A thought about blacklists in general, not your idea specifically: I think it would be really good if people would check their blacklisted people on a regular basis. People can change and (often) deserve a second chance. I believe many users put other peoples on their blacklist and will leave them there forever, even if the blacklisted user has developed positively. But though I can imagine if your blacklist is huge, that would be a lot of work to look through regularly.
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I have found most people blacklist for inane reasons anyway and most of the people blacklisting don't do giveaways so it's almost comical. Still I agree people should check on things occasionally or perhaps give more serious thought on the matter to begin with. I can almost guarantee we will both get on at least one blacklist just replying to this.
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"I gave people blacklisting me too much power in my head" This. Somehow it hurts when somebody blacklists you. My blacklist list I end up emptying once in a while
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I know the feeling. I look at it like this now, I have won more games than I will probably ever be able to beat and the ones I don't win are eh 50/50 chance actually being enjoyed by someone. Now I just enjoy the puzzles and the surprise of winning a game every once in a while. I only enter for things that look interesting to me now so it's wonderful.
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"I think it would be really good if people would check their blacklisted people on a regular basis."
People who don't check their blacklists are usually people who either think they're better than you for no real reason, don't do giveaways very often anyway, or belong to groups where they're winning lots and don't care who is on their blacklist or not. Those people who legitimately blacklist due to offences are less likely to remove you from their blacklist. The only other reason I can think of off-hand is when people have won a lot of giveaways - clearly they don't need to win more, they need to play more - especially when their giving doesn't line up with their leeching.
I try not to blacklist too many people, and often do, as you wish, consider my blacklists and clear them out every once in a while.
I have just shy of 400 people who have blacklisted me. I would take a stab and say a LOT of those people aren't very active users/givers, or have left SG at some stage. Unfortunately I have no way to find out if my suspicions are correct or not.
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I usually check blacklists regularly and I just don't remember why I added someone there (usually I have 3-5 people there)
(so I just exclude this person)
The exception is one guy who was there for a couple of years (but he is very sneaky - once upon a time he accepted a gift, activated it, but noted that I did not give him the game. I was able to prove this through support, but it was still a bad experience But then I removed it too).
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... and that's why I think, that the notes next to blacklists would make a lot of sense.
I have quite a few blacklisted folks and most of my blacklists are for very good reasons (from my point of view, ofc), but this does not mean, that in most cases I'm about to remember those reasons after 5 years, and idd people do change, so every so often I would gladly reevaluate my list. Btw, I wouldn't mind being able to make such notes next to my bluehearts as well (probably I'm more often confused by my past motives for giving a blue heart, than for blacklisting someone).
I would not have a use for temporary blacklists though. If I'm initially not sure, what to think, I just chat with that person, and based on this convo I either let them go or put them firmly on my blacklist.
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And I do the same. It's why I am on so many blacklists from people with soft skin, I don't hold back my opinions. I wish a lot of things would get implemented but at the end of the day it's just never going to happen unless the website gets sold or something.
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It's not a good idea IMO. If you got enough reason to BL someone then it should be a good reason why you're doing it, or to UN-BL them within a period of time, then you should be able to remember it because you've straight up decided this was not that big of a deal and you just wanted to be petty for a week or two. If you can click on your BL list and not remember why you BL'd someone or at least have a general idea, you probably shouldn't have in the first place or it's a good enough reason to remove them from your BL on the spot. So in a sense, that feature is kinda redundant to enable pettiness.
I'd prefer the effort goes to more important tasks.
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It wouldn't hurt to have that option but there are many other features about blacklists I'd rather want. Dropping entries from the bl if people get permanently suspended, would be an easy example. Or at least mark them so that people can easily identify them and make the decision.
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I agree with some of the other postings. If SG would be improved every day, then sure go for it. But since it's not, this shouldn't be a priority. Why? Because people who like to forgive will check their BL at times anyway and overall blacklist fear is overrated, feels like FOMO.
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Voicing the opinion that there are bigger issues which should have higher priority doesn't mean to support not improving anything at all.
Imagine cg would have a day to spend on SG. Instead of using it for implementing new anti-bot measures he would add this and some other minor changes which don't add much (because already possible even without a user script). Would you personally still be happy about it? And would the community overall be happy about it?
As you said this category is part of the forums, so people will discuss it. Exactly that happened. Your suggestion doesn't disappear because of a few contrary opinions on it and cg could still go for it.
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Interesting idea. I might try making this into a userscript (but not promising anything)
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Not exactly what you're suggesting, but a related recommendation is to use the ESGST tags and notes for people on your BL. You could even tag a user when blacklisting them to indicate which month you should remove them.
I do now see on your other post that you don't like the idea of using an extension, but sadly I don't think we can expect a native option, so it's worth considering.
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that would increase the server load, not sure it's worth it
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that sound interesting, how would you implement that?
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I defend the free blacklisting. It's not as if one's blacklist was the ultimate punishment ever. It's only a personal choice, but some people just like to think they're doing a drastic important thing when they blacklist someone. They're not. Spending time and efforts trying to "fix" that would endorse that view, giving it more importance than it really does. Unless creators share the thought of many users that SG is "dying", so it would look an attempt to give a boost. I don't think it's dying, though.
Thus, just blacklist people forever if you want. And if you think giving second chances is important, just take some time to remove them. It's not that hard. Remember blacklisting was your own decision, so it's fair you deal with it by yourself.
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That's why I said it's fair that people deal with their blacklists by themselves. Their choice, their job.
Blacklists weren't designed to be a good thing, so I don't think it's a good idea to make new ways of doing it, since it's already working as it should. Also, it's not the end of the world for the blacklisted ones. I don't think they are desperate to be unblacklisted, since it's mutual.
If you are really taking notes on everyone, maybe you are overestimating the importance of blacklist.
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I want a private note explaining why I black/whitelist someone. I want to be able to recall a year from now why I B/W list someone without installing a script.
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If you can't remember why someone is at your BL, not even a vague idea, he hasn't done enough
Other than that, I find it unnecessary. Adding the options for comments would be more useful but I think you can do that with EGST or whatshisnameidon'tuseit
And I agree with others mentioning we need more improvements before this hits priority status (games,additions, tools, proper layout, yadda yadda yadda including a dark mode)
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I couldn't care less if it gets added or not. But the fact that the site has bigger problems than making a secondary bl instead of fixing the one we already have (and that's an IF), shouldn't surprise you that it didn't yeld too much attention by the majority.
I usually never comment stats but you somehow care with 10 years on the site and less ga's than me?
And yes, I prefer to gift around xmass or a significant for me date. So what? That makes your suggestion more important somehow? xDDD
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... Last reply:
I added that there are better/more important features to add
And yes, that makes your suggestion, for me, less important and I made a note of that.
Now if your intention is too spam to maaaybe get more attention, good luck :)
Be seeing ya somewhere else
Yes, I added to do my bl now because I remembered you as a user. I had forgotten to add you prior. You see.. with such a small bl and my "history", be certain I don't bl for 1-2-3 arguments. It would be in the hundreds. If you see the edit, you saw it, if not, well such is life..
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Lmao you're such a baby every time I see you comment. Can't have others disagree with you not that you can argue against their points of view though. In denial that your suggestion kinda sucks and is pointless, but full sending that manchild behavior cause I mean why not. Go reply to my comment above if you feel strong and smart, I'll entertain. <3
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I would really like this feature!!! I've been on the website for a long while and let me tell you, I've seen some things that deserve a permanent blacklist and some that I just need to step away for a moment. I rarely look back at my list though, and cleaning it is too much sometimes when I need to remember who is the multi-accounter and who annoyed me with a thank-you script.
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people normally uses blacklists as a block button, what it isnt, i think people only care abt blacklists if they are blacklisted by a major giveaway creator here, unless its some random guy who got mad at they did/said, the site could have a block button though, that works just like the social media blocks and that makes them both to join their gibeaways etcetera.
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