Luckily no. I don't even pay for my internet and get a constant 1.5 mb/s download speed on Steam
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Seriously? 1.5 mb/s is super slow for me. My average speed is like 11 mb/s
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Well, considering I don't pay a cent I am pretty happy. I live on my own and study and to do so I have to work as much as possible, so money isn't something I can throw around.
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I... i can't say anything. That's(1.5) maximum speed i ever saw on this shitty country. In my dormitory, time by time you can't even reach Google. Therefore, i have a huge offline stuff in my CD case and PC.
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150GB cap split between two people, so I get 75GB to myself each month. Need about 35GB for regular browsing. No way around it unfortunately, going over increases the price I pay.
I would like an external drive to backup downloads, but don't have the cash to pick up one.
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For me, 160GB cap a month split between 4 people(family members). I usually do all the downloading though. We used to have a 60GB cap but our ISP gave us the option to upgrade to 160GB a month for $50 extra per month.
HashTag: CanadianInternet
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When I was with Videotron (Quebec) The max surcharge for exceeding my datacap was 50$. At the time I had a student price so with the surcharge the max I ever paid was around 100$. Still overpriced compared to other countries considering the slow speeds that are offered but basically unlimited downloads for 100$. I have since switched to a smaller company that provides the same service but with a 400GB datacap (unlimited between 10pm and 6am) for less money.
Canadian internet is a joke and needs to be better regulated.
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Tecksavvy. 300 GB monthly limit in Toronto but from 3 in the morning to 8 it's unmetered.
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I know Videotron and Bell both have unlimited bandwidth for 30$ extra per month. If you have three services with them (phone, television, internet) it's 10$ extra per month. I used to have 60GB/month with videotron but when I saw this deal my life changed.
I have basic cable TV, a land phone and unlimited internet(15mbits down, 10mbits up) for 100$ per month.
To answer the OP: When I had a cap, I bought a 2TB external hard drive to store all my downloads so I would be sure never to download a game / video twice. It also gave me some stuff to play / watch again when I was near the cap.
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Have a 5gb monthly cap then a huge connection drop, Do that with the most important ones that i know i will play alot.
Sadly no way around it
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Try to live with 15 GB per month! Lucky I have free Internet browsing and steam downloading is count as site browsing :) Also I have something like 20 MB per second and low ping.
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I have unlimited data and fiber optic internet... Fuck yeah
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105 GB cap split between 5 people and yes, I use an external hard drive and just cut-paste games there that I'm currently not playing or planning to do so later on. I also download at a public building from time to time with free to use internet connection and use the Steam backing up program then to be able to use the files on my main computer.
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Technically, Comcast has a cap of 250GB, but they haven't enforced it for a long time. 250 is plenty, although I've wanted to pick up a new hard drive to store my downloads. It'd be nice to not have to worry about downloading, caps, or deleting things for space.
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I always new Japan is awesome...
Cable is not that much better in Germany, it heavily depends on the region thought.
They usually have way stricter data caps. Especially high upload is hard to get, 100 up is like a dream 10 is considered a lot here. And it's even getting worse with data caps because they like to rip people off...
Luckily I get my internet form my university now so I'm good for the next years :D
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I have unlimited, but slow as crap. Wait, no. Crap is faster.
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Luckily no cap and a 100mbit fiber line for around 30€/m.
But at the end of the year my current ISP will cancel its service in my area so I'll have to stick with 16mbit DSL again.
My neighborhood is going back to the internet stone age. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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16mbit DSL is actually pretty good, anything more is for greedy idiots.
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Had 3 GB cap back in 2005, then became 5GB in 2006 and then 10 GB in 2007. Then finally 16 GB and soon after 20GB in 2010 and then 25GB in 2011. Then I finally got uncapped last year.
I used to back everything up so I'd never have to think about ever downloading it again, heck I still do and have like 6 HDDs of various sizes full.
Managing all those caps was utter agony and made my life 1000s of time more stressful, I'd curse every lost 100MB when my connection reset in the middle of a HTTP download or some crappy filehost timed out. A bunch of Windows updates had ability to completely cripple my usage for that month. Every MB had to be accounted and budgeted to a certain type of use. I also always had to make sure that I left enough data for the final day but not so much that I wouldn't be able to use it all and thus not get full value because I desperately needed every MB I could get.
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Thats exactly why. Consumer reads 20-50Mbs and thinks its 50MB/s because typical John Public doesnt know different and the ISPs have to be able to at least CLAIM they didnt blatantly lie about their network capacity. They also dont garentee the advertised speed but instead say, "UP TO 20Mbs!!" as if the consumer will see that even half the time. At least thats in the US.
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I've got a 120 GB data cap but it doesn't include downloads made between midnight and 8 am. I used to start downloads at midnight, before going to bed and kept the auto-update off on all my games.
Now that Steam has implemented the download restrictions, allowing to set a schedule, I've turned auto-update back on and set a schedule to force downloads to happen at night.
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What is your cap? Is it per month, week, day, etc?
How do you get around the cap limitation?
Have you considered keeping your Steam game downloads on an external drive when you need to uninstall? Archive the install folder onto an external drive, and uninstall from Steam. When you want to reinstall, restore the archived copy back into its original location. Start a reinstall in Steam, and Steam will detect preexisting files and only update the files that need updating. If there's nothing to update, you won't download anything. Saves a lot of installation time, too.
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