i want a gaming laptop with a good graphics card that can run the newest games on high-max cheap as possible
thanks for anyone who helps

12 years ago*

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12 years ago

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Just kidding, lol. You should ask someone to recommend a build instead.

12 years ago

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i saw a laptop with good ram, HDD, processor and the graphics card was Nvidia GT650M is that any good for brand new games?

12 years ago

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You should go at least for a Nvidia GTX 660. Check the Asus G55 and G75 (depending on what you whant for your screen size).
The cooling design of those model is what's the best at the time.

12 years ago

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Newer games on max or ultra you will need nvidia 680M or radeon 7970...Or sli 600 series like 2 675m, just depends on how much you want to spend

12 years ago

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A GTX 660 is more than enough especially if you don't have a screen bigger than 720p. I'm doing fine with a GTX 560 Ti. I'm talking about custom built PC's, maybe laptops perform different.

12 years ago

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a laptop video card are weaker than a desktop one

12 years ago

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+1 the 670m will should be handling like a 660 ( I read that somewhere don't really know if it's true but they are weaker)

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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add to your post "And I will give you a free game" and see how popular your post will become. (That's what I was looking for, build a laptop for what in exchange ?)

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Too cheap

12 years ago

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^ this. Congratulations, you've finished personalizing.
I think it's what OP needs and quite cheap. Mine's only $8,357.

12 years ago

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xoticpc.com sager had a lot of good deals going on recently. The radeon 7970 will actually even be a viable option now as amd is releasing a driver fix this month.

12 years ago

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laptops almost never max games unless you would like to spend a couple of $K

12 years ago

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1) there is traditionally no such thing as 'building' a laptop, unless you just mean customizing one from Dell or whomever. you can't build a laptop like you can a desktop

2) any laptop that fits the requirements above is not going to be cheap

3) perhaps try Alienware

12 years ago

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Wrong, there are a bunch of sites that allow to select pieces to customize laptops.

12 years ago

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learn how to read bro

also when someone uses the word 'build' it implies buying all the parts and putting it together yourself (i.e. not pre-assembled)

12 years ago

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Sorry I unconsciously omitted the word "whomever"

12 years ago

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Also i think laptops are great as mobility but that's all. If you're planning to play games, "build" a desktop PC instead of "buy" a laptop.

12 years ago

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"newest games on high-max"
"cheap as possible"

Not sure about your knowledge on computers but that mentioned above doesn't work.

12 years ago

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it depends of the concept of "cheap" XD

12 years ago

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Even for desktops, that's going to be questionable (the 'cheap' part, I mean).

12 years ago

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As long as the OP feels that 3-4 thousand dollars is "cheap", it can be done.

12 years ago

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You can easily get a respectable gaming laptop for about 1,300USD now, like, say, this. Granted thats 17", but who knows, Clevo might make a 15" one.

Most high end, non-SLI/Crossfire, and non-desktop CPU Clevos do cost well below 3,000USD.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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just don't get it from them, go through a reseller because sager customer service sucks. like i said xoticpc.com

12 years ago

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I never had any problems with them, I just call and get an RMA #, 2 weeks later a new laptop.

12 years ago

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I don't think you build a gaming laptop, you buy one...

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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my father once caught a bullet with his bare hands!

12 years ago

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build a gaming laptop...wow, any tutorial video for that? Maybe I'll make one that can transform into robot :D

12 years ago

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Got my soldering iron ready, where are the parts?

12 years ago

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I've had so-called "gaming laptop" for a few years (custom built machine on compal barebone) and let me tell you, it's not worth it. I know you want mobility (so 17" is out of question), but 14-15" laptop with dedicated GPU and cooling system will be heavy. And it will overheat very, very easily anyway. Unless you plan to carry cooling pad as well, then it only gets bulkier and even less mobile.

You can get nice desktop gaming rig for half the price and half the nerves. You can play Counter Strike on a netbook during boring lectures, no need to carry a freaking fortress with you.

12 years ago

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Try Xotic, Malibal, Power Notebooks.

Clevos are generally very reliable, and considerably cheaper than Dell's Alienware. They're also very cool - I can vouch for my P150HMx/NP8150 on a 7970M.

12 years ago

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I was planning to buy a gaming laptop, turns out it would've been a Big nay
when I have my money I'll prolly buy a regular stock laptop
and build myself a +/- €1000 desktop for gaming and more heavy duty assignements

most laptops will do fine tough for some casual gaming, but try to find at least the nVidia GTX660m ot GTX670m
and an intel i5 (make sure it's a quad core) or i7

12 years ago

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Try Alienware M17x or look here:
HERE OR here OR Here

12 years ago

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Why don`t you buy a PC, especially if you plan to use it for gaming? Way better performances, components can be changed etc - they only lack mobility when compared to laptops.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by iBeatz.