¿Caps sensitive? I'm stuck on P1; Q1 and I do know the song, I swear I do :/
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Tried every single combination I could think of and still haven't got it correct. I'm obviously missing something.
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I got it, I've known it all my life by the other name, so I was getting frustrated. Let's move on this giveaway. I'm finding it interesting as far as it goes. Thanks! :D
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I have never heard your "well-known" name for it until today, haha. My CD has the shorter title, the wikipedia link has the shorter title (and no mention of the longer one), same with IMDb's soundtrack listing.
However! It is of course still possible to find the longer title. It's just tougher, haha.
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yeah >_<. I know p 2 q 2's name, but it won't take it. Am I doing something stupid?
-edit- was way off. Got it. Now for 5...
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I'm sorry, but your post is too long to read but are the answers the movie they were in or the song name?
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Nothing is too long to read if you have the time for it. Think of it this way - I'm preparing you for any future contracts you may have to read and look through all the fine print for loopholes.
I'm not going to answer your question because of the above reasons, and also because for the first stage, as long as you get one correct, it's quite easy to distinguish which of the two you mentioned they all are.
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"If you haven't heard these, or don't know them right away, you should be quite ashamed of yourself, and you should feel bad. That, or you have had a deprived childhood."
So you're saying everyone in my country (and I'm sure many other countries) should be ashamed of themselves or have had deprived childhoods? Seriously...?
Way to forget that your culture isn't world culture.
Oh, and I did actually check if anyone here can recognize them before writing this. I played the songs to 3 people and none of them even recognized them as being from Disney. I also sent the puzzle link to 8 friends, with the same result. They couldn't even tell me what movies the tracks were from.
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I'll admit that I did think of this when I first wrote that...but the time between I wrote it and setting up the rest of the quizzes and giveaways were hours apart, and I didn't remember to fix that. That being said, the only reason why I had it there is that it's been an ongoing joke between myself and a few of my school friends. Regardless, I have no excuse - that was entirely my fault for not taking it out, and I apologize if I offended anyone.
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That's right! I have another quiz for you...or quizzes...or quizzi...Something like that, yeah.
This will be a music recognition quiz!
Right, so rules/info:
You ARE allowed to talk about what stage you are on, what question you are on, etc. However, you are not allowed to talk about how many questions there are in the stage you are on (with the exception of stage one), and you are not allowed to talk about how many stages there are, if you reach the end of the quizzes.
Yes, there is more than two puzzles.
I reserve the right to add to the quiz/giveaways any time during the duration of the quizzes (meaning, even though you see three giveaways on my profile right now, if you were smart enough to look, I can still add to it, and my giveaways don't necessarily have to be on SteamGifts, if you catch my drift.)
Yes, there is a giveaway at the end of each puzzle.
Please read the description of each quiz carefully, the words that you will see when you solve it, and the words on the giveaway description itself. Unsurprisingly, they are important. (Wow, who would have thought?)
I, or a delegate of mine (who will know about the quiz and it's answers) will be in MQB chat if you need me. I possibly may be idling, but I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
IMPORTANT: I'm implementing a reward system. For every five correct answers that you can prove that you solved (e.g. telling me the answers one-on-one), I will tell you one hint to a question that you may or may not be stuck on! Yes, you can cash these up to use until you really really need it.
Enough chit-chat.
For stage one, let's just say I'm feeling a bit of nostalgia, since today's is a special day...first up. DISNEY!
I will update the counter at the bottom of this post (and at each giveaway) regarding the number of actual solvers for the giveaway (e.g. this forum thread will have a counter for giveaway #1; the first giveaway will have a counter for giveaway #2, and so on so forth.)
If you have any questions that you think applies to the community (or whoever's trying to solve it as a whole), I encourage you to post it in the thread, so I can reply to it here. Otherwise, feel free to contact me through MQB. I'd appreciate it if you didn't add me as a friend on Steam just for a question.
Any hints, clarifications or amendments will be posted here:
All answers to the questions on the quizzes is the title of the song, unless otherwise specifically stated.
I'm aware that I left "something" in the third question of stage one in. I know about. I don't care. It's stage one, I can afford to be lenient. I spent a lot more time on the other stages, so those are more strict.
Apologies. I forgot to put stage two's link in the quiz/giveaway. It can now be found in the description box of the giveaway.
Apologies again, forgot to put when the giveaway ends. The giveaway ends sometime around November 1st.
The numbers of the songs do not mean anything. It's just the random order that I uploaded them in.
Stage 2, Question 5: You are NOT looking for the name of the song.
Stage 1, Question 1: There are two WELL-KNOWN names for it, but I went with the correct one. Do some research, and you should be able to get the correct one.
Yes, all the answers and links have been checked, proofed, and are all valid. Please don't ask me about that.
If you missed the link to the quiz earlier on in the thread: here.
Counter: 50+
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