Valve never ceases to amuse us with discounts getting worse and worse each new sale. For instance, Mordor SoW was 40% back at autumn sale and now it's just 30, how does that even make sense? Metal Gear V is 20% off in the meantime. It's basically either 1) buy game on release if you like it or 2) wait for bundles, middle option is pointless these last years.
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That's not entirely true. Valve sets a general sale policy and advises those on discounts after all. Nowadays they get their most profits from virtual items and selling online-based games like PUBG or such. AAA games are way cheaper as Steam keys elsewhere since online stores request significantly more humble share of profits, while most indies don't make such big sales or end in bundles at some points (there are indies with huge sales, obviously, but not so many).
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It's entirely true, Valve making pricing suggestions doesn't change the fact that the prices are still ultimately set by the publisher.
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Well, it was pretty long ago I changed back (and back and back) to this one. :P Will probably switch once more when I get to re-read the comics.
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Most of the smaller stuff that caught my eye this time is the same as in the autumn sale a few weeks back but there are a few additions (and some that didn't go as low this time for some reason)
The Fidelio Incident - 70%
Prodigy Tactics - 33%
Tooth and Tail - 40%
Tokyo 42 - 50%
The Black Watchmen - 90%
Flood of Light - 50%
Peregrin - 66%
Maximum Override - 70% (or - 77% if you go for the Alientrap bundle)
PAKO - Car Chase Simulator - 80% (sequel looks better but is very recent so only a slight discount there)
Traverser - 80%
Fortified - 80%
Stories: The Path of Destinies - 90%
Shardlight - 80%
The Way - 75%
Necropolis: Brutal Edition - 85%
Memoranda - 60%
Child of Light - 70%
ETS2 - Scandinavia - 75%
Edit, added a few more (may have been mentioned elsewhere already):
N.E.R.O.: Nothing Ever Remains Obscure - 90%
Pavilion - 50%
Desync - 66%
Futuridium EP Deluxe - 70%
The Age of Decadence - 80%
Aviary Attorney - 75%
Beyond Sol - 75%
The Town of Light - 66%
NeonXSZ - 50%
Air Missions: HIND - 50%
Bendy and the Ink Machine - 53% (for the chapters 2 & 3 bundle, chapter 1 is free)
Pit People - 35%
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Thank you ! I will get one (or both) of these :
The Fidelio Incident - 70%
Flood of Light - 50%
The Fidelio Incident is in my wishlist for a while, and it got a very good discount (was 40% off, now it's 70%).
I didn't know Flood of Light. 100% positive reviews, puzzles, very cute, and amazing soundtrack it seems.
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Glad you found something. I added a few more gems to the list :)
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You're welcome. I added a few more gems to the list :)
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Shardlight is so gud ;-;. Played it twice (once normal and again with commentary) and it is so worth.
Stories is okay, but can get pretty repetitive if you are set on unlocking all the endings.
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I'm thinking of holding off a bit as it seems like a good HB/Monthly candidate, however, I'm definitely tempted at 80% off...
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If memory serves me right, Wadjet Eye tends to end up in more Groupees bundles than any other site. Still worth picking up imo, but if you want to wait for a bundle, Groupees would be my bet on where it'll end up.
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Wow, it annoys me so much that Aviary Attorney's OST isn't on sale. I bought the game when it was discounted in the past, before the OST ever released. Now the game and OST together are a reduced cost, but I can't get that bundle since I already own the game. -.-
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Yeah, always frustrating when devs do this. The lack of distinction between traditional bundles and the dynamic ones Steam introduced a couple of years (?) ago doesn't help to clear the confusion either :/
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True. Does Horizons improve the game a lot? If you know.
Also, holding back a bit because it seems like another good candidate for Humble Monthly :P
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got both few months ago, i believe you should play the base game first and if you like it a lot then buy horizons. horizon adds a nice amount of content , it will add more in the future for horizon owners.
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OK great. Thank you for the information. Might just get the base game before the sale is over :)
Sorry for stalking but I notice you share my love for survival games. 7 days to die is also near the top of my wishlist. Is that game good for single player or best played with friends? I only ask because it appears to be your most played game :)
Btw, welcome to my whitelist.
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OK cool. I have a few friends I play with from time to time. Will have to convince them to get it too :) Thanks again!
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I have The Long Dark and I agree! One of my favourites! I played a lot of the survival mode while it was still in early access and loved it. The story mode hasn't sucked me in just yet, but I'm sure it will :)
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It has good action and great explosions. In 30 hours I beat the main game and all DLC plot missions and freed all the settlements. Besides that there is not much to do except to play challenges (destruction and various races).
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Do you have 16 gigs or more of ram? If not, don't bother. If you can run it smoothly, it's one of the nicest looking open world physics sandboxes out there. The way the explosions string together and look is incredible. If you do get it make sure to pick up the season pass as the extra vehicles and weapons offered there are amongst the best in the game, and they add a fair amount of extra story too.
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Yeah I'd say it was worth it, it is a really good looking game as well, and it is a fun world to just spend some time moving around in. So if you've got the tech to run it and want a bit of action hero escapism it's worth considering.
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Yeah when I got the game it didn't used to complain, then it had an update and suddenly my 8 gigs weren't good enough. I upgraded to 16 as a result, something I should have done anyway. Around the same time my old graphics card also died (probably from overheating playing this too much) and I upgraded to a RX480. Something that was also going to happen, but this game was the one that forced my hand on the upgrades. And when I played it after those upgrades, it was really beautiful I must say.
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Dreamfall Chapter 60% off
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All time low at -90%
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Sniper: Ghost Warrior at 80%
This pack is half the price of that for me(in MX) and it includes the game and 2 dlc, probably an error?
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idk if good or not, didnt check yet if it was in any bundle but.. here it goes
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Dungeon siege collection
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Aw that sucks. I have one of the Transformers games on my wishlist too :(
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-90% 0,99€ (lowest ever)
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Had this for years and never played it yet. Thanks!
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Some good sales but I think I'll pass on this one (Already bought two for my friends and, right now, i'm saving up to get Elite Dangerous on Xbox for myself, since it wont run on my rig) cause a few of the games I wanted to check out (Stardew and the two Red Faction FPS's) are a bit too expensive for me, even on sale.
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Here's a few from my wishlist that haven't been mentioned so far (I think)
Behind the Memory 75% off to 0.99€
Crush Your Enemies 90% off to 0.99€
Shelter 2: Mountains 75% off to 1.24€
Super Meat Boy 90% off to 1.39€
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered 80% off to 1.79€
Grow Home 75% off to 1.99€
ISLANDS: NonPlaces 60% off to 1.99€
The Swapper 85% off to 2.09€
Grow Up 75% off to 2.49€
Alpha Protocol 80% off to 2.99€
Eidolon 80% off to 3.00€
Dungeon Rats 50% to 4.49€
Pathfinder Adventures 67% off to 4.94€
Hidden Folks 30% off to 5.59€
Syrian Warfare 66% off to 6.79€
Baldur's Gate 1 / Siege of Dragonspear / Baldur's Gate II / Icewind Dale / Planescape Torment Enhanced Editions - all 66% off to 6.79€
Cook, Serve, Delicious 2 40% off to 7.79€
West of Loathing 23% off to 8.46€
Pyre 50% off to 9.99€
Life is Strange: Before the Storm 30% off to 11.89€
Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak 70% off to 13,79€
or buy it together with the Remastered Collection for 17,53€
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Quantum Conundrum
-89% 0,98€ (lowest)
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Quantum Conundrum Season Pass (full game, Soundtrack, and both DLC) -90%
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Aw man, I already bought the base version of the game. I've issued a refund but who knows when will support get to it...
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It's not Valve and legality has nothing to do with it.
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ah no? and so why there is no conversion between $ and €?
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Publishers set the prices and they can set them to whatever they wish. As an example for me in the UK some Capcom games are cheaper in the US, some are cheaper here and some are the same.
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Isn't this because of VAT? I'm pretty sure it's taxation related.
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I think so, yeah...state sales just depends which state IIRC.
I'm in Canada so don't pay any taxes for Steam Store purchases :)
As for Euro prices...publishers still charge a bit higher overall for that region even subtracting taxes. Because region pricing is never a direct currency conversion. Just look at Russian pricing for example. It's all region specific, and publishers set the region prices as they wish to. So that's the other reason as well here.
1) taxation
2) region-specific pricing (which differs)
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"Before, people would buy games when the sale started and then refund and buy the game again at a lower price during a flash or daily sale. So during the sales they'd become inundated with refund requests, so they had to switch the way the sales work."
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This story of expectations is ridicuolous.... so GTA VI doesnt create expectations? but GTA VI will be realesed. Plus since they have steam they should be not worried about HL3 success.
I am just pissed off of how valve currently set things. And holiday summer or whatever sales are the proof
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I just wanted to use the Archer reference because if fitted so nicely with you asking 3 questions in a row ;) (see overhead text)
They did nothing new to piss me off recently but it's been downhill eversince they put a stop to cross region trading (maybe earlier)
But then again everytime UPlay or Origin get mentioned everybody is like Boo! It's not Steam. uPlay sucks! so it's partly our fault as customers too. Too much market concentration is never good for the customer.
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you are right! I really want to quit with steam and starting having game on my PC only. But how to do?
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I think most of the hate for Uplay comes from them releasing open world games that all work on what is called the Ubisoft formula but that never made a lot of sense for me because when you buy an Assassins Creed game you know what you're getting into and I always liked the sheer amount of content and attention to detail that goes into those games.
When I want innovation gameplaywise I usually don't look at AAA games but rather at Indies because they dare to try out new stuff.
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Also, didn't you know, the AAA industry is great at innovation, at least when it comes to new and more ridiculous ways of getting more and more money.
True dat :D
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Why do they need to when CS GO, DOTA 2 and TF 2 basically just print money for them.
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There are so many things that make me angry on Valve. I know they did alot for the industry but imo as it is now this company really deserves to disappear very soon.. Or at least Gabe should sell it to people having the desire to make great things again
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But it is up to Valve to:
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Not sure what you mean with the 1st one. Can you pls explain?
The second is something that one dude pointed out and explainde, but if you ask me that is gone cause of "nice" people who exploited the system so much..
And with the 3rd even thou I understand why they did it, I agree with you that it is sad that they removed that :/
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Long time ago there were sale events.
At first it was play games, get achievements, get rewards in form of some choice of DLCs and I think a game or two, later it was the famous coals you could exchange into random game from Steam. Those ended mostly thanks to SAM.
Later they made "split Steam into 5 teams, craft especially event badges, small number of people from winning team per day will get games from their wishlist.
As for second point - hard to say, if Valve would come and say "we end Daily Deals because refunds cost us 10 million dollars" I could understand that. But all we got was SteamSpy report that said during Daily-Deal sales people paid average $10 per game while during one-price-during-whole-sale Sale people paid $15 per game...
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In the past I was excited because of flash sales and new daily sales. This sale and at least the last 3/4 sales are really annoying and I lost interest in it. Also related events are really uninteresting (actually the last good event happened in 2015)
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Learn Japanese To Survive! Katakana War - 1,39€ (-80%)
Learn Japanese To Survive! Katakana War - Deluxe Edition - 2,05€ (-84%)
Learn Japanese To Survive! Hiragana Battle - 1,39€ (-80%)
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Defense grid 2
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weird thing, when i add Dishonored: Complete Collection to cart, valve said - u will not get sale cards after the purchase, cause this is preorder.
wtf, all 3 games released O.o
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More weird than that Dishonored: Complete Collection ( Own all of them except Death of the Outsider) is more expensive than bought Death of the Outsider alone twice of it price.
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Why is it weird that more games cost more than one game?
The complete collection is the old style package not the newer style bundle so it isn't supposed to be cheaper for o Ning part of it.
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Try Martin71's link -
My link (RU-CIS region) -
Comment has been collapsed. steam link... steam controller..
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I added this, but I can't see a price or discount in my region. Thanks.
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6.79 or if you have 2 of 3 Rayman games 6.11
Rayman Legends
mostly 9.99 during the Sale. :)
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