Hello guys. With the new feature of blocking the trade of purchased or created gems/backgrounds etc I found something that doesn't work quite well.
Some weeks ago I crafted some badges and turned the backgrounds/emots to gems which ofc were untradable.
It's been a week since then and even though the gems are tradable by now, I can't merge them together into a sack of gems (I've got more than 1000 gems)

Here is a pick so that you can understand what I am talking about
(The 860,80 and 60 gems are tradable)

Did anyone have the same issue? Anyone knows how to solve this?

Here take a free key in case you missed Soul Gambler: I58BI-6HCFN-KZ66?
? = Second letter of the word America

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Aseed.