To Kaitlyn: I am sorry to hear about what happened to you, only time can heal such wounds.
To Mazther: There comes the time when we have to say goodbye to our friends. It's just life. I feel sorry for your loss, but on the other hand you should look back and reflect to all the nice moments your pet offered you, and be happy about it.
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Sorry for your loss :( I know that feeling. It is always VERY sad to loose a cat :'(
I also don't feel very good today. Well, I feel bad for the last days. I started to work last week monday. And it is really a terrible job. The job itself isn't really the problem though. My "boss" (he isn't really the boss, but he's the one who has to say the most in the part I work) is the unfriendliest person I have EVER met in my life. Please and Thanks? I don't think he even knows those words. If he tells you something, you don't understand it and ask "Could you please repeat that?" he gets angry. Everyone is to slow for him.
I could just punch him in the face...
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You look very young to be divorced. Sorry it didn't work out for you.
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Ouch, sorry to hear that. You are definitely a generous person, I hope karma kicks in and starts turning things around for you.
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only liquor can heal wounds, time just lets wounds get infected. do the responsible thing: drink
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Listening to music always cheers me up. Maybe it might work for you.
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Really, meh so far. Interning, but I swear half my time is empty.
Probably more.
As guy above said, music does help, I'd probably recommend some happy trance, at this point( since you probably dont want lyrics to give you even more to think about)
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I have an exam today, will start in about 40 minutes from this comment is posted.
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I prefer to be calm and relaxed before going to any exams. And I wish you goodluck too.
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Bad day too, but not my worst by a long shot. Got a favorite old game to replay or a favorite book to get lost in? Playing an old game I've beaten a ridiculous number of times seems to be my best medicine (or music), as well as just clicking random links until I end up places like this.
If it cheers you up at all, your avatar was a huge part of my childhood. I always loved that Mr. Friend episode the most though. lol
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Kinda funny - I love that book, and Tomb Raider Anniversary is one of my favorite games. I played it over and over on my PSP, then rebought it on PC once I had a decent laptop... and then played it over and over again there too.
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My life has been pretty boring, except the fact that a giant butterfly flew into my room last week while I was out and laid about 20+ eggs in random places.
I chased it out and cleared the eggs, but last night it became apparent that I missed out some, and they hatched into tiny hairy worm thingies.
I felt somewhat guilty of killing them.
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well, not really. Here the laws don't protect the animals that much and has i said i don't have proof but since i moved he hated my cat.
He is that kind of people that just hate the animals and my cat love to take the sun in my lawn but he always was screaming at her and that stuff.
I live in Mexico BTW
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Holy cow, your neighbor is seriously messed up. I'm so sorry :(
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I don't try to offend anybody but the way I see it animals are almost always better than humans.
They don't betray, don't hate and if they kill it's because they need. We in the other hand... I think some people are evil by nature.
And thanks for the hug, hope we can play some time n.n
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I think you are wrong because you are forgetting that non-humans are individuals with personalities too and they can be assholes if they want to. It doesn't have anything to do with the species they belong. Some of them also betray, hate, kill and torture just for fun. The difference is that we aren't being constantly spammed with those horrors by the media.
And we can play anytime you want to :D
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...intentionally? If so, your neighbors are even worse than mine. ._.
Edit: Ninja'd by your above comment. That's just messed up.
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I slept in, watched the Bears lose despite coming back from 23 down to go up by 10, Got past where I quit playing Crysis! had french fries for dinner, now my head feels kind of woozy, then had ice cream! so kind of average day.
Hope things get better for you!
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Woke up, watched Breakout Kings(Really good show), drank lots of milk today, dropped a 35 pound dumbbell on my foot, had pudding, had some amazing thai food, and slept, woke up, and then I came here. Sorry about your cat.
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At least you didn't get raped. It's strangely comforting to know that it can always get worse.
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I would gladly take the opportunity to prove you incorrect.
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Better get practicing, cause I'm pretty sure "by force" is the only way you're ever getting laid.
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I didn't really understand, the context of your message, but then again I am pretty sure, you didn't understand the context of my message, that's why you replied in such an offensive matter. Anyway let me clarify things: I didn't mean that I wanted to rape you, I said that If you wanted to someone to rape, I could be there :p
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Come in Romania, there is a lot of snow, and when I say a lot I mean this -> ...
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Hey, everybody is my friend, friend! So you have at least one friend here! My day has been pretty uneventful, not too much to share! I did use one of those meme generators to make this today. Maybe you can be happy you aren't bad luck brian, that guy seriously has a bad day--every day.
Anyways, hope your day gets better. Hopefully tomorrow will be the dawn of a better day :>
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Also this is a pic of her if someone want to know how she looked.
Thanks for the cheers to all of you chaps and chapettes :D
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She looks so pretty! Hope tomorrow will be better for you :)
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Aww. I love Siamese. I have a chocolate point Persian, which is basically a Persian with Siamese ancestry. So she looks a bit like that, but fluffy with a squished up face and pudgy little belly. lol
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Why did i not celebrate easter? i missed the candy! lol
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I have broken my arm and cannot play games for 6 weeks :( (first world problems :D)
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1st time- Falling off monkey bars in a playground
2nd time- Falling off a scooter
3rd time- Being biked into while I was on Rollerblades
4th time (and the best story)- Falling over an obstacle in a blindfolded race at school
4.5th time- The doctors had to re break the bone because they set it in the cast incorrectly
5th time- Broken by doctors to fix the fact that breaking my bones too many times made one bone shorter than the other
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Hey :) Cheer... almost always there is room for worst :)
Bad times? take a 1 hour break from all... eat something, relax at a nice comedy (personaly i love the old CHEERS seeries, but also Friends is awesome or any older tv series works like a charm) when u feel a little better... think of a good solution...then see how you can do that in the next day, next week, so on:)
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google the seeries. it`s all in the attitude. Your best friend died, is hard. is bad. sad, wrong. But honor him to keep in mind the best of him, the good moments. no one said to party up on a tragedy. But you can you can do in his honor a day of what your friend liked. sounds bad. but trust me.we all lose family, friends and we all cope in individual ways.
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lost some times ago my dog :) His name was Benji, almost 11yrs old. Died poisoned by some retarded humans beeings. Because of the stray dogs around the city they placed some poison to get rid of the dogs... long story.
Died in my hands when running to the vet. more then 5 yrs have passed and i still get up in the morning ready to get him to his walk :)
Trust me when i say that our friends, family lives in us. i only need to imagine for 1 second about my dear old Benji and in that 1 second i see alsmot all the walks, the funny moments and so on. I am not a kid :) Have some years behind me. Sounds wierd for some of you guys. But if you lose a there is no bigger joy in life then to remember them for ever :) The pain will fade away... the memory and touch on your soul will be for ever.
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While I'm not a kid I'm not too old (i have 21) but i know how is to lose somebody lost my grandma and my aunt the last year and 1 year before I lost my grandpa.
And that is just what happened to my cat, got poisoned by my neighbor (intentionally) and died in my arms, she used to sleep with me in my bed and she used to wake me up to have her breakfast. I know i will really miss her
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A nice, calm, relaxing round or two in either Carmageddon or Carmageddon 2 can do wonders if you're down. There's no way it's not bringing a smile to your face. If you're going for movies, then Braindead (Dead Alive for americans) is your best choice, or Singing in the Rain.
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Today I had the worst day in my life so far. I'm just too depressed to talk to people face to face and this is the online "community" I feel more attached even when I don't have friends here and I haven't been here that much.
I don't want games so let that out of the equation, just wanna talk. How was your day?
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