Looking for feedback and input, as I pretty much had to just roll with it. Mostly wondering if I should...
a) Cut back on the number of achievements everyone has to do and maybe post achievements every other day, increasing the pool of achievements you can choose from to do.
b) Extend the event a bit longer so people have more time to enjoy the event since everyone (including myself) is likely to be quite busy during the holidays
Other feedback is of course welcome as well :hee:
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blah is there any way you could pull some achievements from my games list? 300 games and I'm still having trouble....partially because I've already got some of these lol
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Isn't it funny? It always feels like we have a ton of games, until you see a list of games and you don't have a big chunk of them! I was having the same issue, but I should have enough to eat up my remaining time anyways. I'm sure Monukai will try and accommodate you.
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Yes, exactly! I only asked because I saw before where you were having issues hehe.
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Rock of Ages - Snowball War
Waking Mars - Research: Halid Zoa
Chime - Quick Off The Blocks
Tower Wars - Better With Friends
Dungeonlands - Friend Sheep
Orion: Dino Horde - Caveman
So I posted the above achievements on Dec. 1st, but you can still do these any time on or after that date.
So you notice you haven't done Snowball War for Rock of Ages, so you decide to do that achievement today (Dec. 3rd), you do the achievement, and now you have 1 of 3 achievements done for Day One.
You notice Dungeonlands is F2P so you go ahead and do Friend Sheep, so now you have 2 of 3 achievements done.
But oh no! You don't own Chime or Tower Wars, you already did Research: Halid Zoa in Waking Mars, and Orion: Dino Horde is way too big for you to download because of your data cap!
But it's okay! You go to the Substitution List and notice that "Earth's Moon" is an achievement you haven't done yet for The Basement Collection so you go ahead and do that, since that's a substitution achievement, you can now count that as your final achievement for Day One!
You don't need to do three each day, this is mostly an event for fun, doing three each day just guarantees you'll be eligible for the prizes dedicated to people who participated a lot. Only do as many that seem fun!
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not all the giveaways/prizes will be based on how much you do, but for the ones that are like that it will be based on the number of achievements
you can have as many as 3 count from each day (if I don't change the system to make it easier), so if you did that for every day you'd have a total of 75 points.
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you could indeed earn all 75 points on the last day of the event, the only time achievements don't count is if you did them before they were posted (so if you did an achievement last year, it won't count--this just makes sure everyone is putting in the same effort for the event--valve was able to get developers to add achievements for their events to assure no one had the achievements before they were available for the event, unfortunately i doubt any developers would do that for me lol)
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This looks like a lot of fun. If I manage to have enough time I'll have to work through the ones I can. As long as you do them sometime before the end they count for the day they're set for? I like it. :) Much luck keeping up with it, and kudos for something so interactive!
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This looks like a lot of fun! I'll see if I can participate at least a little, even if it's just earning a couple of achievements. Thanks for making this event for everyone. ^_^
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It might make it easier for your to keep track of people's achievements if you tagged them. Then people could just list which ones they have earned by the code (ie. Day#/Achievement). So, FEAR 3's achievement would be 2.5. You could just make the substitution achievements X.#. S might look too much like 5 and add to the potential for error.
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i was thinking I could just use astats, I *
that astats has a last achieved section, so I can just look through everyone's achievements they earned as far back as dec. 1st
I believe that more people will be interested in participating if all they have to do is the achievements, else I'd probably try something like this out :>
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Day 4:
EDGE - Snowblind
Deponia - Brushhunter
Greed Corp - Walking in a winter wonderland
Unreal Tournament III - I Need Some Backup
Krater - Helping Hand
Primal Fears - Still Alive
Poker Night 2 - Deck the Halls
Tomrrow's Preview
Demolition Inc.
Fate of the World
Shoot Many Robots
Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter
Babel Rising
Added to Substitution List:
Poker Night at the Inventory - Flush
Unreal Tournament III - Let's Get It On!
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Day 5:
RUSH - Santa's Little Helper (WORTH TWO)
Demolition Inc. - Car Jump I
Fate of the World - Let it Glow
Shoot Many Robots - Make Many Friends
Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter - Co-op Beginner
Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter - Serious Co-op (WORTH THREE)
Babel Rising - Break the ice
New to Substitutions:
Babel Rising - Cruel God
Shoot Many Robots - Number One Tugnut
Tomrrow's Preview:
Toki Tori
Dynamite Jack
Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter
Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter
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Toki Tori - Catch a Cold
Dynamite Jack - Collector
P.A.M. - Ho-ho-hidden!
Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter - Co-op Beginner
Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter - South American Master (WORTH TWO)
Archeblade - Fly Like a G6
New substitution: P.A.M. - Crazy Sleigh Ride
Tomorrows Preview:
X3: Albion Prelude
NIGHTS Into Dreams...
Serious Sam 3: BFE
Killing Floor
Booster Trooper
Critter Crunch
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Let's get more people involved in this fun event! These will last through the weekend, plenty of time for you to complete the associated achievements prior to the end of the month! =D
Capsized (3 copies)
Fear 3 (2 copies)
Greed Corp (3 copies)
Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter (3 copies)
Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter (2 copies)
Shank 2
The Maw (3 copies)
Toki Tori
Vessel (3 copies)
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Nice drop! But I am confused :( can I enter this giveaways ( and the ones in the main page) even if I haven't done any achievements? From what I understood there are giveaways open to everyone...I don't want to make mistakes/be rerolled! Thanks anyway :)
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All of these giveaways are for games with achievements in this event. These giveaways are meant for people who want to participate but may be lacking some of the games needed. They're open to all, though I do ask that you participate in the event if you enter for these.
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...wait you mean actually play games? That's fucking disgusting! You should be ashamed Monu.
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Day 7
X3: Albion Prelude - It's Cold Outside
NIGHTS Into Dreams... - Merry Christmas (WORTH THREE)
Serious Sam 3: BFE - Christmas in Cairo
Booster Trooper - Intermediate Fragger
Critter Crunch - Feeding Frenzy
Serious Sam 3: BFE - Golden Survivor
Closure - Flight of the Moth
Killing Floor - "Death" or "Brain Fart"*
*Killing Floor achievements were just added to Steam, thus they count even if you got them before today
New substitution: Critter Crunch - Last Man Standing
Day 8 preview
Cargo! The Quest for Gravity
Electronic Super Joy
Painkiller Hell & Damnation
God Mode
Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes
Dollar Dash
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Day Eight
Cargo! The Quest for Gravity - 2012 - it's almost there
Electronic Super Joy - Get To the Chopper!
Painkiller Hell & Damnation - Satan Claus
God Mode - Nothing Safe
Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes - Online Hero
Dollar Dash - Homerun
The Polynomial Space is Music
Sol Survivor
Wanderlust Rebirth
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301 Comments - Last post 22 minutes ago by sfkng
73 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Freilyreydia
24 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Myrsan
115 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by wigglenose
2,452 Comments - Last post 8 hours ago by Ch1cWolf
18 Comments - Last post 11 hours ago by makki
322 Comments - Last post 15 hours ago by ManlyMeatMan
145 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by TomatomaZ
742 Comments - Last post 12 minutes ago by Bydydyndi
768 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by Wintermute101
2 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by coleypollockfilet
9,908 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by CurryKingWurst
17,448 Comments - Last post 28 minutes ago by MjrPITA
109 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by Kingsajz
Lina Level - Revenge of the Titans: Soundtrack
25+ - Resident Evil 6 Biohazard 6
10+ - Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara, Eldritch, Beatbuddy Tale of the Guardian, Bioshock Infinite
7+ - Aliens: Colonial Marines, Rise of the Triad, Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons
5+ - Marlow Briggs, Poker Night 2, How To Survive, Darksiders II, Skulls of the Shogun, Swords of the Stars: The Pit - Gold Edition, Red Faction Collection, Contagion
4+ - Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, Torchlight II, Monaco, Bientot l'ete, Legend of Dungeon
1+ - Dead Island GOTY, Torchlight II, Sleeping Dogs, Monaco, Electronic Super Joy, Dream Pinball 3D, Ion Assault, Fester Mudd, Prime World: Defenders, Blood of the Werewolf, The Holiday Express, Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage, Eldritch, Borderlands GOTY, Trackmania Stadium, Sid Meier's Ace Patrol, Sid Meier's Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies, Darksiders, Alan Wake CE, Alan Wake American Nightmare, Delver, Waking Mars, Super Hexagon, Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time, Surgeon Simulator 2013, Reus
0+ - Faerie Solitaire, Garry's Mod, To the Moon
Here are the TENTATIVE scores:
Rinarin 75
Kataztrophik 28
Nikolai 20
Bobofatt 14
Sisyphus17 10
gigapudding 9
DrPixel 8
Fragger 7
bkDJ 5
Gotem 5
Ib 5
Crossbourne 4
GhostZ 4
KroganAlly 4
kurokitsune91 4
reasaurus 4
TentacleMayor 4
zufuru 4
Crazee 3
linminhtoo 3
Nevyn at least 3 PRIVATE
NariG 3
TheDopefish 3
babloyi 2
BoBsync 2
kilmanio 2
CrippledLamp 1
Dalikkus 1
DaniAlex20 1
Nerney9 1
pampuch721 1
Aly 0
bmh67wa 0
BubbyBobble 0
cheat117 0
DarkCreepy 0
Giooovani 0
Kelfryn 0
Pr0n 0
Gawaine 0
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