Just curiosity (I'm really boring).

In my case, 2 times. The first time was a girl I meet when I was new at that highschool, I fall in love but she didn't, yeah yeah sad story (not really).

Some of you may now the second time because I made a thread here about it, I meet a girl, we were so different but still we were very very close to each other, she used to be with me at any time and from one day to another, Ta-Da! I like her :D but she like another guy sho basically she broke my heart when I told her that I like her. (ok that was actually sad).

What about you? How many times have you been "friendzoned"?

10 years ago*

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All my life. :(

10 years ago

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Simple guide to prevent such a tragedy from happening to you :
1.Keep to yourself.
2.Never talk to anyone unless necessary.
3.Be a recluse your entire life.

10 years ago

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You needn't be a recluse to avoid human interactions. I get out of the house quite frequently, not that it helps. Then I'm just alone in public. And that means I usually have to put pants on!!!

10 years ago

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Do get in the friendzone it somehow needs a mininum level of social skill, which I don't have. Not even to make friends...

So the answer for your question is "no".

10 years ago

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Yeah, this about sums up my life. My social interactions don't make it far enough to get friendzoned. I seem to have a date about as often as we have a new President.

10 years ago

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Every 4 or 8 years?

10 years ago

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Sometimes its 4, sometimes its 8.

10 years ago

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Probably about every time I try to date a girl. This girl I do like though; it kind of sucks because she knows I like her or at least had feelings for her at one point and she still tells me about all the guys she likes and stuff.

10 years ago

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Zero. I have balls and don't whine about how hard is to build relationships.

Edit: Hard is not a good word. That would imply the friendzoned tries to make an effort.

10 years ago

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Everyone, and I don't even try.

10 years ago

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Girl told me that I'm good looking, but I turned her down. Does that count as friendzone?

10 years ago

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Uh she only said you are good looking, she didn't ask you out o.O how did you turn her down?

10 years ago

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I don't usually talk to her and from nowhere she says that I'm good looking. Not to mention that her previous relationship has ended and I've noticed that her previous relationships were with guys from my country. In my books, that's pretty much asking out, if I would have replied in positive manner.

10 years ago

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Haven't been friend-zoned, but also all of my female friends are married/engaged and/or have kids in the first place. And I'm pretty anti-social so I rarely get the chance to be friend-zoned.

If it happens, try not to fret much about it; there's a great variety of people in this world and that's just one grain of salt in the ocean.

10 years ago

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Sand, not salt. A grain of salt in the ocean ceases to be.

10 years ago

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None, I always friendzoned them >:)

10 years ago

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Once. It was extremely painful b/c we were more before that. In hindsight, I'm thankful for it, but at the time I was devastated.

10 years ago

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I got friendzoned twice. I was hanging out with 2 girls 2 years ago and they were best friends.
I didn't have any idea that both of them were trying to hit on me.
They both were pretty and now I regret that I didn't know they had a crush on me :(

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

10 years ago

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Just let it go, don't break your friendship. You can always find a girl to date but not a good friend (always).

10 years ago

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Better to be friend zoned than to not be zoned at all. As the old saying goes.

10 years ago

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none... i make my build to be completely invisible to the other humans.

10 years ago

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Please share your secrets with me.

10 years ago

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  1. never make eye contact, even if you need to talk with someone (for some unknown reason, like asking for directions, or asking for instructions to defuse a bomb). humans feel connected to others who look them at their eyes

  2. Use plain colors. no stamps, no patters, no sport things. just plain colors. Humans tend to get bored of plain colors, and they will just move on, instead of paying attention.

  3. Avoid symbols (Flags of all kind, religious stuff, internet stuff, sport stuff), humans use them, and can see themselves reflected on them; avoid symbols at all cost.

  4. Engage your "NPC face." humans are attracted to movement and expressions; so, practice your "NPC face" (also know as bethesda face) to a avoid alrming them. just look at a distant point, relax your face muscles and keep that dead inexpressive look every time human interaction is near. Standing completely still complements this technique.

  5. Stay Neutral. if the worst happens, and humans ask you to express your opinion about some "important" topic (like politics, drugs, consoles, Food, cats, etc) do not fall in this, it's a trap. if you pick a side, you will be part of "the group". stay neutral, humans don't like neutral things, and if you act neutral, they will avoid you in the future (if you are neutral, AND rational, the effect gain 70% of critical hit, meaning that the humans are not just going to avoid you, but also, tell others humans to avoid you)

with this, you will be completely unnoticed in the world. is like wearing an invisibility cape, using a stealth-boy, or being a 99 AGI 99 LCK Assa.

Tl; Dr: Avoid Eye contact, use plain colors, avoid symbols (at all cost), NPC face, Stay Neutral.

10 years ago

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Been living by these rules for several years now. It works pretty flawlessly.

Many +1's

10 years ago

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A few times in the past, and because of it, I have some amazing friends.
When freindzoned, you'll always be friendzoned. Get over it.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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