'I got like 300 games on my steam and i'm still playing more F2P games than the games i've bought.'
So he was talking about steamgames.
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Planetside, I've already gotten a bunch of hours on it and it just recently got out of beta
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You can get everything out of it without paying, except for the camo, which is all cosmetic shit
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f2p games make more money than paid because of the many micro transactions people buy,just look at Nexon they make soo much profit off of their f2p titles its unbelievable.They were even planning to buy out EA earlier last year. Why do you think EA wants to go down this route and make all of their games f2p :(. Don't get me wrong some titles like TF2 and LoL work great as free to play but alot make you feel forced into buying everything you want anyway because you can't be bothered to grind 100 hours to get 1 gun.
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Smaller publishers make even more money from their investments due to niche (region) targeting.
Most of the 'MMO' sites covering these games are bought by advertisers to the point where they're press release junkyards. Usually it's a large publisher like PWI or Aeria, but you'd get the odd smaller title wanting to cash in in the first week.
EA likes F2P because they're not making much headway in the DD realm (Origin is a failure business-wise) and making F2P titles is an easy way in - not to mention all those mobile titles they have. They're one of a dedicated few who really believe in the "console/AA experience" going micro-transaction and succeeding. Crytek is another with their russian shooter.
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The gameplay is what gets the money. Devs need to strike a balance where they are getting enough money to run the game without having to make it pay-to-win. If people don't like the gameplay, they won't play the game and the devs don't get any money.
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They are only to be bought with IP, which is the currency you get for playing games.
And theyre not expensive.
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The developers seem to care a lot about gameplay, balance, community, and entertainment. Also someone who doesn't pay a cent can function just as well as people who have accelerated their gear accumulation with money. It's definitely not pay-to-win.
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Tribes is above my skill level, it moves way too fast for me. That being said the company that makes it (Hi-Rez Studios) is full of really awesome people and if for nothing more than how cool they all were to me in person, I recommend any of their games (Tribes, Smite or Global Agenda)
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path of exile. You can play even skills tree xD : http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree
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its simple,DotA 2 one of the best f2p games along TF2...
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Firefall, End of nations, World of Tanks, World of Warplanes, PlanetSide 2, Star Wars The Old Republic is F2P up to level 50, and Im sure there are a lot of other good ones too
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I guess both,
With F2P they aren't on a so called Deadline or something so they got more time to make a game more enjoyable.
But i guess that's a bad argument because they can still make updates and stuff.
I don't know, i guess i like F2P more, it has something different than those expensive games.
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some yes, some not.
... and I hate F2P games with a P2W item shop
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But still to play with your friends, you have to pay money.
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well games like End of Nations dont have any buyable content that effects the gameplay so its not pay to win but it does have cosmetic items because they have to make money somewhere
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Saying free to play games aren't in it for the money is as precise as saying big name publishers aren't in it for the money.
And on that note, games that cost 60 bucks generally suck. You should take more of a look into the indie market.
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Most games priced ~$60 on PC are usually pretty good. Dishonored, Far Cry, and a lot of other AAA titles are great. Sure maybe you don't like COD, but Black Ops 2 made over $500 million in it's first day so obviously a lot of people like it and are willing to pay $60. There are always games that suck, and honestly I believe that the indie market has a much larger ratio of bad games to good games. I agree though that a ton of indies don't get the attention they deserve.
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America's Army. They may be trying to use it as a recruitment tool, but they're definitely not in it for the money, and damned if it's not a quality game. The original was kinda meh, but they're up to v3 now.
And is it Rage or Ravaged? One of those, anyway. F2P and looks fun as hell, if the videos are any indication.
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As long as the F2P games aren't P2W then its a good F2P game. Personally I prefer straight up free games. Alien Swarm has been my favorite for those, too bad the community died out and not much people heard of this great game nor knew how to install the custom maps (which weren't too hard to do).
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Mechwarrior Online,
Cosmic Break,
Warframe (although it has a pricey cash shop),
RaiderZ last time I played anyway (Alpha),
Blacklight Retribution,
As far as single player games go, there are countless free RPGs that are amazing, especially if you like Roguelikes.
Some of my favorite Roguelikes are:
Rogue Survivor,
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup,
Flare (not really roguelike, but fun),
I really don't care if a game is free or $60 (as long as neither are P2P). Some of my favorite games are free and some I've bought the collectors editions ($100+). All depends on what you are willing to try. Obviously for free there is a ton of crap, and even worse communities, but there are diamonds out there waiting to be found.
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I'm on the same boat. For some reason my most played games are all f2p. It might be because people here don't buy that many games. Currency is a very big issue.
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It really is an awesome game. I like the fact that they listen so well to the community with the development of their game. I think this will be one of the top tier games, like TF2 and Dota (2).
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No Super Monday Night Combat love here? C'mon guys...
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Some, if not most F2Ps from the start (there are a ton, of course only the "better" ones get more exposure) are developed around the idea "how can I monetize this part of the game?" which ruins the game.
Probably depends on your preferences though. I don't play any F2Ps except for Dota2, last one I tried was LotRO and that got boring for me fast. Not that it was bad, it's even a good model of a free-to-play, as you can even get the $$$ equivalent points (Turbine points was it) from achievements in-game.
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Best game ever, steam://install/480
paste this into browser address bar, then hit enter
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You can play a F2P game and get all the item you have to buy for free.
Just join a private server :) That's what I did when I played Metin 2 about 6 years ago.
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Planetside 2 has brought me more laughs and fun than most $60 shooters.
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It really depends which game. There are F2P games that are better than some games you need to buy and there are games you need to buy that are better than F2P games. I guess that 60$ was for CoD so I must say yes - F2P games are better than CoD!:)
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can't agree with you...
TF2 - absolutely badass
Spiral Knights - yes very cool and nicely done F2P modal
Hawken - oh hell yeah
just about every other one i've tried - NO... utterly disappointing
some are almost enjoyable but only for a little while - Forsaken World and another one kinda like it but can't even remember the name now (because they just get so "cookie cutter")
but most of them fall more in the Fallen Earth bucket of get me the hell outta here
I do see some interesting looking ones that I haven't tried and probably will at some point but so far i'm left disappointed with F2P other than a few gems that stand out
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Is it me or are the Free to play games way more fun than the games you pay 60 bucks for..
I think people that make free to play games are more focused on the game instead of the Money.
I got like 300 games on my steam and i'm still playing more F2P games than the games i've bought.
What are your thoughts about this?
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