Guys i found that i will never win between 200 or 1000 entries so i need to find a way to enter giveaways with less than 100 entries i need to find this any help ????

1 decade ago*

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1 decade ago

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At least he understands probability.

1 decade ago

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and,im not joking here

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I don't even get why people care. I just tab open a bunch of giveaways I want to enter and then that's it. I just visit the forum and talk to people. Honestly at some point I think making giveaways a backburner focus is a good Idea. You get to meet some people that're not that bad to talk to. Just do that and make the occasional giveaway to thank everyone in the community and be thankful and make sure you thank whoever you won a game from when/if it happens. I've honestly gotten really humble about winning games, i'm just like "oh that's cool" I mean don't get me wrong. I too still want to win games i'd like to get my paws one. But still, it's cool of them give those games to us. But winning and receiving games isn't everything. ...unless you entered a giveaway for bad rats.

1 decade ago

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I lold hard on that size. I thought it would be small.

1 decade ago

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Which of the following have you tried already?

  • building up a CV of 300+? (approximate number)
  • solving puzzles?
  • getting into groups? (in fact it is not entirely independent from the CV thing above)
1 decade ago

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which groups ???? and i cant find any puzzles

1 decade ago

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Finding puzzles is in fact part of those puzzles.

Find zelghadis' puzzle guide. :)

1 decade ago

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I'll make it easier for you ;)

1 decade ago

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Could you stop throwing that in my face all the time?
It's not like it helped me or anything...

1 decade ago

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Solve puzzles, join a private giveaway group or wait for a miracle.

1 decade ago

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ok but i cant find any of those ???????

1 decade ago

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You need to free some sylvan sprites in order to begin a time of miracles...

1 decade ago

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What about 2 days ago

1 decade ago

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what do u mean ?!?!

1 decade ago

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Man... look my profile...
i joined in 1270 giveways, before win my first game..
i won my first game yesterday... AFTER 1270 ENTRIES


1 decade ago

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I'm pretty certain it is possible just by chance to win your first entered giveaway.... but how many people has that actually happened to, you know? Took me over 1400 entries...

1 decade ago

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You've only entered 200 giveaways, so it's not unlikely that you haven't won anything above 200 entries yet. Keep trying, look around on forums for private giveaways/puzzles/groups. Also, don't just enter giveaways because they have less than 100 entries and because you're more likely to win, enter giveaways for games that you want to win.

1 decade ago

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Were you expecting to hear about a secret button? Just click it to unlock all the hidden 100-entry giveaways?

Public $0 CV giveaways will always have many entries. Even fast giveaways for bad games receive hundreds of entries. You've already been given the answer, it's not magic. Private groups, higher CV, forum stuff, puzzles, etc.

Looking at your profile, I'm going to assume you don't want a higher CV (since that would require spending money) - so stick with the forum/group stuff.

Group giveaways have better odds, but most groups expect something from the members - the groups that don't will have thousands of members, all looking for the free stuff. Sometimes you can find a group specifically for people who have never won a game - see if you qualify if you should happen to see one recruiting in the forum. No, I can't find a group for you.

Sometimes people make giveaways on their birthday, for graduating, getting a job, or some other milestone. No, I can't find a birthday giveaway for you.

Sometimes people make a puzzle, and when you solve it you receive the url to a private giveaway. No, I can't find a puzzle for you. And since you probably haven't read the Steamgifts FAQ yet, be sure to remember this about puzzle giveaways:

Puzzles: Do not leak, post answers, suggest hints, or directly link to the prize/giveaway.

Good luck!

1 decade ago

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+1 nothing to add.

1 decade ago

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Your stats:
Registered 1 year ago
Giveaways Entered 204
Gifts Won 0

My stats:
Registered 2 years ago
Giveaways Entered 18,788
Gifts Won 50

Conclusion: Try harder!!

1 decade ago

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i registered from 1 year and i was F2P now i have more than 200$ games thats why :D

1 decade ago

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The CV thing counts how many giveways you created, not how many games you own. most groups require that you hav a cv of 30.01, meaning that you actually gave nonbundled games (if you only create bundle ga, you'll never get past 30.00)

Keep an eye at the forums, groups are always recruiting new members.

1 decade ago

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1 year ago only means that the OP tried to make an sg account a year ago, not that the attempt was actually successful. He probably didn't have over $100 value on account until recently.

1 decade ago

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Registered 2 years ago | Giveaways Entered 10,555 | Gifts Won 43

9 gifts in this month, which 1 game twice and one that I own (today) so let say it's 7 ;-)

1 decade ago

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registred 9 months ago, first gift won, YESTERDAY

1 decade ago

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"Guys i found that i will never win between 200 or 1000 entries"

wow u sure give up easily for trying to win free games.. try not thinking about winning and just spend ur points everyday. the feeling of winning when u never expected it is amazing.

1 decade ago

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Bioshock Triple Pack 10 entries enter Here

1 decade ago

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Spoiler: will have 500+ at the end.

1 decade ago

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33 entries end in 59 mn

1 decade ago

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wow, exact 200 entries :D

1 decade ago

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well i do 1-4 hour giveaways (not often) and they get under 200 lol.

however just enter..

i believe if it is groups that are making giveaways privately that would be the case i saw one with 2 ppl in it

1 decade ago

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What makes you think you NEED to win? You read that in TOS?

Why people think they're ENTITLED to win games on this site? There are NO promises. Threads like that is just begging.

1 decade ago

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no its not begging i didnt say give me a game i was just want to knew where to find this lessthan 100 giveaway

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Theres tons of puzzles on the forums, those usually have very low entries. My recent giveaways created were all puzzles, all below 10 entries so easy to win.

1 decade ago

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Dude, I have been on here less than a month and already joined about 172 giveaways and haven't won crap. I don't say I will never win, I just know the odds are low (so many failed attempts at Bioshock 1 & 3, lol) but the entries are FREE so it isn't like I am losing money doing it.

I don't mean to be mean but the most I can tell you is to suck it up and either accept the odds are low and you won't win much or often or do like others have suggested and start joining the groups.

1 decade ago

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