I keep meaning to try that game. But I always have a hard time getting myself to try and F2P game, considering all the paid games I have sitting on the bookcase and in my Steam library. What are the odds that any F2P game is better than something I already have here?
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I'd say it's very likely it's better than any other Action-RPG you could have paid for over the past few years, so if that's a genre you like, I strongly advise checking it out.
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I'll have to keep it in mind, then. I love this style of game. I really wish there were more of these types of games on the consoles. I don't mind playing on PC, but I greatly prefer playing co-op with my brother, and he doesn't play on PC anymore.
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Well maybe because it's F2P, you can convince your brother to give it a try. Nothing to lose.
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there are games you pay $60 and they should be F2P and then there are F2P games that should cost $60. Path of Exile is one of those games that should not be F2P, it should not be possible for a game like that to be F2P but it is. it's better than 90% of games you payed money for, my $.02
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You can add it as a "Non-Steam Game" and I can verify that the Steam Overlay works perfectly with it.
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it's a great game, getting updated every 1-2 weeks, still in open beta, lots of events like races and such.
Kinda hard in some leagues, but if you play enough you should get a hang of it
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I've played it. Path of Exile is what Diablo 3 should've been. Made by hardcore Diablo 2 fans, lots of innovative game mechanics - that's what future of Action RPG is supposed to be like, not WoW-style moneylaundering house of boredom.
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I'd much rather be running 4x Swords to Plowshares, the extra life the opponent gains should be marginal compared to giving them an extra land drop, assuming we are talking about Legacy anyway, where CMC is a big thing to worry about considering y'know, Wasteland is a card, unless you are cheating your creatures into play with some combo. I just find StP a better tempo gain than Path, that land gain from Path could end up with them gaining too much tempo and being one land drop ahead of you for the rest of the match, however that life gain could give them one extra draw step late into the game, swings and roundabouts.
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Yeah. That's what really caught my attention. Very curious about how that works.
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I honestly can't think of devs that are more deserving of my money than the guys over at GGG. They actually listen to their playerbase. They also update their game constantly and are pretty open when it comes to talking about reasons behind doing this or that. The game itself is great if you like ARPG's, needs some balance tweaks but they are getting there, it's still beta after all. Played the hell out of it before patch 11.0 and then I decided to take a break, I'll probably go back to it at some point though. I love everything about it, I've been playing since closed beta and it has improved significantly.
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Indeed, I haven't played for a while yet I still buy points sometimes.
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It has made going back to Diablo 2 difficult. It improved on the potion system and the skill systems so much, and I really enjoy the way itemization works.
It also has the best F2P model out there, although I sometimes worry that it's too good for the players and won't get GGG enough microtransaction sales.
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A great F2P D2 clone with awesome support going for it, the race and league system is really good.
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It gets extremely repetitive (but I think that's how all dungeon crawlers usually get). It was very fun in the beginning though. Also the skill tree is absolutely crazy. That's what kept me playing for awhile. If I were to rate it, I'd rate it a 7/10.
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I was introduced to this game by some streamer on Twitch and tried it out. I can't say I don't like it and can't say that I love it much. It was the first time I played this kind of game which is something like D3 / torchlight I think. Overall I won't say it's a bad game but I got lazy at collecting items and what not from there. I hate lvl / item grinding in MMO cause I'm always few steps behind compare to other people =P
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Good game and its not pay to win unlike diablo 3. P.S I have both games. Oh and they have very good customer support too, I experienced it when i was trying to combine my previous purchased points into an open beta supporter pack and it went smoothly xD
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It is single player, online requirement doesn't make it multiplayer. You can play it with friends, but it's not a competetive game. Dueling is a small part of the game, and not really the main focus.
Selling stash tabs in PoE is a much larger P2W issue for me, than being able to trade for real money. The option to trade for gold is always there, you aren't forced to spend actual money. But if you really want to be able to get your own gear in PoE, accumulate enough gear for certain "recipes" to get the currencies, and store them, you are forced to buy stash tabs. And THAT is P2W.
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Quoted from Path of exile website."Path of Exile is an online Action RPG set in the dark fantasy world of Wraeclast. We're a small independent team of hardcore gamers based in New Zealand and have created Path of Exile as the game that we'd want to play ourselves. It is designed around a strong barter-based online item economy, deep character customisation, competitive PvP and ladder races. The game is completely free and will never be "pay to win"."
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Looks like a good game to me, particularly being F2P.
I like in particular the crafting and having the skills on the gems, it's something different.
The base mechanics looks a bit clunky though, they make the game a bit unappealing for me.
I'll end up trying it at some point, but for now I don't feel the urge.
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Oh, another thing: I really liked the events they have been doing. They really add interest to the game. Even if you don't feel like grinding or trying a new build, you still get special modes to try out.
This could/should really become a standard for games in my opinion.
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I'm lvl 50 now and I like it more then Diablo. It has a good economy, with no auction house. It also has an actual endgame. The thing that I don't like is that you're not using many abilitis. Most builds just spam a single ability (I don't count curses, auras and decoys). It also has the desync issues. Another thing that I do like is that you can actually get good loot yourself. I'm already got 4 uniques (legendaries), while im only in the last act of the second out of 3 difficulties.
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I love it, but I don't play nearly as much as I should.
After playing in an Open Beta Weekend, I was so impressed, I went ahead and bought a Kiwi Pack to gain immediate access to the beta and support the devs (having a cool little Kiwi follow my around is a nice bonus too!).
It's what Diablo 3 should have been. I was a huge D2 fan, but I can't stand how dumbed down Blizzard made D3. Sad.
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better than D3, very funny with friends, time consuming. well, one of the best hack'n'slash online. but damn, those desyncs
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What D3 should have been really. I really enjoy the skill system, swapping out gems on the fly to create a boss setup or a farm setup. My second weapon set is actually my boss killer set with high life leach, and my other one is a farm cyclone setup with max damage and AOE.
I also enjoy having no gold. I hate gold in games for some reason.
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Thoroughly enjoyed it, reached lvl 50 ish with a few characters before getting bored, did a bunch of different characters with several specs and teamed up with friends, definitely an interesting experience.
After having played D3 and reached Inferno (pre nerfs and patches), it was a breath of fresh air to me. Now after trying the Torchlight 2 demo (and not enjoying the first one so much), i'm looking forward to get it.
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I would like to know them if you don't mind me asking.
For those who don't know, here.
(fyi, I've already played it, just wanted to know what you though of it and maybe find some people to play with someday).
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