if you win a game, you need to activate this on your account, only your account, you can't give the key to someone else.
if you win a game, SG automatically cancel your vote for other ga for the game you win. with that system, you can't won twice the same game (maybe this don't work for ga if they finish at the same time)
not sure if i answer to your question but.. i hope
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I'm not sure if it's still the case, but I think if you win a giveaway, the steamgifts website will automatically unsubscribe you from any other giveaways for that same game to prevent multiple win scenarios.
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I'm meaning if it's possible to give away games that while you did enter the giveaway, it's not a game that you want and that you just want to giveaway the game. I don't know if there's any other way to get XP but as far as I know, giving away games is the only way to get XP.
I understand that I would need to get the games on my library to make sure I don't get suspended, so yeah.
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All games must be activated, you can do giveaways of games you won.
Let's say you giveaway a game that you won (you put the same"exact key"); you would have to buy a key by yourself and have the game activated in your account, because you won it and knew the key.
If there is proof of you activating the game, in the end, with other key, there should be no problem, but it's something that I have only seens at most, three times in my sg life and it's kinda weird to do.
That about "regifting" as fatheststar says. You can always be rerolled but of course, you won't have access to the key(unlessyou click on the show key thingy)
Now, someone from support island is the right person to talk with you about this.
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You technically can, that happened to me once in the sense that I had to re-get the game because the key was accidentally activated by me somewhere else. The problem is, you'd end up buying the game anyways, either to activate on your account because you gave away someone else's key or to giveaway since you activated the key you won. There's really no point.
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If you don't want a game that you win, it's best to not enter - as if you win you are expected to activate on your own accout. But note there is a "reroll" option. You can request the person doing the giveaway will reroll. But if you win a game, you should activate it in your account. You should not regift a game you've won.
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Alright, that makes sense. I guess I should go and enter giveaways of games that I actually want.
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After all, if you don't want a game, why should you enter a GA for that game? ;)
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Yeah, I was looking at the thing from a normal gifter/gamer point of view, not in a beat-the-system-wise sense... Luckily there are tools to help preventing this. :)
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Is it possible to give away games that have already been given to you?
No. You can create giveaway for the same game if you'd have spare key in the future. But do no use keys of gifts you won here.
I usually enter a few giveaways at a time and sometimes join multiple of the same game in chances of winning, despite that I'm just curious.
If you win game all other entries for the same game / DLC will be removed. And it will not be possible to enter it again
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I know that SteamGifts states that you have to register the games onto your account otherwise your account would get suspended, but is it possible to giveaway games that you do not want to other SteamGifts users? I usually enter a few giveaways at a time and sometimes join multiple of the same game in chances of winning, despite that I'm just curious.
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