Like, you know the swathes im talking about. Can i straight up discriminate if i find one in my giveaway, or is reroll only for "rule breakers". If i have to preemptively blacklist all of them i might scream. Can i enumerate additional criteria in the description and hold ppl to it?

2 years ago

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you can check there if they have any multiple games that they have won/or not activated. if they do just ask support to reroll with a link and it will be rerolled. other than that not sure.

2 years ago

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Im more focused on lots of private/low entrant GAs farming CV and only taking not giving back. Their actual value sent is like 10%.. Maybe 25-30% on received actual.

2 years ago

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This used to bother me too. But trust me, if you stick around, the day will come when you will be far more annoyed when a user wins a nice game like Stray from you and they have never played any of their wins.
This tool may come in handy.
Fwiw, I don't use it to punish people, but to build my whitelist.

2 years ago

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Build a whitelist.. that has Legs. Ima run with this

2 years ago

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lots of private/low entrant GAs

As others have said, you could always counter that with SG Tools, but since that site only works with private giveaways of your own, you'd become what you hate.

2 years ago

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Naw man, I'll hand wave it if the average floor is even 4 dozen entrants.. It's the single digit jokers I'm on about. The ones who clearly are just aiming for that bare minimum so the ga counts for cv. It ain't folks exchanging triple a titles with their friends, it's an honest to God enterprise. I considered this course, I mean not to walk it.

2 years ago

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In addition linking giveaway at:

Allows you to create various filters to prevent users with certain attributes not to get link to private giveaway.

2 years ago

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Smiley face. Thank you

2 years ago

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You can't ask for a reroll if someone joins your giveaway and you blacklist them and they still win. (Unless they have unactivated wins or multiple wins.)

But you can create sgtools protected giveaways where you can set filters like "CV sent / won ratio must be X or more". If someone who doesn't qualify somehow managed to find your giveaway (for example the url was given to him) you can ask for a reroll.

2 years ago

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No cap? Ima check that out. Thank you

2 years ago

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so limiting entries to people who limit their entries?

2 years ago

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limiting entries to people who don't limit their entries.

Like, if you got money cuz you steal from your roommates it's whatever.. But don't expect to move in with me.

2 years ago

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Or you could think about joining a giveaway group not accepting black sheep in their ranks.

2 years ago

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The thought has occurred.. But i suffer from a debilitating condition called really damn newb. Next ga will push me to 4 tho, so maybe soon tm.

2 years ago

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Or make your own group with specific criteria.
(enter bender meme here)

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Can i enumerate additional criteria in the description and hold ppl to it

Generally speaking, No.

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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Facts. I don't even mind the honest leech, if someone is giving away by all means line up. What irks me is misleading folks and gaming Christmas morning without shame enough to be the least bit discrete. I'd make the wall of shame public if I wasn't new enough to worry about overstepping an unspoken bound. It's relief to know that I'm liable to wind up associating with like-minded fellows eventually. Thanks

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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People tend to forget that SG is zero-sum game. If I have 500 sent and 150 won, it means there is someone who sent 150 and won 500.

Without "leeches" there would be no people that could be seen as generous, aka sending more than they win. And without those "leeches" no one would enter this shovelware junk, that some high level users keep pumping out like crazy. As they get it for dirty cheap on some grey market or directly from the developers.

I don't like to see that my non-junk games go to a person who may never play it. But you can join Playing Appreciated or similar group to combat it. Though many people don't lurk into the forum, and they would miss on this kind of games and groups. So even when I rarely make GAs I do focus them on public, trains or events. So more general users have a chance to win. Even when I may get someone who won 1k games, only idles them and say "they will surely play them later".

2 years ago

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People tend to forget that SG is zero-sum game. If I have 500 sent and 150 won, it means there is someone who sent 150 and won 500.

Make it more like 10 sent and 1000 won and you're closer to reality. Users of autojoin scripts and multiple accounts aggravate the situation too.

2 years ago*

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I wrote my kind-of actual stats :D I sent 550 and won 150.

I did my share of absurd profiles, with thousands of won and barely any sent. But also having 3k won and "only" 1k sent is IMO worse looking than someone with 300 won and 50 sent.

1st person will never have time to beat those 2k "extra" games above what they sent. While someone on +250 may be able to beat them one day. It took me nearly 6 years to beat my backlog of around 250 games. While the person with 3k wins, does it only for the number on Steam profile and card drops to feed their profile to some idle program. They may play the few AAA titles they win, and all the rest is just useless filler.

There are way more people that never gave away anything, than people who gave away at least one game. There are no stats how many people are active per level, but people with 10 sent and 1000 must be far and between, even when they are a glaring example. It's just not statistically possible for them to be in the majority or common, in contrast to people who are just slightly off-balance. They are just less memorable.

2 years ago

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Like I said in another reply.i don't mind the leaches, They are a legitimate part of the whole equation.

What I despise are the ones who inflate their cv with A bunch of Giveaways with entrants numbering in the single digits, all of them giving away the same crap games, And then trying to convince new gifters to employ level restrictions. Which they do by feigning altruism and fostering prejudice against level 0's, while the truth is that it's so their incestuous cv has value.

2 years ago

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Ah, you met TheOneWhoShallNotBeNamed's group of friends :D

2 years ago

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Me and M met early in my time. Mostly see P these days. Map the infestation has been sitting on my to-do. It's ... Expansive.

2 years ago

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You've been here only a few months, and you're already taking this "gifting" thing far too seriously XD
One word: Groups. I'm sure you know what they are, as your last three wins were from them.

Create your own Steam group and then create a discussion to advertise that group - making it such that you have to grant access to that group.
You could also work with a whitelist system, and add people you "like" to that list, and create giveaways based on that.
Just bear in mind that the more restrictions you put on your giveaways, other users may opt to restrict you from entering theirs.
Hope you find a solution that will work for you.

2 years ago

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Unlucky 7 has been pretty sweet. I'll definitely put my next GA into there. Then I hit level three and all of the filtered giveaways started looking like the group's give away in numbers and You're right it got into a little bit of a feedback loop.

The thing is so, when you're in a group and you're give aways for a group, it says all that.. you know, it's very forthright. But you've got these cliches that are acting in a concerted way And even conceptually that's not so apparent to most users beyond like a line in the faq. And when (if) you explore them you start to realize the scale of these alliances. But only if you're looking for it, meanwhile they got exploits and scams, which means somethings getting exploited, and someone's getting scammed. I unequivocally h a t e that behavior, irrespective of domain.

2 years ago

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Which is why I'm not in any groups, cliques (is this the word you meant?), or suchlike.
There are a bunch of people I have added to my whitelist though.

I only suggested the group thing, as it appears what you're trying to accomplish is shoot offenders before they get into the facility.

2 years ago

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To me you are describing elitism and I agree there are many weird bubbles, but also those that keep the bullshit at bay.

2 years ago

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It feels like Red Wine and a Cigar was present while this discussion was created. Maybe a Cognac and some slow Jazz.

A figure contemplating matters way beyond their youthful presence. 😎✌ IIII like it.

View attached image.
2 years ago

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The bastards confiscated my revolver,
They shoulda took the magnifying glass

2 years ago

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They chose wrong. Go get em...

View attached image.
2 years ago

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is there a page where I can see the users I Blacklisted?

2 years ago

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I feel like yes, but I can't find one. If you scroll through the users list the blacklisted one aren't even highlighted

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I somehow knew there must be an option to check it, but failed to look in the most obvious place.

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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