All I remember from Windows 3.1 was me raging over shit not working, 95 was actually not bad, it brought such improvements as long file names and 32-bit support, also the user interface was much nicer than 3.1's.
PS: That "list" is missing a lot of Windows OS's, so that does not really work.
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They removed several useful features. I think with every version they are doing their best to hide functions and features in obscure locations or phase them out completely, probably to 'simplify' it or something
At least the registry editor still exists
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Windows 8 is in nutshell faster Windows 7 with mostly useless Metro for typical PC Gamer.
Most hate comes from it looking like MS is trying to make it closed platform - console from software side. Win8 would be small step, and with enough sales Win9 would appear with only "buy from MS" button and nothing else.
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Using Window 8 on a Desktop, and Laptop and an old Medion NETbook (akoya, first generation) - All works fine!
Sorry, but i have to laught, if Gabe Newell, head of "Closed platform STEAM" talk about windows 8 as a closed Platform and try to establish his closed system Steam on the open System linux!
I love steam, but i also love Windows 8! Its a great OS, better than Windows 7 and all other versions before.
The new organized Metro-Start-Menu now completely replaced my old "Stupid" unorganized Start-Menu.
For games... dont had any problems with windows 8 yet!
Btw: Today its the last day to get Windows 8 Upgrade for 30 Euros
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Why would you buy a multitouch monitor if you have no desire to use touch on your desktop? My university has multiple computer labs with touch monitors and I stick to mouse and keyboard every single time.
Why didn't you buy a Keurig instead of your french press? Couldn't afford the extra $100 eh? (In case you didn't catch the point it's that they are significantly different devices even if they have a similar end result)
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I really like Win8 and don't want to miss it. I used Win7 a long time, but when Win8 was released, i tried it (90-Days Test-Version) and bought an Upgrade a few days later. Also the Metro UI looks very nice and is better than the old start-menu (in my opnion ;-) )
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Or you just press the "windows key" on you keyboard and type in the name of wath you want to start ...
And I just have the Apps / Programs that i need in the Metro UI, so everything is on one screen...
So i don't have to search long time in the start menu for what i need
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The biggest problem with windows 8 is just how much misinformation is going around about it. The number one reason why people should get it over 7 is the simple fact that it runs faster and is better for gaming. That alone is reason enough. If you already have 7, then yes there isn't much reason to upgrade but you can obviously still benefit from the improved performance. You also don't have to use metro interface as there's the legacy desktop (normal win 7 desktop) which you can easily toggle between.
A lot of people who hate windows 8 have never actually used it.
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Never tried win 8. But I can recommend Win 7, I've had the same OS installed for 2 years now, and it hasn't given me any problem. I use it mostly for gaming.
PS: My pc Hardware hasn't been updated for over 2 or 3 years and it still runs every recent game I've tried to play (Skyrim, ME3, AC3, just to mention a few), and I've spent less than 400€ on it.
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Windows 8 Retro is really SHIT, last night i installed Windows 8 to see how it is and i cant get over that really disgusting cheap retro look, and the irritating Start page is annoying, no wonder it sells for 15 bucks, i will rather stick with Windows 7 x64 Home premium, no need to get the Ultimate since i dont use all the other stuff...
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Dear people who rages about the removal of start menu:
Download a mod.
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All games are 3D? Wat? Two of the best 2012 games were in 2D
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The core kernel of Windows 8 is ridiculously good. (I too hated every pre-release version of Windows 8 until I actually put the release version on my desktop)
You can run Windows 8 on 64MB of RAM (Granted not very well at all but I would love to see someone try and get 7 or vista to do the same)
My 5-6 year old laptop actually boots Windows 8 in around 10 seconds (SSD like boot times from a mechanical drive) Windows 7 however takes closer to 30 - 45 seconds.
I also gained Multi-Touch gestures on my laptop trackpad that I didn't have before.
Metro (the new start menu) sucks balls and the apps aren't great unless your using a tablet then both of these additions are great. (I do not own a tablet or touch-screen pc)
You can easily NOT use the new start menu or apps and still benefit from the many improvements to the core OS. (I personally use Pokki as my start menu replacement as it allows me to boot straight to desktop, disable hotcorners and basically hide all that metro junk)
Windows 8 for me has had NO compatibility issues with any games!!!
The only games that didn't run were just terribly coded ones that have hard-coded OS version requirements. (running in windows 7 compatibility mode spoofs the OS build numbers and those games ran fine without issue)
I'm starting to think my gaming performance is actually better on Windows 8 than on 7.
I format my gaming pc quite often and have often considering going back to Windows 7,
I always end up coming to the same conclusion which is to stick with Windows 8 as the improvements and new features (to the core OS such as the new task manager and the file transfer window which has speed graphs and the ability to pause network transfers) far outweigh the negative aspects. (the Metro crap and Apps)
I say this to everyone...
Don't believe the people whining that any OS is better than any other OS, Give it a decent try and work around the things you do not like (Its not actually that much effort, I just install Pokki) and find out for yourself what you prefer if you don't like it I guarantee it will not be because of performance or compatibility issues (if anything they will be the reasons you won't want to switch back).
Anyone who says Windows 7 is better blah blah blah are usually the people who don't like the look of it so have never even touched it for more than 20 mins. As an IT professional I despised Windows 8 but thought that I should at-least learn my way around it in order to provide support to those people who buy it and then have issues. After using it for a few months now I believe Windows 7 should be more like Windows 8 rather than the other way round.
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"Windows 8 for me has had NO compatibility issues with any games!!!"
just to name one
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I see so much hate on Windows 8, for example from Gabe Newell (head of Valve), I see is a good system as a lot of ppl say, but the design is made for tablets and touch PCs I think, I'm not a Windows fan, because I'm using Mac, I consider Windows only as a gaming platform, if game devs would stop making games for Windows I won't use it anymore for example and A LOT of people too!!! So Microsoft will lose money.
Now I like to buy a Windows to play games that I can't now, but I will keep my Mac for normal computer use because I really consider that Windows is only valid to play games and nothing more. So now I can't decide if get Windows 7 or get Windows 8 now.....what should I do? since Gabe hated Windows 8......maybe only because Xbox Live is making competition to Valve( like some rumors say), but really Windows is overused.
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