Actually I had few good experiences with Origin support, they are pretty good.
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Steam support is by farthest the worst support I've ever encountered.
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I've only had good experiences with Steam support myself (luckily it seems!), but they are VERY slow to respond.
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Same. Some dude hacked my steam account by some malware and i had sent a ticket, took them 3 days to answer it, they wanted proof, I sent them the proof, another 3 days to answer it, and they promised me a link another 3 days later so i could change my password. Darn steam support >:D
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With a little pressure on the support, and hey can work miracles. XD
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I've had a fairly good experiences with Origin support... Even got upgraded to Crysis 3 digital Deluxe for reporting a pricing issue :)
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I had problem activating Bad Company 2 Vietnam and they upgraded my copy of BC2 to deluxe edition.
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Had a similar issue with Bulletstorm which I got off Amazon, they added a Limited Edition Bulletstorm to my account :)
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Actually the second time I received the key first, and it worked, but the game disappeared after a week or two, probably was exploited key. And the first time the guy seemed legit, his offer seemed legit, he didn't have any bad rep and he had more rep than me, so I had to go first.
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Nope, just said to block the old key and give me a new one.
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Well, if someone asks a refund like that too often then I bet Amazon will smell something fishy about it. So I don't think scammers will really use it much.
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This works with other sites, too. Told Gamersgate support to block a scammed key and give me a new one, they wanted me to make screenshots of me entering the key and the message that the key is dupe, and voilà: new key...
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Greenmangaming doesn't have very good customer service with key support. I paid $7.50 for a BAtman Arkham City game of the year key that was on sale, then had a guy scam it from me. When I went to customer support, it took them over a month before they removed the game from my purchase history and refund me $4.00 for my trouble.
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But I think he means that he waited over a month for a response?
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Well, they don't, they simply ask the publisher for a new key and the publisher locks the old key (usually).
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Some fag scammed him and he asked in to the Amazon support if he can get a new key because he got scammed.... You understand now? He didn't try to scamm Amazon.
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It's not like they lose anything, except the time to issue a refund and send one email.
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It's not much of my own fault, the person went first, he gave me a working key, but later it was removed from my library, exploited key.
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or he asked amazon to revoke it and got a new one. this is why you should need proof for stuff like this.
don't get me wrong compared to valves "so what" responses i do think its nice and in NO WAY saying you shouldn't do it if you can. i'm just pointing out the flaw in it if its to easy.
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"take responsibility for my own actions" you make it seem like I did something I should feel guilty about and is completely my fault that I could easily avoid. And I'm happy for you that you can just throw something you paid for without a care. I don't know, maybe you are still a kid so your parent give you money so you don't really know the worth of it (sorry if I'm wrong), but there's really no reason to not try and get a free replacement of something you lost.
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Trading always has at least a little risk to it. YOU chose to take that risk when you chose to trade. I suspect there were warning signs that the guy that scammed you was less than trustworthy, and it is YOUR FAULT for not recognizing them (I have made hundreds of key for key trades and never been scammed). Even if it was entirely unforeseeable that this guy would scam you, it's YOUR BAD LUCK that you got scammed. YOUR PROBLEM, NO ONE ELSE'S.
If I break something I own that is my problem, no one else's. I take great care of the things I buy, and I do not trade with shady individuals. I am probably older than you are, and certainly more mature, but thanks for your uncalled for ad hominem.
There is most certainly every reason not to put your problems onto someone else. It says something about your character and maturity. Don't take advantage of other people's good will.
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You are in no position to determine whether there was signs of him being a scammer or not, he want first with the trade, the key worked, and there was no bad rep for him or anything else suspicious. And now you also use luck to point it as my fault, so basically what you telling me is, if a hurricane came and destroyed my house then I have no place to ask for help because clearly its my bad luck so I'm at fault here.
Don't bring in a battle over maturity, and please enlighten on which part I acted immature, I only mentioned the possibility of you being a kid in case you really are which would explain your standing, more ever I even made an apology in case I was mistaken. That was in no way directed at you as a personal attack but part of the argument.
Again, it is nor personal favors or help that are being discussed here, but a support given by a company, there's different morality to this. And please do not try to judge neither my character or maturity, there's nothing in this discussion that can really point on either of those things.
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Nah, it was an exploited key, afterwards I saw that he traded 2 specific keys with ton of people who also got their games removed.
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Deal with just anybody? he had rep, there was nothing pointing out that he was a scammer.
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just don't sell on there. if you have a problem and don't give full refunds (even if you know the guy is scaming you) you will get banned.
at the time i was on there it was "the thing" for buyers to claim problems and get full refunds wile keeping your items. i shipped a item WITH TRACKING and the guy claimed it was "ripped open" and delivered empty. well i tryed to fight it and now i'm banned from selling on amazon.
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its possible someone stole the contents(its easy to rip a box open, and less suspicious to walk away carrying an item instead of an unopened box from amazon)
and honestly the easiest thing a customer can say is "I checked tracking, it says delivered but I haven't received it" to get a free full refund(don't question it if they email you), if they only post negative feedback on the other hand.. just wait till they contact :P(over a year now.. some guy hasn't asked for his money back.. I think he got his package)
soo its possible it was a legitimate claim
I sold a total or 49 items totaling to a sale value of ~1200, raking in just under a thousand with 2 "not received" via email so fully refunded(although 1 due to accidental wrong address given to me(he forgot the PO box #, who knows maybe he actually got it)(amazon would've ruled in his favor so I just did a refund in full)), and 1 return due to a DOS emulator not working on someones PC for the game, refunded all but shipping(still took a minor loss on it))
as long as you aren't selling anything to new its unlikely that you will get scammed as well
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I don't see the problem, I buy ton of stuff from them. So why shouldn't I use their help when it costs nothing for them?
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I buy ton of stuff
Ignoring the fact that it's totally irrelevant, compared to what?
why shouldn't I use their help when it costs nothing for them?
I have never seen them advertise "Get scammed trading keys? We'll replace it!" so I wouldn't call it "their help". The fact that you think it costs them nothing explains a lot though as I can assure you, they're not free.
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What it has to do with this? they get money from me, so why not help? a justification.
And what? unless they specifically say they would help with something I can't ask for their help? And what does it cost them? they simply contact the publisher to replace the code. If it had cost them anything I doubt they would do this so easily without any talk.
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You pay for the game (which most likely came at a great discount). You do not pay for their help in resolving issues created by your own recklessness. It is like complaining to the grocery store if your neighbor scams you out of an apple after you got home. It's ridiculous.
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I pay for the game and nor their help? oh really? then with what money does Amazon pay support their paychecks? Support help comes along with anything you buy for the things you buy, isn't that the essence of support? And just because it was my mistake I'm not allowed to use support's help? In case you buy something and accidentally break it, you won't call support to ask how to fix it? And don't compare apples to CD keys, giving a new apple would mean the store would pay for another apple just for your mistakes. You think to replace a CD key costs Amazon anything?
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It costs someone something, yes. CD keys are not free, nor is the time spent dealing with your request. Amazon support is intended for dealing with problems that are Amazon's responsibility. In other words, support covers issues like returns, wrong items shipped, items damaged in shipping, problems activating a product, etc.
Support deals with anything that is Amazon's or in some cases the manufacturer's fault. It is not their responsibility to handle problems which are the customer's fault. No, if I break something I bought from them I would not take it back to them and try to get it fixed. That is not their problem.
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CD Keys are not free? do you really think it costs them anything (except few minutes to actually issue the request) to request a key replacement? you think if it was so, they would comply to my request so easily without any talk?
Also no, support covers anything that is in the hands of support, anything they can help with, if they are able to request a key replacement then it's also part of their support service, if it wasn't so they wouldn't be able to do it in the first place.
And let me get it clear, if you bought something, and accidentally break it. You will just throw it away whilst knowing there is a chance to fix it if you turn to support? wow, just wow, you really don't give any value for money.
And also, I take you also never ask for favors or help of other people? because obviously if something were to happen to you or you lose something or any other problem that involves only you. You can't ask for anyone's help if its your problems.
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CD Keys are not free, period.
Support might put up with requests like yours but that is NOT what it is intended for. There are valid reasons they can request key replacements, and thus that is why that functionality is in place. They are taking pity on you.
Yes, if I break something I will take responsibility for that. I will NOT take advantage of someone else who is NOT RESPONSIBLE for the breakage, and I will NOT expect them to replace the thing I carelessly broke. It has nothing to do with not valuing my money. It has everything to do with personal responsibility and respecting the value of other people's money, and not presuming to stick my hands in their pockets.
I rarely ask for help or favors. On the rare occasion when I DO ask for a favor I am quite explicit about it being a favor and certainly not something I expect to have fulfilled. If I ask a favor it is a) only in cases of extreme necessity and b) only is asked of friends (i.e. not businesses that I have no friendship relationship with).
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Give me a source where it says specifically that CD-key replacement cost money to the company.
Support IS for giving support, if they can give more support than what the company's support policy offer, then it make support that much good, which I clearly expressed in this thread.
Okay, then you have overly responsible character, good for you, tho it doesn't mean you need to rub it in the face of other people and expect everyone to be like you.
And where did I put up that I expected that much help from support? If I was expecting it and was taking it for granted then why would I make a thread praising their support.
And you are speaking as if I asked the helped of a person, there is huge morality difference between asking and using the help of a person or using the help of a company for such trivial things.
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We don't have to give examples, it's called common sense. Just because it's not a physical item, doesn't mean they can be magically generated for free, someone is paying for it somewhere along the way.
Amazon pays developer/publisher for x amount of keys, let's say they bought 5000 keys for $5 each. They sell you one so they have 4999 left, then you ask for a replacement, they give you another and they have 4998. They do not contact the developer/publisher and say "Hey, we have another idiot who got scammed, can you replace this key?" because they know it's not the developer/publisher's responsibility.
The reason they replace your key is because good customer service brings repeat customers. You could purchase from Steam, GMG, Amazon or others, but they hope you'll choose them since they went above and beyond for you. Like I had said before, keep taking advantage of it they'll stop replacing keys for you or potentially the whole ability for them to replace keys.
Can you just admit you're trolling so I can regain a bit of faith in humanity?
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You serious? they specifically said that they contacted the publisher and requested a replacement for the key, So don't talk about "common sense" if you don't actually have any basis for this "common sense".
Ok, so they do that in order that I'll continue buying things from Amazon, and that's what I do, so everything goes accordingly, and yet you complain that it isn't ok, it just doesn't make sense. And I only done that twice in the whole year that I've been in Amazon yet you call it abuse. And yeah, that makes sense, just because of me they'll stop the service for everyone.
And if you don't want to lead a serious argument and simply complain like a baby (referring to your last line) then I'm not interested in this discussion.
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I know I will sound immature saying that, and sorry if it actually offends you, and I don't actually mean it, just an input in an argument, but; get a life. There are so many horrible things in the world and bad things that people to. but here you are, saying that you will regain a bit of faith in humanity if I say I didn't commit the horrible act of asking (not demanding) a key replacement (not additional one) from a company (not a person) that I regularly buy from, and thanking with all my heart (not taking for granted).
You might be oversensitive about this certain issue, every person has an issue that they are oversensitive about, but this doesn't make the issue really as bad as you think about it. You are free to think whatever you want, but that doesn't you a justification to judge people based on that, if you want to express your opinion you could simply do as ceildric done, and simply say that he wouldn't do that in my place.
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I just love how they mess up and then make it up for you. Last year they sent me a shipment via DHL (instead of USPS) and when I bitched about it, they refunded me post cost for messing up the order (which did end up costing me more money because of it but still, they gave whole ~10$ back and it certainly helped cushion the DHL overpriced cost). I think that their politics 'you're always right' is what separates them from the rest.
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Why it doesn't make it ok? does anyone lose anything?
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What? no! you really think they would do something like that without any talk? they ask the publisher to replace the key, block the old one and give new one instead. you think Amazon pays for that?
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There's no such thing as blocking a key request.. Amazon absorbs the cost and are giving you another key where you're the one who mishandled your key and got scammed. Amazon have awesome support but what you're doing there is abusing their generosity.
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Well, there's no such request to block the key, but they request a replacement key from the publisher which in turn the publisher blocks the old key. And using the generosity of others means abusing now?
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What costs are you talking about? they don't ask for new one, they ask for replacement. I really really doubt they would comply to my request with absolutely no talk if it had cost them anything. As Far as they know I might've lied or just put the wrong key, so why they should throw money without even investigating and checking the issue, unless it really doesn't cost them anything to replace the key.
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Because it would cost them even more to take the time and investigate all these cases with time and salary.. You assume way too much thinking the publisher as any implications into all this and that they would take the time to go up and revoke 1 key because of this.
You really sound clueless about how it works at Amazon.. to think they take the time to contact the publisher for a key replacement makes no sense at all. They have a bank of keys that they bought for a certain game and instead of verifying and arguing with you they simply get rid of the problem (you) by giving you another one. Amazon is taking the blow and being nice to you.. that is until they decide too many people are abusing their generosity the way you do.
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Yeah, many publishers probably don't revoke the code, but that's a different issue.
"to think they take the time to contact the publisher for a key replacement makes no sense at all"? They specifically said that's what they did, and first time they even said that it's up to the publisher to decide whether to replace the key or not. I have source on what I claim, but do you have any source outside of just what you believe?
Again, in what way do I abuse their generosity? I go to trades without fearing scammers and not trying to be careful while expecting them to give me new keys each time? In the whole year that I've used Amazon I did it twice, wow, what an unimaginable abuse.
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They're just amazing. One book I bought was late to arrive, they sent another copy and when both arrived at the same time (probably because of some faggots at the nation border) they didn't want the copy back. By the way I still have it and I seel it, it's The Pale Horseman by Bernard Cornwell, awesome book, series and author.
What I absolutely adore of them is how they refund every postal charge for sending back items.
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Well, I was talking about Amazon Support. Amazon might suck, but their support is amazing. Like steam is amazing but their support is the worst ever.
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I bought a £2000 camera from them and after 2 months didnt really like the results, I didnt expect them to say yes, but I asked them if I could return it, but then I got an email stating that the camera was refunded and they asked me to return it. THEY REFUNDED FIRST. £2000!
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I was trying to buy Bioshock Pack with Steam DRM and I accidently bought wrong one, without Steam DRM.I sent a message, I got a reply in 15 mins and they refunded my money back.
They're just awesome.
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I won't argue with you that they should've said no, any other normal support would've said no, it's not something you should expect to get help with. But they said yes, and that what makes them such an awesome support in my eyes.
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Not Steam related... but, I ordered a set of dice from a seller on Amazon that never arrived. I filed a claim, and got a call from them soon thereafter. They asked a couple quick and easy questions, then refunded my money. I went back right after and bought the same dice for a dollar less this time.
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I preordered Wolfenstein: The New Order, and was promised a copy of "The Ultimate Doom" and 10$ credit. First, after 3 days, I had no credit. Then, I contacted them, and after 2 hours, they tell me I have 5$ credit for Saints Row 4 and another 5$ for NBA 2K14. I was pissed because that isn't what I was promised and I still didn't have my copy of the Ultimate Doom either. So I send another email asking for my credit and my game, and they just tell me: "Your credit will be applied at checkout." ...that's it. So I send ANOTHER, and after another day or two, they accidentally give me 15$ credit and 3$ for the Ultimate Doom (Which was on sale for $2.49). So that turned out good and bad.
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It's already second time that I've been scammed, and amazon refunded me with a new key. I just love Amazon support, I only asked them to give me new key and they replied to me in a hour with a new key without any talk.
Anyone else got other stories with Amazon support? both good and bad.
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