there wouldn't be any problem with gifting it.
tl;dr version: It's something that is only relevant to people who are already aware of something relating to the version of The Handsome Collection on Steam, it isn't information that anyone new to the matter needs to worry about in any way.
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Unless there's a second key version of the collection I overlooked, that blends the content of the steam key I found and the bundle version.. It is not listed as being part of the package on the GMG page, however, no.
I don't have time to look more closely at SteamDB atm, please feel free to see if you can find a second listing other than Borderlands Triple-Pack which has the Handsome Collection content minus Borderlands GOTY but with Season Passes: https://steamdb.info/app/261640/subs/
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Then you may want to correct your previous description of the Handsome Collection as you specified that Borderlands and its DLC was part of it.
The Handsome Collection includes all DLCs for Borderlands, Borderlands 2, and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, as well as all three base games.
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I already noted in the OP it wasn't confirmed, and had noted that I was specifically referring to the standard key version of the Collection (as I couldn't find an updated listing to match The Handsome Collection rebranding / content reduction), an association I was directly addressing in my comment just above. I did neglect to reinterate the matter, as I had already considered it clarified, but you're correct that it is best to emphasize it.
That said, again, I cannot find any other relevant SteamDB listing other than the one I was referencing, so it should be included.
So it's a matter of dedicated caution, rather than of clear correction (though again, please do feel free to find an alternative listing).
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To be honest, your phrasing was so unclear that I had to show the conversation to two different people to understand what you were saying (they had as much troubles as I did).
The link you gave to me was the one of the pre-sequel which is indeed included and the link you gave in your first post is the one of the Triple Edition and the only handsome you can find in there is the "Handsome Jack Doppelganger Pack" which has nothing to do with the Handsome Collection:
The Handsome collection never contained the first game and its DLC. You can have a look on Steam by yourself and with the picture bellow.
The reason why I was so confused is that you keep stating that basically the Handsome Collection contains the triple pack while it's not the case and since I just bought the Handsome Collection, I can confirm that the first game isn't sold with it, so it would be great to correct your messages stating otherwise. Yes there is a "Handsome" when you CTRL+F on the Triple Pack, but it's the "Handsome Jack Doppelganger Pack" not the "Handsome Collection".
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That certainly sounds severely confused, yes.
If you have questions about phrasing, please reference the phrasing, otherwise you'll come across as insincere.
What links I gave for reference isn't something which is important, as they were on-topic regardless of whether they were accurate to GMG's offer or not. There has to be a SteamDB entry for a Steam key [meanwhile, bundles are meta-packages, so they will never have one], so the question is of which SteamDB entry is the relevant one. I gave you the necessary link so that you could search through packages which contain the Pre-Sequel on your own, I'm not sure why you're insisting (with off-topic abstracts) on the state of things being a specific way without having done so (or by correcting any misconceptions I myself may have on the matter).
Your tangent on the Doppelganger pack is one of your own devising, that element was not at all considered nor relevant to anything up to this point. I'm rather uncertain as to why you're emphasizing it that heavily. Likewise, as I explain above, referencing the bundle as it is on Steam is largely irrelevant to what is available as keys (nevermind the unreliability that comes from referencing an active listing of any sort versus referencing persistent data, such as SteamDB provides), and it has already been clarified from the start of this thread that the content on GMG is different, so it's entirely natural of me to question what the exact differences are and to provide links to listings I clarify as being potential matches.
From what I can determine, a lot of your confusion appears to derive from a lack of understanding as to how listings on Steam and SteamDB are handled and presented. There also appears to be a strong confusion as to the nature of the topics I've intended to bring up, though I'm entirely uncertain as to why that is.
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I'm just going to solve the problem between us two simply. The Handsome collection is available since more than a week on Steam, SteamDB and is now sold on GMG.
This pack has absolutely nothing to do with the Triple Pack you linked on your first message and the only "Handsome" you can find on that Triple pack is that DLC.
Stating that the GMG pack is different than the Steamdb or the Steam version is a non sense not only in none of the 3 Borderlands base game and DLC are available, but the Steam version and the GMG version even have the exact same description regarding what it includes:
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection includes:
• The critically acclaimed BORDERLANDS 2 and BORDERLANDS: THE PRE-SEQUEL games in one package
• All bonus add-on content for both games, adding hundreds of hours of gameplay at an incredible value
• Cooperative gameplay for up to four players online
Includes all available downloadable content for Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel as of December 31st, 2017.
The confusion simply came from the fact you stated that the Handsome Collection was containing both Borderlands and its DLC, and if anything, I wasn't the only one not understanding why the listing on GMG should be any different to the others pack with the same name, as other people came to tell you that the first Borderlands wasn't included in the pack.
I don't have time to look more closely at SteamDB atm, please feel free to see if you can find a second listing other than Borderlands Triple-Pack which has the Handsome Collection content minus Borderlands GOTY but with Season Passes: https://steamdb.info/app/261640/subs/
This whole part was utterly confusing to me, I'm still unsure what you were trying to say.
Now I'm trying to understand where that "insincere" is coming from, I was already having troubles with the way you phrased this part of your previous answer "I did neglect to reinterate the matter, as I had already considered it clarified, but you're correct that it is best to emphasize it." as it did sound quite condescending. Dunno if I'm the one reading the tone wrong but you're being rude. Clearly.
TBH, you were just giving the wrong information to people so I was trying to understand from where it was coming from as I took the time to read the description from GMG which was a copy/paste from the Steam and unrelated to the Triple-Pack you were linking in the main OP.
Before being aggressive towards people who try to understand why you would link a thing rather than other to justify that GMG version is different and / or it should / shouldn't contain a game, maybe try to see if you didn't make a mistake somewhere. I won't answer anymore here, it seems that whatever I dare to say, I receive an extraordinary abrasive reaction from your side.
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The fact that OP kept saying that the GMG version should be giving Borderlands and its DLC because GMG Handsome Collection version wasn't the same of Steam version was completely throwing me off, which lead to my question.
They heavily edited their messages since then, here was the original to whom I was responding as I couldn't understand why they were saying something different than the description both on GMG and on Steam.
I bought the bundle since then as I got curious about the game and didn't know the name of the Main Character. Thanks to your answer, I now understand even more why the first opus isn't part of the collection.
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Thanks, I think this explains it all.
So with this offer you get 2 keys? One for the Handsome Collection and a 2nd one for the Season Pass, which is not needed to complete the edition, but will, when activated, show as owned on the store page.
Well, that's one hell of a deal, too bad I purchased it on Steam for twice as much, but I'm happy with it nonetheless.
Thanks for the heads-up. :)
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They 1up'd Fanatical who just put it out for $5 with the email coupon.
Less than 3 bucks for the Handsome Collection is freaking nuts.. that's tons of value. Gearbox and 2k want everyone playing! :)
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so more people feel inclined to get BL3, sails on 1 and 2 will be almost non existend by now I guess, at least with this they still grab a few extra bucks. Was never inclined to get al the costume stuff but with this offer I get $86 in value added, so I am really tempted. thats 3 bucks they wouldnt have gotten other wise
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not a huge fan of BL but at that price i got a couple copies for friends since it's a lotta game.
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Not available in my region and its region bound. Triggers me to not have the season passes in the Handsome Collection and this is what I need. I even installed Pre-Sequel to make sure I can't get Season pass to appear in the library after installation. Also because there's also a previous thread that noone actually made another thread. Cheers~
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Too hard to resist at that price. Thank you for the heads up Sooth. Btw, mine didn't come with Borderlands GOTY.
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Yes, Borderlands GOTY not included in Handsome collection https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/8133/Borderlands_The_Handsome_Collection/
BTW: RU/CIS price is 85,9RUB = ~1,32$
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As I touched on in the OP, the contents of the Bundle are different from that of the Steam Key version (I've attached the screenshot by the GMG purchaser who verified the inclusion of the Season Passes; I myself I can verify the lack thereof via my purchase of the Steam Bundle).
The earlier roughly equivalent steam key included both Season Passes and GOTY (the Steam Bundle version includes neither), but this version appears to only include the Season Passes. (All versions include the compontent DLCs for the Season Passes.)
Thanks to Bauer's confirmation (which was in response to my own uncertainty over which key GMG was associating with), we're now able to more reliably determine which steam key GMG is using [especially as their labeling didn't necessarily have to match. :)
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You'll need to first make an effort to understand what I'm actually saying, before offering a response, if you want this to be a conversation rather than just you going off on topics involving matters which are irrelevant to the main topic and which noone has any arguments toward.
Your posts don't even seem to be trying to address the comments they're replying to, and that aspect is starting to seem rather rude.
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Can confirm it's about 1 buck cheaper for me than on steam, and I own all the games + plenty of dlc.
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£2.50 in the UK - bonkers price. I've spent a lot more on the game(s) and don't regret it given the hours I've entertainment I've gotten.
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I bought the games for a lot more than this and it was worth it back then (playtime about 350 hours). This is an absolute steal for anyone interested in Borderlands. If you're playing it co-op, the value is even greater.
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ugh. recently paid $5 to upgrade to HC. had all main games and most DLCs. oh well.
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Awesome deal. I nearly got it on steam as I have been eyeing it up for a while but at £2.50 on GMG I could not resist any longer! Glad someone posted it on here (I saw the deal on another site - too busy to post myself till now) I did not own any of the games so chuffed at the offer. I know it has been posted on here in another post but just in case people have not seen you can also get this too https://store.steampowered.com/app/872280/Borderlands_2_Commander_Lilith__the_Fight_for_Sanctuary/ free till July 8th I think!
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Right, I should probably remind people of that to be safe, thanks!
It really is a hell of a deal- even if we exclude the DLCs from consideration, getting two AAA games for $3 is straight up equivalent to what we'd expect from bundle pricing. Add in the DLCs (the previous marketing for which was at times rather frustrating, at least for Borderlands 2) and it really feels like you're getting BTA content from an AAA bundle for only $3. ^.^
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After compare https://steamdb.info/sub/322690/apps/ (GMG) vs https://steamdb.info/bundle/8133/ (Steam store):
GMG has 61 items while steam store only 59.
Note: I just compare the data from steamDB, not actually buy both
DLC included in GMG version (not included in steam store ver):
DLC included in Steam ver (not included in GMG version)
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The Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack is part of the Borderlands 2 Season Pass, so at least the content is still there for both versions. But I guess both variations of The Handsome Collection are going to perhaps show up as missing some DLCs when looking at Steam store pages.
I'm not at all sure what to make of them including an OSX-specific version of a cosmetic pack, though.
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For Russia GMG key activates https://steamdb.info/sub/322684/apps/
Btw, I owned all items on Steam (bought bundle previously), but key from GMG was activated just fine.
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(I'm surprised noone has made a thread about this yet, honestly.)
Edit: Thus far the stock has been fluctuating in and out. If your region isn't currently in stock, try checking back a day or so later.
I completed my Bundle through the Steam deal a few days ago, and it ran me $2.97 just for The Pre-Sequel, its DLC, and the half-dozen or so Borderlands 2 DLCs I was missing. Seemed a pretty decent price, y'know?
Meanwhile, those new to the series (or who are missing more than I was) can now just pick up the entire Collection for just 3 cents more over at GMG.
Also, just a reminder to claim your free DLC, as Commander Lilith: The Fight for Sanctuary is not part of the Collection and will eventually no longer be free!
SG purchasers have confirmed that this version of The Handsome Collection also comes with The Season Pass DLC apps [rather than only just their subcomponent DLCs], so you're safe to gift the Collection on SG (for example, under Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel + Season Pass). However, like the Bundle version, purchasers indicate that it still does not come with the original Borderlands GOTY.
(This appears to be the correct SteamDB listing for the GMG version of the Collection.)
It's GMG, so be careful of
potentialconfirmed region restrictions.Thanks goes to Operations for informing me about the offer and its inclusion of the Season Pass.
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