I don't really have a story to share at the moment, but I wanted to wish you good luck with your job. Sometimes it's good to take some risk. I have a lot of anxiety too so I understand how hard it can be, you just start thinking of what could go wrong and it paralizes you, but it's good that you still went for it, that's pretty good.
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I like that you decided to take the job you actually like. Too many people hate their jobs, but that doesn't mean that you also have to go through that. Of course you can get used to your hated job, especially when you start earning money, but there will be no joy in such life and it will become more dull and boring. Life is too short to spend it on things you don't like.
And here's a song.
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You are trying to improve things for yourself which is already good, but even better yet you were willing to take a chance on something. So many people stick with what's safe which is how they end up with jobs they hate, married to someone they don't really love, and all kinds of other miserable situations.
Let us know what happens Thursday. Regardless of whether you get the job or not I think you made the right choice.
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Bump! Hope everything works out for you! I believe you can make it and get the job (if you are already in the training I think there's a very low chance that you won't)
Wish me luck with my upcoming tests as well!
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I've never been in such a situation, so I can't really help you with this. I don't know what I'd have done, but my only advice would be: you should never have any regrets about your decision. If you made that choice at one point, it's because you had good reasons for it. Stick to them and live your life in your own way.
I really hope you get the job. Good luck and keep us updated! :)
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Thank you but now it's even better - I got the job :D I even made a new thread :D
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Hello fellow users!
Today I will tell you some story. I don’t really know why, I guess I just want to share it with someone.
As some of you might now, I’m jobless for some long time. Things are pretty bad for me now, mostly because of atmosphere in my home. It’s toxic. I try to act like it's nothing but sometimes it’s really, really hard, when only good things that you hear are neutral, because most of time you have to listen how you can’t do anything right. Well, I know, I’m 24 and I feel left behind, I made some mistakes but how about not reminding me about it constantly? Huh? How about some stupid support, a little helping hand and some word of encouragement? I guess it’s too much to ask.
Getting a job would help. I wouldn’t be able to move out, but I would have monies, I would go back on university and finally I would do some progress in my life. Chance to do that occurred on last Wednesday. I went to job fair, I left CV in few places. Finally I approached one booth. Long story short, things escalated really quickly and few hour later I was practically hired. On Thursday and Friday I was supposed to get pre-job training and on Saturday I would start. On that day I would also sign the agreement and I would officially had a job. I was super excited I even bragged about it a little here and there.
But them something happened. On Thursday, during first day of training I got a phone from a company that test software. Nice girl told me that they would like to invite to an interview. If I would pass I would work with games. I would be game tester. Amazing, right? Sure, I know it isn’t as great as it might sound. I’m also aware that it isn’t just playing games all the time and having a good time but it’s still something that interest me and maybe I would find some people to help me with my amazing AFGPRO project.
Anyway, I had to make some though choice – take a job that is granted or resign and risk with something I would really like to do? You have to know, that this first job, the one I practically had, wasn’t my dream one. “most people don’t like their jobs! Grow up!” Yeah, yeah, I know. The thing is I would actually had a really hard time there, thanks to my anxiety that kicks in way to often. But you know - what choice I had when I was looking for job for so long? You don’t have a luxury of being picky when you are under the wall.
I was afraid that ditching that job and taking a risk with game tester position would show me as a quitter. That taking that risk would be an excuse to resign from work that I need, only because I think that I wouldn’t make it there. I know that ‘there is no progress without a struggle’ but there are some things that seems just too hard for me to jump over. I can do brave/stupid stuff, I can accomplish great things, yet there are some simple situations that can defuse me in a second, leaving me helpless.
So what could I do? Answer is simple and anyone with logic and common sense know it. I also know that answer, yet I decided to take the risk. I ditched the first job and today I was on interview. It went good. It was in english, I did surprisingly good. I played few games, I had to make some tests. I’m little nervous about my written english. It’s all good until I don’t have a pressure of time on my head, and today I kinda had it. Still,
I hopeI know that girl from HR will decide that I’m good enough and from Thursday I will be a proud member of game dev community.So, well, you don’t have to write anything. If you want you can share some similar stories about taking harder and riskier way. Also, there is a train hidden here, bundled, but with good games. Since I spend few minutes on writing it, you can spend few minutes for reading it. Level 2, will end on next Sunday.
In meantime I was so busy that I couldn't do SG related stuff that I was supposed to do, and I also catched a cold. Great, right? But it's not all bad - yesterday I won 10 GAs at one time (they all ended in very same moment). One of the games was Bad Rats so now my SG experience is complete. I heard that after finishing that game you evolve to a higher level, so I'm pretty excited to beat it.
Wait a sec - I wanted to write few more things but I didn’t expect that it would end as a such long wall of text. Maybe next time.
EDIT: I promissed you some updates so here we go
Yesterday was the second and last day of training. Long story short we had two 'tests'. In first one, I think I did pretty well. In second one... well. I'm little butthurt about it because we had seven tasks to do. I nailed one that was supposed to be hard (I think only two more people from my group did it right) but I failed in one that was supposed to be, well, maybe not easy, but 'medium'. I think it was the only one I did wrong so it should be okay (we were 'allowed' to have two wrong 'answers').
Company have some kind of score system that helps them to decide who to hire. I'm little worried about my english and I wonder if good score from tests will help me if my english wasn't perfect (and let's face it - I probably made some mistakes). Beside that, there will be also some commentary from our 'teacher' but I should be okay with that. He was cool guy, we talk a little during breaks, and I did few things that might have impressed him.
Now, I'm waiting for results. Normally it takes them from 3 to 4 weeks to respond but because they work on many projects they should respond 'fast' which means two weeks of waiting at max. I don't know if they decided to hired someone from next monday, but if they do, my bet is on people that already worked as testers.
So, that's it. I will post results, when they will (or not) respond but it won't be soon :P
Well, first day of training is behind me. It was good. In turns out that whole thing is in polish but all our materials (like games, operating systems, data bases) are in english. Training is really, really basic, and we are suppose to learn most of things from other workers. According to official version, company don't have time to do detailed trainings. Cool, cool, but some infos, for most common systems, would be nice. Well, let's hope that I will sit next to helpfull people :P
Bug reports are, of course, in english. I try to keep them as short as possible to prevent any mistakes. Today I only made two minor mistakes, other people in my group also had some little problems so I think it should be fine. Anyway, if I will get that job I will think about some english lessons to master that language.
As for tomorrow... Well, personally I think it's stupid because that infos are harmless but NDA don't let me talk about anything that is happening there. I mean, I can say that I was on training, but I can't say how it looked, etc. Anyway, it seems that we will have some kind of 'test' but it won't be to hard. If I will keep my head cool, I should make it.
I might or might not be hired tomorrow. If company will decide that they need additional people to main projects ASAP, I will get a job and start on monday. If not, I probablly will be informed after weekend.
Sorry for potential mistakes, but I'm writing it really fast without checking anything because I have to go to sleep soon :P
And Thank you for all comments. Sorry I don't respond to them, but I'm kinda busy here :P
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. I made it through first stage and tomorrow I will start training that will last for two days! When girl from HR called me I couldn't stop myslef and I said something like "Does that mean I have a job?". Well, not yet my friends. "You will be hired officially after training". Cool, cool. You see, that training is suppose to be second (and last) stage of recrutation, but I think they only want to check if candidates aren't idiots. I'm not (most of time) so I will be okay ;)
Things will now get really serious. I will even have to sign NDA, so no spoilers for you. Both on Thursday and Friday I will spend there 8 hours, which will be hard due to my current sickness but I will somehow make it :D Last but not least, I think that training will be with some guy (or girl) that speak only english so it should be fun :P
I only worry about getting up early in the morning to get there. Last night I almost didn't sleep at all (I just can't sleep when I'm ill :P) and I'm afraid that tonigh I will also only lay for few hours straight. It's not a problem when you don't want to do anything important, but for 8 hours of training in english, it would be nice to have my mind in top form. But again, I will go throught it :)
I forget to add one more game to train. I will bump thread with it :)
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